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Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: „Making Sense of CanLit: Critical Pedagogies and Knowledge-Production in the Teaching of Canadian Literature Today“

BACS Literature Group Symposium, University of Leeds (GB)
7th September 2015

Extended Deadline: 30th June 2015

Amidst an ongoing public finance crisis, scholars of Canadian literature often find themselves confronted by the need to work within a new “research capitalism” paradigm (Coleman and Kamboureli 2011). While certainly not unique to the humanities, the current drive to refashion knowledge-production in view of the new socio-economic and political realities has affected the development of critical pedagogies which challenge canonised views while “initiating ethical acts that have social justice and equity as modes of desire” (Miki 2011: 259). Do the revised financial, institutional and disciplinary agendas inevitably doom Canadian literary scholarship to embracing the proverbial “strategy of survival” (Sojka 2013: 16)? Or, could this moment be an opportunity for rethinking the parameters of our pedagogic practice and exploring “the unpredictable resources of the imagination, and the plethora of non-rational tensions and uncertainties that are operative in everyday intellection” (Miki 2011: 254)?

This one-day symposium of the BACS Literature Group seeks to address the above questions by providing a forum for discussion, analysis and reflection on current practices of teaching Canadian literature in the UK and beyond. We are hoping that this event will give us the opportunity to share and reflect upon our teaching experiences, methodologies and approaches to curriculum design in a cross-institutional and trans-national setting, with a view of making an important contribution to pedagogic discussions taking place in Canada. Proposals for 15-minute position papers, case studies or reflective pieces on the above questions are invited. Although not limited to the following, these might address:


  • designing Canada-related modules and syllabi within a non-Canadian HE setting;
  • developing alternative models of Canadian literature knowledge-production and pedagogic practice in and outside the HE classroom;
  • making Canada matter outside Canada – comparative and trans-national approaches to teaching and learning;
  • assessing the impact of “rhizomatic learning” (Cormier 2010), interdisciplinarity and the  employability agenda on Canadian literary study;
  • examining the role of Canadian Studies networks for the development of critical pedagogic practices.

The symposium is open to BACS members and non-members alike, and participants from any country are welcome, academic or professional background. Postgraduates and those with teaching experience in a non-academic context (e.g. arts organisations, schools, community groups, life-long learning, etc.) are particularly welcome. There is some funding available to help with the travel expenses of postgraduate / unwaged presenters.

Outline proposals for papers, reflective pieces, reports or case studies (250 words) and a short bio note should be sent to Dr Simone Lomartire and Dr Milena Marinkova at Also welcome are alternative formats for presentation, such as workshops, roundtables or other dialogical arrangements (please note your suggested format on the proposal). Please submit your proposal no later than 30 June 2015. Extended versions of the papers will be uploaded on the BACS website in August.


Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: „Beyond the 49th Parallel: Canada and the North – Issues and Challenges“

7th Triennial International Conference of the Central European Association of Canadian Studies
9 – 10 October, 2015, Zagreb (Croatia)

Organizing Committee of the Croatian-Canadian Academic Society: Vanja Polić, Evaine Le Calve–Ivičević and Marija Paprašarovski from the University of Zagreb

As a geographical notion, “the North” can be used to indicate any or all locations in the northern hemisphere, from the equator to the North Pole. In relation to the United States, all of Canada can be seen as “the North”. But within Canada there is a whole range of different “Norths”, both historically and at present: the “Pays d’en Haut” of the voyageurs, the old Northwest, today’s camping and cottage country “up north”, the northern regions of many of the provinces (differing across the country), the northern territories (Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut), the Far North. Each of these reflects a different kind of “nordicity”, to use Canadian geographer LouisEdmond Hamelin’s now widely adopted term.

Beyond geography, “the North” is also a concept, one that encompasses a broad range of meanings and symbolic values. It is an imagined space as well as a space for the imaginary, a space of myth as well as a space shaped by myth, by turns cruel and ennobling, enigmatic and inspiring, powerful and fragile. The country’s “northerness” is often viewed as one of its
distinguishing features, a vital element in the Canadian identity – even when “the North” in this case may mean only the non-urban part of Canada north of the thin populated band hugging the border with the United States. It is also a source of pride – “the true North, strong and free” – and, increasingly, in an era of climate change, a challenge. Canada’s imagined and real Norths have been literary and cultural obsessions for centuries.

The aim of this conference is to explore both the literal and the imaginative aspects of the relationship between Canada and “the North” – geographical, economic, literary, linguistic, cultural, social, political, diplomatic, environmental. We seek submissions from all disciplines that deal with Canada and Canadian Studies.

The topics may include but are NOT limited to:
– the North and its representations: real and imaginary territory
– the North in Canadian literature: nordicity and its varieties
– First Nations artwork and literature
– the symbolic North in Canadian culture: hockey, curling, winter carnivals, canoes
– living in the North: Aboriginal communities, the life and survival of traditional cultures, demography and development of local communities, social problems
– North and South: Canada as America’s “North”, southern Canada and its “North”
– decision-making in the North: the roles of federal, provincial and territorial governments and of local administration
– the North and economic questions: exploitation of resources, gas and oil exploration, tourism
– the North and the international community: defense of Canadian sovereignty, the Arctic Council

The Croatian-Canadian Academic Society welcomes proposals for twenty-minute presentations in the field of Canadian Studies. Accepted are paper proposals in English and French. Abstracts of between 150 and 250 words + a brief CV (150 words) should be submitted via the Paper Proposal Submission Form, which is to be found on the conference website. This must be sent by 10 June 2015 to the conference e-mail Notification of acceptance of paper by 15 June 2015.

Click here for the Conference Website and fore more information on the Call of Papers and the Paper Proposal Submission form: Zagreb 2015

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Symposium: „The UN at 70: A Canadian Perspective“

Symposium, June 12 2015, McMaster University, Hamilton (CA)

In 1970, to mark the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau addressed the House of Commons and told those in attendance: „Canada has consistently sought, within the measure of her resources and influence, to strengthen the UN’s institutions in the service of peace and the improvement of quality of life for all … it is timely to pledge this government and the people of Canada to continuing support for the UN as the best hope we have that the grave challenges facing Canada and the world can be met.“ As we approach the 70th anniversary of what was a remarkable achievement in international cooperation, the attitude of the Canadian government towards the UN seems drastically different. A greater emphasis has been placed on Canada’s part in NATO, the G8, and even the British Commonwealth of late. Yet, according to recent polls, Canadians continue to regard UN peacekeeping as the most important international action this country undertakes. This provides some indication that a renewed Canadian interest in the UN would be both possible and welcomed by many Canadians.

The Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University invites those interested to attend a one-day symposium that will bring together an interdisciplinary mixture of scholars whose interests lie in the history of the UN, Canadian foreign policy, development studies, peace studies, and political science. It will assemble those who study the UN using a number of different approaches, not simply the study of policy. These include: the efficacy of the UN as a progressive force; Canadian interactions with the UN; and Canada’s future with the UN. The first of these topics will capture some of the idealism that greeted the UN’s birth in 1945 and measure the effectiveness of this project for a better world through the decades to the end of the Cold War. The second topic will focus on the intellectual, political, and financial investments that Canadians have made in the United Nations. Prominent and ordinary people alike have had remarkable encounters with the UN, and this panel will delve more fully into how the UN and Canada have mutually constituted one another. Our final panel will look at the UN in the present and offer cogent analyses of its current operations and how it might move to become a more effective organization in the near future.

The Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University, one of the premier organizations in the country, will host this event on 12 June 2015 in Hamilton, Ontario. Our keynote speaker will be former Minister of External Affairs, Lloyd Axworthy. This symposium will offer a chance to debate the past, present, and future of Canadian involvement with the UN in a constructive and collegial manner. We hope that you will count yourself among those interested in this event!

For further information and the conference schedule, please visit

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: „ExRe(y). Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture“

International Conference, April 7 & 8, 2016, Lublin, Poland

Organizers: Izabelle Kimak, Julia Nikiel

MCSU Department of American Literature and Culture in cooperation with Canadian Studies Department and Video Game Research Center is pleased to announce a two-day international conference “ExRe(y). Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture.”

The organizers invite presentations that focus on the forms of expression and repression in American or Canadian literature and visual culture (i.e. film, visual arts, video games, television, and others) spanning the period of the last fifteen years, from the year 2000 to the present day.

Topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

• language as a source and tool of oppression and empowerment
• sexuality: self-expression vs. erotophobia and sexual repression
• mind: creativity and trauma, denial and repressed memory
• the body as a space of self-expression and self-inflicted regimes: dietary and beautification practices, clothing, body modification
• emotional abuse, power, and control relationships
• spaces of confinement: prisons, war zones, refugee camps
• surveillance: panopticons and spaces of control
• political repression and persecution: totalitarianism, autocracy, dictatorship, despotism
• representations of post-millennial watersheds (9/11, Enron, John Jay Report, crisis of 2008)
• new forms of narrative expression (blogs, fan fiction, Twiterature)
• text as an interactive space: ergodic literature, hypertext, cybertext
• video games and virtual worlds as spaces of expression and repression
• cross- and trans-media dialogues (expressing image through text and text through image)

Selected presenters will be invited to participate in a joint book project to be published by Peter Lang in 2017.

Abstracts, including the title of the paper, name of the author(s), and academic affiliation, should be sent to Izabella Kimak and Julia Nikiel ( by 15 October 2015.

For further information, please visit:

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Congress „Capital Ideas“ of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2015

Congress, May 30 – June 5 at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (CA)

Organizer: Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Unrivaled in scope and impact, the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is the convergence of approximately 70 scholarly associations, each holding their annual conference under one umbrella.  Now in its 84th year, this flagship event is much more than Canada’s largest gathering of scholars. Congress brings together academics, researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners to share findings, refine ideas, and build partnerships that will help shape the Canada of tomorrow.

Typically spanning seven days in late May and early June, and attracting an average of 8,000 attendees, Congress is organized by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and hosted by a different Canadian university each year. The Federation, host university, scholarly associations and partners develop a full week of presentations, workshops, panels, public lectures, cultural events and receptions. It also features Canada’s largest academic trade show. The result? Luminaries, researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and students from across Canada and abroad meet, share ideas and engage in discussions that have direct importance for Canada and the lives of Canadians.

Congress programming is open to attendees, academics and non-academic audiences. From theatre research, literature studies and history to education, sociology and communications, Congress represents a unique showcase of scholarly excellence, creativity, and leadership.

Further information on the program and registration: Congress 2015