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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century

13th Graduate Student Conference of the Young Scholars‘ Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries, University of Vienna (A), June 24-26, 2016

Nachwuchsforum-Tagung 2016In May 2014, Austrian drag artist Conchita Wurst won the 59th Eurovision Song Contest and set in motion a wave of responses resonating beyond the borders of the country. In only one year, Conchita – by now the so-called “Queen of Austria” (ORF) and the “queer star on the European horizon” (The Guardian) – has transformed into an icon, not only of pop culture, but first and foremost of tolerance, diversity, respect, and freedom as she continues to promote the 2015 contest’s motto “Building Bridges.” Her anti-discrimination campaign has increased awareness of the necessity for change on social, cultural, and political levels, and has encouraged new debates about human rights, not only in Europe, but on a global scale. As such, CTV’s Canada AM has argued that just as Eurovision is about more than songs, Conchita’s message concerns more than Austria. Her message transcends the borders of Europe and continues to impact even Canadians, who are struggling with current affairs such as the refugee and asylum seeker debates, which have dominated even Canada’s federal election campaigns this fall. Mirroring the increasingly difficult situation Europe has been facing, this reflects Canada’s ongoing status as a space of encounters and multiculturalism, but also of separatism and (neo)colonial policies.

The 13th graduate student conference of the Young Scholars’ Forum taking place in Vienna in 2016 is thus titled “Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century.” It aims at exploring Canada’s cross-cultural and transnational dimensions; the realities of its histories, geographies, cultures, politics, and, above all, its people and identities, that have shaped and transformed it into its current state as a multicultural dominion a mari usque ad mare (“from sea to sea”).

Topics and disciplines to be addressed (in English and French) will include:

  • (Im)Migration, Integration, Refugee & Asylum-Seeker Debates
  • Anglo- and Francophone Canadian Literatures & Cultures
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Multiculturalism
  • Gender & Queer Studies
  • Media & Film Studies, Visual Culture
  • Anthropology, (Ethno)History, Geography, Politics & Economics
  • Language, Linguistics & Translation
  • Canada/Québec and the World 

Please find further information on the conference program, registration, location etc. on the conference website.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Canadian Studies Day 2016: Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada

marburger zentrum




14. Juni 2016, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6D

Das Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien veranstaltet am 14.6.2016 in Marburg eine interdisziplinäre Tagung/Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema „Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada“. Die Besonderheit dieses Jahres ist, dass hierbei an die Thematik der aktuellen Ringvorlesung „Canadian Ecologies – Écologies canadiennes – Kanadische Ökologien“ angeknüpft wird. Hierbei wird der Frage nachgegangen: Wie kann man das Thema Ökologie und Umwelt in Kanada in den Englisch- und Französischunterricht bringen?
Wissenschaftlerinnen, LehrerInnen, Studierende und SchülerInnen eröffnen auf dem Canadian Studies Day ein breites Feld an Themen, Methoden und Ideen für den Unterricht an Schulen und Universitäten.

Für Rückfragen und Anmeldung für den Canadian Studies Day (bis zum 7.6.2016) wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Vonderschmidt oder Herrn Kuester.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt!

Das vorläufige Programm können Sie hier einsehen.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call for Papers: Revisiting Suburbia – Revisiter les espaces périurbains

February 17-19, 2017, Grainau, Germany
38th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries

Canada, over the last several decades, has become not only a highly urbanized country but, in fact, “an overwhelmingly suburban nation” (Bourne 1991: 25, emphasis added). There is little doubt that Canada’s urban experience in the early part of the 21st century is actually, in large parts, a suburban experience. And while suburbia as such is not a new topic for academia, suburban Canada has undergone massive changes over the last few decades. As the Canadian space economy has been restructured through processes of global economic change, the spatial structure of Canadian metropolises and the relations between centre and suburbs have been modified accordingly. Changing immigration and internal migration trends have had a notable impact not just on the traditional immigrant reception areas of the inner cities, but on the outer city as well, with an increase in ethnic diversity as well as the emergence of ethnoburbs. Socioeconomic polarization and poverty have taken root in the suburbs, just as new lifestyles and family arrangements have found spaces in suburbia, which today appears more diverse, more vibrant and less homogeneous than ever before. “We’re a long way from Levittown, Dorothy”, as Drummond & Labbé (2013: 46) succinctly put it. So…

  • How to make sense of the changing spatial structures and patterns of Canadian sub-/urbanisms?
  • What historical and current factors can explain the emergence of new suburban landscapes?
  • What drives economic restructuring, socioeconomic segregation, cultural and social innovation in present-day Canadian suburbia?
  • How do demographic and sociocultural values change impact on the politics of suburbia and city?
  • How is all of this reflected in cultural constructions of city and suburbia? And how do these cultural constructions influence value systems, moral codes, and political decision-making?
  • If suburbia becomes more elusive than ever – as space, as place, as utopia or dystopia – do we need new concepts and approaches to comprehend contemporary sub-/urban life in Canada?

Call for papers

The Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries aims to increase and disseminate a scholarly understanding of Canada. Its work is facilitated primarily through seven disciplinary sections, but it is decidedly multidisciplinary in outlook and seeks to explore avenues and topics of, and through transdisciplinary exchange. For its 2017 annual conference, the Association thus invites papers from any discipline that speak to the conference theme of “revisiting suburbia” with a Canadian or comparative focus. (Papers can be presented in English, French or German.) We are particularly – but not exclusively – interested in the following four main aspects:

1) Cultural production in and of suburbia
à investigating both the production of (changing?) cultural representations of Canadian suburbia, e.g. in literature, film, music, architecture or fine art, as well as the changing conditions of suburban cultural production themselves; addressing the overreaching question of how Canadian culture has been changed from and by the suburbs and their residents

2) Diversity, discrimination and inclusion in suburbia
à analyzing the processes of socioeconomic change in Canadian suburbia, their causes and rationales as well as their implications for social cohesion and political life; shedding some light onto the transformations of the social and their connections to other spheres of Canadian life

3) Post-suburban restructuring? Economics, governance, and sustainability
à exploring the intersections and connections between space, nature and the ecological, the political, the economic and the social, as they are configured within a wider, “post-suburban” landscape

4) Contesting (conceptual) boundaries: between city, (post-)suburbia and the rural
à focusing on the changing meanings and conceptual understandings of suburbia and the urban (and the rural) in general; charting possible new avenues for research on Canadian cities and suburban spaces in their various guises

Contact and abstract submission

Paper proposals/abstracts of max 500 words should outline:
– methodology and theoretical approaches chosen,
– content/body of research
– which of the four main aspects outlined above the paper speaks to (if any).
In addition, some short biographical information (max. 250 words) should be provided, specifying current institutional affiliation and position as well as research background with regard to the conference topic and/or four main aspects.

Abstracts should be submitted to the GKS no later than June 5, 2016 to the GKS Administration Office – which also acts as a general inquiry contact point.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

École d’été 2016: Réciprocité et décolonisation: rapports à l’oeuvre dans les processus de création autochtones

Du 4 au 9 juillet 2016, Université de Montréal, Québec

La sortie de L’empreinte de Carole Poliquin et Yvan Dubuc en 2015, puis du documentaire controversé de Dominique Gagnon Of the North en 2016,ont suscité de nombreuses réactions autour de la question autochtone au Québec, qu’il s’agisse de l’appropriation ou de l’utilité de cette „empreinte“ identitaire dans la création de l’identité québécoise, ou encore d’éthique et de politique des représentations. Des voix cependant que nous avons moins entendues autour de cette question au sein des colonies de peuplement sont celles des peuples autochtones, notamment celles des écrivains, des cinéastes et des militants.

De nombreuses réflexions s’élaborent actuellement sur les façons dont s’articulent les rapports de réciprocité et les processus de décolonisation au Québec, au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde. L’école d’été de 2016 examinera comment se conçoivent, se façonnent et se vivent les rapports à l’autre dans les processus de création autochtones. À partir d’œuvres littéraires et cinématographiques, de discours politiques, historiques médiatiques, ainsi que de prises de parole publiques, nous analyserons les formes prennent les relations d’affinité et d’appartenance (communautaires, nationales, linguistiques, culturelles, institutionnelles).

 Dans le cadre de ce cours, nous aurons l’occasion de réfléchir à des thèmes tels : les usages contemporains des récits oraux comme la Grande loi de la Paix et la cérémonie de condoléance; la responsabilité de l’auteur et du public face aux représentations (littéraires, cinématographiques, médiatiques); les rapports à l’œuvre dans les pratiques de création collective et autres projets collaboratifs; les questions éthiques de respect, de reconnaissance et d’engagement; les liens entre territoire et récits; les tensions entre réconciliation et souveraineté(s).

Plus d’informations, le programme et l’inscription ici.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lehrwerke für Sprache und Literatur als kulturelle Mittler im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Québec-Kanada-Europa

Studientage, Universität des Saarlandes, 19.-20. Mai 2016
Graduate Centre (Geb. C9 3)

Nach jahrzehntelanger Kritik ist das Schullehrwerk in den letzten Jahren ein Gegenstand internationaler und interdisziplinärer ForschungenStudientage geworden. Seit den Arbeiten des Georg-Eckert-Instituts in Braunschweig bis hin zum Kolloquium “Le manuel scolaire, d’ici et d’ailleurs, d’hier à demain”, welches im April 2006 in Québec stattfand, hat sich das Schullehrwerk als privilegierter Gegenstand erwiesen, sowohl um die Geschichte einer Disziplin aufzuzeigen als auch um Werte, Normen und Wissensbestände greifbar zu machen, die innerhalb einer Gesellschaft oder einer bestimmten Epoche als zentrale Bestandteile des Wissenstransfers erachtet wurden. Als „Outil à multiples facettes“, so Monique Lebrun, kann das Lehrwerk gleichermaßen als Muster und Kondensat der Gesellschaft, der es entstammt, gelten. Inwiefern spiegelt sich dies in fremdprachen-, kultur- und literaturbezogenen Lehrwerken?
Dieser Frage nach den interkulturellen Gegenständen der Lehrwerke werden sich während dieser zwei Studientage Wissenschaftler und Nachwuchsforscher aus sieben Ländern widmen. In Vorträgen, Workshops und einer Diskussionsrunde werden wir uns mit unterschiedlichen Lehrwerken aus verschiedenen nationalen und kulturellen Kontexten beschäftigen, denen die Rolle als kulturelle Mittler im Fremdsprachenunterricht gemein ist.

Organisation : Sophie Dubois, Vera Neusius, Julia Montemayor

Das komplette Programm gibt es hier.