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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lecture Series Canada 150 an der Universität Rostock

Aus Anlass des 150. Jubiläums der kanadischen Konföderation findet an der Universität Rostock, organisiert vom Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, eine „Canada 150“ Ringvorlesung satt. Die Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester sind jeweils freitags von 11.15-12.45 Uhr im Universitätshauptgebäude am Universitätsplatz, HS 218. Die 14-teilige Reihe umfasst Themen aus allen Forschungsbereichen der Kanada-Studien und bringt Experten aus dem In- und Ausland nach Rostock. Den Anfang macht Dagmara Drewniak (Poznan) am 20. Oktober mit einem Vortrag „Polish and Central European diasporic Literature in Canada“. Am 27. Oktober spricht Konrad Groß (Kiel) zum Thema “A Whiff of Canada: A Culinary Tour Through Canadian History and Literature”.

Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Symposium on the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Canadian Studies Centre at the University of Innsbruck (1997-2017)

Austrian-Canadian Relations in the Past Twenty Years: Facts and Highlights

November 23-24, 2017, Universität Innsbruck, Claudiasaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 3.

In the past months, Canada has been far more present in the Austrian media than in recent years: CETA has had feelings running high, with many hoping the agreement will stimulate the economy and others seeing it as a danger. The heated debates on the front pages of papers have made it easy to forget that Austria and Canada have maintained a long-standing and intensive relationship, and that the University of Innsbruck has played and still plays a decisive role in these relations.

The Centre for Canadian Studies at the University of Innsbruck has in many ways been a trailblazer since its inauguration in 1997. Its founding principle is an interdisciplinary approach, meaning that all areas of academia and science – from the humanities to the sciences, from technology to sports – come into play. Beyond the educational sector, real-life applications and cooperation with the world of business and economy as well as links to the public sphere have always been central to the CSC.

2017 is an important year in more ways than one: Canada is celebrating its 150-year anniversary, Austria and Canada can look back on 65 years of diplomatic relations, and the Canadian Studies Centre has existed for 20 years. To commemorate all these important anniversaries, the CSC will host a celebratory symposium at the University of Innsbruck that will focus on the various facets and highlights of Austro-Canadian relations of the past two decades.

Please find the preliminary program here.


Virtual Canadian Studies – Anmeldefristen nicht verpassen!

Folgende Kurse warten im Wintersemester auf interessierte Studierende:

  • VCS Native Studies „Northwest Coast“, Renate Bartl, MA, München. (Anmeldefrist 1. Okt. 2017)
  • VCS Linguistique «Les variétés du français canadien», Dr. Edith Szlezák, Regensburg. (Anmeldefrist 23. Okt. 2017)
  • VCS Literature/Littérature „Literary Reactions to 9/11 in Francophone and Anglophone Canadian and American Literature“, Part II, Diane Bélisle-Wolf, MA, Mainz. (Anmeldefrist 3. Nov. 2017)

Informationen zu den VCS Kursen gibt es hier.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Race, Power, and Privilege in Academia

July 27 – 28, 2017, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

With the rise of right-wing populism in the USA and Europe and the increased attention to the vulnerability of racialized populations (in part by the activist efforts of such groups as Black Lives Matter and indigenous activism around the Dakota Access Pipeline), it is necessary to engage with questions of race and racism in our respective fields. In doing so, it is imperative that we reassess the basic epistemological categories we work with as well as our own positionality in dealing with those categories. As such, it is important that we not only direct our critical attention to the problematics of race in the USA, which very often serves as a frame of reference when talking about race, but also look at our own cultural context since German academia is part of German society.

This conference provides a platform for scholars concerned with the processes and the politics of race and racialization as they are understood in the current German research landscape. Basic questions need to be revisited and honestly assessed during the planned 2-day gathering. Among them the following will be of import: What is race as we understand it today? What are race, racism and racialization? What is power? How do we understand privilege? What is Critical Race Theory and what is Critical Whiteness Studies? What are some of the other disciplinary areas (e.g. Critical University Studies, Critical Ethnic Studies) that are connected with the theories and critical scholarship around that elusive, and yet very real, phenomenon known as race?

For the full program, please click here. See the conference poster here.