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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Book and you im April und Mai

Book and You im Ratatouille, Ackerstraße 2, 10115 Berlin – Hinterhaus, Souterrain, am 18. April und 17. Mai 2018

Am Mittwoch, den 18. April 2018, 18:30 Uhr, ist der Autor und Illustrator Christian Quesnel im Ratatouille (Ackerstraße 2, 10115 Berlin) zu Gast. Zu seinen Arbeiten zählen Comics, Graphic Novels und Kinderbücher, für die er manchmal auch mit anderen Künstlern zusammenarbeitet. In dem Buch Ludwig interessiert er sich für den Komponisten und Pianisten Ludwig van Beethoven. Ein Brief an dessen unsterbliche Geliebte und das 5. Klavierkonzert waren Quesnels Ausgangspunkt. Heraus gekommen ist ein Buch über den Komponisten in einem retrofuturistischen Universum, das auf verschiedene Arten entdeckt werden kann. Weitere Informationen zur Lesung gibt es hier.

Die nächste Veranstaltung im Rahmen von Book and you findet am Donnerstag, den 17. Mai 2018, im Ratatouille statt. Zu Gast ist der Autor David Clerson aus Sherbrooke, dessen Romane Frères und En rampant beim Québecer Verlag Héliotrope veröffentlicht worden sind. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Kanada- und Québec-Studientag 2018 zum 10. Jährigen Jubiläum des Bremer Instituts für Kanada- und Québec Studien

Bremer Institut für Kanada- und Québec-Studien (BIKQS), Universität Bremen, Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, 16. Mai 2018, 9-21 Uhr

Anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums des Bremer Instituts für Kanada-und Québec-Studien (BIKQS) findet am Mittwoch, dem 16.05.2018 der 2. Kanada- und Québec-Studientag statt. Das Programm des Studientages reicht dabei von einer Retrospektive unserer Institutsaktivitäten, die Fortsetzung der Bremen-Guelph-Lecture, über weitere Vorträge bis hin zu Informationen über unser Studierendenaustauschprogramm. Die Veranstaltung wird ein breites Publikum von Studierenden, Lehrenden und MitarbeiterInnen verschiedener Fachbereiche der Universität Bremen und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit anziehen.

Sie sind recht herzlich dazu eingeladen.

Das Programm und weitere Informationen stehen auf der BIKQS-Website zur Verfügung.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lecture: „Changing Canadian Identities in the Shadow of the US Giant“ with Prof. Matt Sheedy

Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft in cooperation with Amerikahaus NRW, Osborne Clarke, Innere Kanalstraße 15, 50823 Köln, April 25, 7.30 pm

Together with the Amerika Haus NRW Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft (DKG) invites you to a talk on „Changing Canadian Identities in the Shadow of the US Giant“ with Prof. Matt Sheedy in Cologne. Debating national identity is a touchy subject in any part of the world, especially during times of crisis when „enemies“ and scapegoats naturally arise. In the age of social media, however, communities that have historically been marginalized are now able to challenge the status quo in ways that were unthinkable less than a generation ago. In this lecture Matt Sheedy argues that while Canada has always defined itself against the United States (as more peaceful, more tolerant, etc.), its identity has always been more precarious than meets the eye. With special attention to the political reigns of Stephan Harper and Barak Obama, as well as the current governments of Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump, Prof. Sheedy will highlight some of the ways in which ideology and national interests have crossed borders in the age of neo-liberalism and social media, focusing on a of variety issues that intersect both countries in complex ways. These include the “war on terror” and Islamophobia, the tar sands and the construction of pipelines, as well as social movements such as Black Lives Matter and the Indigenous uprising known as Idle No More.

Prof. Matt Sheedy is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Religion at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, and Visiting Professor in the Department of North American Studies at the University of Bonn. Prof. Sheedy’s research focuses on theories of secularism and religion, as well as representations of Christianity, atheism, Islam, and Indigenous traditions in popular and political culture in North America. He is currently working on a book that offers a critical look at Jürgen Habermas’s theory of religion in the public sphere.

Mandatory registration with the following link:

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

20th Anniversary Research Fest: Canada in Vienna, Vienna in Canada / Le Canada à Vienne, Vienne au Canada

Dept. of Romance Studies / courtyard 8, University of Vienna, Friday, June 15- 16, 2018
Founded in 1998, the University of Vienna’s Centre for Canadian Studies/Centre d’Études Canadiennes (Zentrum für Kanada-Studien) fosters dialogue between researchers in many fields in which Canadian Studies have found a home, from Anglophone and Francophone literary and cultural studies to German Studies, media studies, Cultural Anthropology, Indigenous, and Gender Studies. As part of our mission, we facilitate professional networks in the humanities between Canada and Austria, support teaching mobility with our renowned partner universities across Canada, and study abroad exchanges, and we are continually organizing a variety of lectures, conferences, and other academic as well as cultural events. In 2018, as part of the University’s 20th Campus Anniversary, we are celebrating our achievements in a research fest, reviewing the past and presenting current research in Canadian Studies by both Austrian and Canadian students and scholars. The Place du Canada/Canada Square in courtyard 8, connecting the Departments of English and American Studies and Romance Studies and proudly showcasing the only Inuksuk figure in Austrian public space, will become a lively site of presenting Canada as an area of research and an exciting place of cultural production in and beyond Vienna.

For more details and the programme, follow this link.