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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

42nd American Indian Workshop: The Sovereign Erotic at European University Cyprus, July 12 – 17, 2021, online

The 42nd American Indian Workshop: The Sovereign Erotic will be held at the Department of British and American Studies, European University Cyprus, Nicosia/Cyprus July 12 – 17, 2021. The programme is available at:

Please register here:

The 43 rd American Indian Workshop, 2022, titled Northern Perspectives will be held at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg/Luxembourg

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Canadian Studies Konferenz der Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland

We would like to share with you the invitation from our Irish „sister association“ to their upcoming conference:

We are delighted to announce that the final programme for the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI)’s online biennial conference this May (13-14) is now available.  The conference theme is Borders and Beyond / Les Frontières et au-delà.  Keynote speakers include Perrine Leblanc, Jane Koustas and Axel Meisen, with screened performances and Q&As from Deirdre Mulrooney and Julie Morrissy. The programme is available on the association’s web site, as well as here:
All attendees must register in advance by the close of May 11th.  Registration is free and available at the following link:

With best wishes,

Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Invitation to the Emerging Scholars Forum’s monthly online meeting

On May 18, 2021 at 4 p.m. (CET) the Emerging Scholars Forum will host its monthly virtual gathering of the Emerging Scholars Forum open to all early career researchers in the field of Canadian Studies. We are looking forward to this opportunity to present our activities and your possibilities to become part of an international network across universities and disciplines. If you are interested in getting in touch and working with us, please register here.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen


Francophonie canadienne im Unterricht

Das Bildungsprogramm der kanadischen Botschaft bietet ein Webinar für Französisch-Lehrkräfte an:
Am Dienstag, den 20. April, um 16:30 Uhr, geht es um Simon Boulerice: « Le dernier qui sort éteint la lumière ».

Es wird gebeten, sich für das Webinar unter diesem Link bzw. über die Webseite des McLuhan Salons bei der kanadischen Botschaft zu registrieren (