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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Symposium (hybrid): Inheritance: How Communities Are Responding to Controversial Artwork

John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Brown University, Providence, RI/USA

April 27 – 30, 2022

Inheritance (April 27 – 30, 2022) brings together activists, curators, educators, tribal leaders, artists, historians, heritage workers, and policy makers to explore the range of strategies that institutions and communities are using to respond to contentious representations of race, Indigenous lifeways and history in public art and architecture.  Over two days on Zoom, speakers from the US, UK and Canada will offer first-hand accounts of initiatives and actions that resulted in the removal, reinterpretation, or recontextualization of public and commemorative artworks, heritage sites and museum collections, while others will present on efforts to protect and preserve sites that have been ignored or under-resourced.  We are in the midst of a reckoning, as communities seek to reshape how (and whose) history is told and commemorated in public space. This may entail radical changes to the art that hangs on our walls, the monuments in our public squares, and the stories that are told at historic sites as the public landscape that we have inherited continues to evolve.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Métis Symposium Mawachihitotaak (Let’s Get Together)

May 3- 6, 2022 (virtual)

Special marsii to Michif Elder Verna Demontigny for gifting us the name Mawachihitotaak in the spirit of bringing us all together to share our knowledge and to become family.

Over the past year, visioning and planning have been underway for the Mawachihitotaak (Let’s Get Together) Métis Studies Symposium to bring together a diverse community of Métis thinkers. This gathering will occur virtually from May 3rd to 6th, 2022, in partnership with the Winnipeg Art Gallery in partnership with Kwaata-nihtaawakihk – A Hard Birth running March 18th—September 3rd, 2022.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Special Exhibition: Waawiindamaw. Promise: Indigenous Art and Colonial Treaties in Canada (Zurich)

North American Native Museum, Zurich/Switzerland

April 8 – September 17, 2022

Three indigenous artists address colonial treaties. Their artworks tell stories of reserves, resources, rights and land.

Waawiindamaw means promise. Colonial treaties promised much and delivered little. Above all, they legitimized the claims of colonial powers to indigenous lands. To this day, they form the basis of the relationship between Indigenous nations and the Canadian state. Historical treaties were based on different concepts of land and had devastating consequences for Indigenous peoples. For Indigenous land was no more for sale than the air we breathe. Three indigenous artists address colonial treaties and their consequences in their works. An exhibition about the loss of land and broken promises.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

dr hab. Maciej Kowalewski: Promised Spaces: Visual Narratives of Polish Socialist Cities

March 24,2022, 2:30pm on MS Teams

University of Szczecin

The Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) is pleased to invite you to the lecture „Promised Spaces: Visual Narratives of Polish Socialist Cities” given by dr hab. Maciej Kowalewski, prof. US.

The event continues the lecture series “Borders, Boundaries, Regions: Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Spaces,“ which is organized by the Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) at the Institute of Literature and New Media (University of Szczecin). The main aim of the series is to gain new perspectives on the concepts of regionalism and borderlands in an interdisciplinary discussion between international scholars.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Conférence: Refaire la survivance? La cause nationale canadienne-française dans l’arène politique étatsunienne (sur zoom))

Vendredi 1er avril 2022, 11h00 à 12h30, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Cette conférence se tiendra sur Zoom. Il suffit de vous inscrire en remplissant le formulaire au bas de cette page pour recevoir le lien de connexion.

On a souvent attribué la lente entrée politique des Canadiens français aux États-Unis à la forte mobilité des familles émigrantes et à la proximité de la terre natale. De nouvelles recherches révèlent un autre facteur tout aussi important : le défi d’agencer les préoccupations culturelles héritées du milieu québécois à un régime démocratique participatif organisé bien avant l’arrivée des Canadiens. Cette tension entre l’idéal de la survivance et les réalités partisanes des États-Unis continuera à marquer la politique franco-américaine pendant plusieurs générations. L’histoire des « Francos » soulève ainsi d’importantes questions quant aux possibilités politiques qui s’offrent aux francophonies minoritaires de part et d’autre de la frontière.