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Neue Publikation: Gefangen in Kanada von Judith Kestler

Gefangen in Kanada

Zur Internierung deutscher Handelsschiffsbesatzungen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Die Internierung deutscher Handelsschiffsbesatzungen ist ein kaum bekanntes Kapitel des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Judith Kestler zeichnet erstmals nach, was deutsche Seeleute in kanadischen Lagern erlebten.
Die kulturanthropologische Arbeit leistet eine differenzierte Rekonstruktion von Internierungsbedingungen und fragt nach der Entstehung retrospektiver Deutungen. Dabei verschränkt sie systematisch die Perspektiven von Internierten, Wachen und humanitären Helfern. Auf Basis archivalischer Quellen und Interviews wird Internierung als komplexe kulturelle Praxis greifbar. Die Studie bietet nicht nur Einblicke in ein faszinierendes deutsch-kanadisches Thema, sondern auch neue Perspektiven auf Gefangenschaft als transnationalen Möglichkeitsraum.

von Judith Kestler

ISBN 978-3-8376-3619-2, 02/2017, 546 Seiten, kart., zahlr. z.T. farb. Abb., Preis: 39,99 €, Bestellung auf der Website des Verlags

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

Die Krise schreiben – Writing Crisis – Écrire la crise

krise-schreibenDie Krise schreiben.
Writing Crisis.
Écrire la crise.

Vier kanadische Feministinnen nehmen Stellung.

Ursula Mathis-Moser (Hg.)

Nicole Brossard, Louise Dupré, Aritha van Herk und Lee Maracle, vier großartige Frauen und und Schriftstellerinnen, reflektieren über die gegenwärtige Krise und das ‚Danach‘.

Nicole Brossard, Louise Dupré, Aritha van Herk and Lee Maracle, four grandiose women and writers, reflect on our contemporary crisis and help us navigate ‚beyond‘.

Nicole Brossard, Louise Dupré, Aritha van Herk et Lee Maracle, quatre grandes femmes et admirables écrivaines, réfléchissent sur la crise contemporaine et nous éclairent le chemin de ‚l’au-delà‘.

ISBN: 978-3-903122-53-6
248 Seiten, 3 sw-Abb., deutsch, englisch, französisch.
2016, innsbruck university press (iup).
Preis: 14,90 Euro

Bestellung unter: oder auf der Webseite des Verlags.

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

New Publication: Unbound: Ukranian Canadians Writing Home

Ukranian CanadiansWhat does it mean to be Ukrainian in contemporary Canada? The Ukrainian Canadian writers in Unbound challenge the conventions of genre – memoir, fiction, poetry, biography, essay – and the boundaries that separate ethnic and authorial identities and fictional and non-fictional narratives. These intersections become the sites of new, thought-provoking and poignant creative writing by some of Canada’s best-known Ukrainian Canadian authors.

To complement the creative writing, editors Lisa Grekul and Lindy Ledohowski offer an overview of the history of Ukrainian settlement in Canada and an extensive bibliography of Ukrainian Canadian literature in English. Unbound is the first such exploration of Ukrainian Canadian literature and a book that should be on the shelves of Canadian literature fans and those interested in the study of ethnic, postcolonial, and diasporic literature.

Lisa Grekul is a novelist and associate professor in the Department of Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

Lindy Ledohowski is an educational leader and literary scholar. She serves on the board of trustees for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Published by University of Toronto Press, 2016.
168 pages, 45,00$
ISBN: 9781442631090

For content, reviews and more information, please visit the publisher’s website.

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

New Publication: Spaces of Difference: Conflicts and Cohabitation

IRTG Diversity Publication Series: New Essay Collection

Spaces_of_DifferenceSpaces of Difference, the second volume in the IRTG Diversity’s publication series, discusses the construction of transcultural spaces and the representation and negotiation of diversity though the analytical lenses of narratives, practices and politics of diversity. The multi-disciplinary contributions ot this volume address four broader research fields:
1. the entangled and contested (hi)stories of diversity;
2. migration and the creation of transcultural spaces;
3. practices and politics of belonging; and
4. the dynamics of confrontation and cohabitation in spaces of difference.
The research presented in this volume combines approaches from history, political science, sociology, migration stuides, and literature.

Published in 2016, 260 pages, 32,90 €.
ISBN: 978-3-8309-3385-4

For more information, please visit the publisher’s website.

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

New Publication: Comparative North American Studies: Transnational Approaches to American and Canadian Literature and Culture

Comparative North American Studies: Transnational Approaches to American and Canadian Literature and Culture

by Reingard M. Nischik

Nischik PublicationContributing to the recent transnational turn in literary studies, Comparative North American Studies expands the borders of American Studies to examine the connection between American literature and other literatures and cultures, specifically Canadian. Through selected case studies and textual analyses of writers ranging from Tim O’Brien to Margaret Atwood, Nischik engages with a rich array of comparative approaches, including period-oriented, generic, thematic, imagological, and receptionist. Offering topics ranging from a comparative analysis of American and Canadian modernism to narratives of the Canada-US border, this book encourages the fields of American Studies and Canadian Studies to think more hemispherically, transnationally, and ultimately more expansively.

272 pages, Hardback
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan
ISBN: 978 – 113 7564 221
Find more information here.

Praise for the book:

„From the pioneering editor of The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative North American Studies comes this new comprehensive analysis of comparative North American literature and culture. This book continues to situate this emerging field in the wider context of global and hemispheric studies as well as in its specialist national-centered fields – and only Reingard M. Nischik could have written it. Canadianists and Americanists alike will gain important new perspectives from her insightful comparisons in and of multiple genres and art forms. She even shows us how Margaret Atwood is read (and reads) comparatively.“
Linda Hutcheon, University Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, Canada

„Appearing at an exciting time when the criticism of national cultures is grappling with
transnational exchanges and mobilities, Reingard Nischik’s Comparative North American Studies offers an intensive examination of cross-border interdependencies at the sites of modernism, border narratives, nations‘ images abroad, and book reviewing – all while remaining cognizant of the continuing material effects of nation-states. And to top it off: a lively discussion with Margaret Atwood, whom Nischik calls ‚Canada’s most „North American“ writer.“‘
– Lorraine York, Senator William McMaster Chair in Canadian Literature and Culture, McMaster University, Canada

„Nischik uniquely brings together surveys and discussions of approaches to North American literature, arguing for an approach that she describes as a kind of new Comparative Studies, placing it in the context of such newer methods as hemispheric, continentalist, border, transnational, global, and cultural studies. Meticulously researched, the author’s coverage of histories of the production of short stories in the two countries is careful and useful, and her survey of her critical and, especially, her theoretical methods is nothing less than exhaustive. More, such compelling questions emerge as: Does the border between Canada and the US exist at the level of metaphor, or not? And, how significant is it?“
– Shannon Hengen, Professor Emerita of English, Laurentian University, Canada