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Predoc/Postdoc Positions in DFG-funded Research Training Group „Contradiction Studies“

Deadline: February 15, 2022

The newly established interdisciplinary research training group „Contradiction Studies – Constellations, Heuristics and Concepts of the Contradictory“ at the University of Bremen, Germany, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), advertises:

-12 positions for doctoral researchers / PhD candidates (f/m/d)
salary group 13 TV-L / 75%;

– 1 position as postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d), salary group 13 TV-L / 100%

– 1 position as coordinator (f/m/d), salary group 13 TV-L / 100%.

Contradiction Studies – Research Training Group University Bremen (

E-mail address for applications and letters of recommendation:

About the Research Training Group

The Research Training Group (RTG) “Contradiction Studies” brings a variety of academic fields into dialogue. We seek to develop new interdisciplinary perspectives that investigate how people, groups, institutions and states negotiate concepts of contradiction and demands for non-contradiction, and how they might develop ways of dealing with the contradictions of coexistence. The RTG comprises Empirical Cultural Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology, German and Interdisciplinary Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Romance Studies, North American and Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies, Medieval and Early Modern German Literary Studies, Jurisprudence, Human Geography, Political Science, East European History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. We invite applications related to one or more of the above subjects.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

4-Year DAAD Doctoral Scholarship for International Doctoral Students in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History

4-Year Doctoral Scholarship for International Doctoral Students in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History (German Academic Exchange Service, Graduate School Scholarship Program)

Class of Culture and History, Graduate School Language & Literature Munich, University of Munich (LMU)

City: Munich, Germany

Application Deadline: February 21, 2022 Start of Program: October 1, 2022

The Graduate School Language & Literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany) offers a doctoral fellowship for excellent international students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in North American History/History of the Americas/Transatlantic History. The fellowship is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and its Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP).

The American History doctoral program of the Amerika-Institut at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) offers graduate students the opportunity to study major issues in the history, culture, media, politics, and society of the United States, Canada, and the Americas. It seeks to frame the American continents beyond their colonial and nation-state boundaries by situating them in a transatlantic and global context.

The program is integrated into the Graduate School Language & Literature Munich as its Class of Culture and History (CoHist). It is systematically structured and research-oriented, offering doctoral candidates the opportunity to present and discuss their individual research projects in seminars and workshops with guest professors. It offers an ideal environment for doctoral candidates since it provides access to a network of internationally renowned scholars and is embedded in LMU’s outstanding institutional and research-driven infrastructure.

For more information on the program’s structure please visit:

More information on the Amerika-Institut at LMU can be found here:


The Scholarship Includes:

  • Scholarship payments of € 1200 per month, for up to 4 years
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel allowance
  • Annual research allowance of up to € 460 depending on country of origin
  • Preparatory German language course in summer 2022
  • Under certain circumstances, grant holders may receive an additional monthly rent subsidy


Application Requirements:

  • Academic excellence
  • Master degree (or equivalent) in a related field (accomplished within the last six years prior to March 15, 2022; thesis graded with at least “good”)
  • Non-German nationality
  • Residence in Germany not longer than 15 months prior to March 15, 2022
  • English language skills (C1)
  • German language skills (B2). However, candidates less proficient than B2 are eligible for a German language class in Germany through the DAAD, prior to the fellowship

Application Documents (in German or English):

  • Research project proposal (max. 5 pages excluding bibliography)
  • Abstract of project proposal (max. 1 page)
  • Schedule for the doctoral project including information about possible stays outside of Germany 
(i.e. archival and other research trips)
  • Two letters of recommendation (professors/lecturers from your home university), to be sent 
directly to until February 21, 2022. Please use the following form:


  • Curriculum vitae
  • Bachelor and Master degree certificates and transcripts of records including grades (please include
your home university’s grade scale)
  • Documents certifying knowledge of English language skills (C1) and German
if applicable
  • Optional: Letter of motivation 
(max 1 page)


Application Process:

  • First round: Please send the above documents as one PDF to until February 21, 2022. Professors should send the recommendation forms separately to until February 21, 2022
  • Second round: Interviews (Zoom) at LMU will take place in early March 2022; successful candidates will then be nominated to the DAAD
  • Final round: Final decision by the DAAD based on documents the nominated candidates submit to the DAAD via the DAAD portal until mid-March 2022.

For any questions please do not hesitate to contact the program’s coordinator Dr. Nadine Klopfer:




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Humboldt Universität zu Berlin: 2 Qualifizierungsstellen (Ziel: Promotion)

Deadline: 10.12.2021

Am Geographischen Institut sind in der Abteilung für Kultur- und Sozialgeographie, Prof. Dr. Ilse Helbrecht, vorbehaltlich der Mittelbewilligung ab dem 01.01.2022 befristet auf vier Jahre 2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (w/d/m) mit dem Ziel der Promotion in Teilzeit (65% ) zu besetzen ( Drittmittelfinanzierung befristet bis 31.12.2025 , E 13 TV – L HU ) .

Die Stellenbesetzung erfolgt im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs SFB 1265 „Re – Figuration von Räumen“ in dem Teilprojekt „Geographische Imaginationen von Sicherheit und Unsicherheit“. Das Teilprojekt untersucht die Bedeutung geographischer Imaginatione n für die Erfahrung und Konstitution ontologischer (Un)Sicherheit in ländlichen Räumen: Wie verändern sich imaginierte Formen subjektiven Raumwissens im Spannungsfeld von prosperierenden und peripherisierten ländlichen Räumen ? Die Fallstudiengebiete liegen sowohl in Kanada (Britisch Kolumbien) als auch in Deutschland (Sachsen – Anhalt und Baden – Württemberg). Das Projekt verfolgt eine international vergleichende Perspektive von Refigurationsprozessen in ländlichen Räumen bei.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Joan Mitchell Travel Award at Laurier Archives

Deadline: February 28, 2022

The Joan Mitchell Travel Award seeks to promote and support original, scholarly research in the Laurier Archives. The Travel Award supports researchers wishing to travel to the Laurier Archives to conduct research in any of the archival collections. The Travel Award of $1000 may be used to offset the cost of travel and lodging in Waterloo for a period of one to four weeks of research in the Laurier Archives. Graduate students and established scholars are invited to apply. The Joan Mitchell Travel Award honours Joan Mitchell, Laurier’s first Head of Archives and Special Collections.