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German-Canadian Studies Fellowship Competition 2017

The Chair in German-Canadian Studies and the Spletzer Family Foundation Inc. announce the German-Canadian Studies Fellowship Competition for 2017:

German-Canadian History Research Scholarship (Ph.D.):
$15,000 (biennial, renewable once) for students at the University of Manitoba pursuing research on the history of German immigrants or their descendants in Canada

German-Canadian History Research Scholarship (M.A.):
$10,000 (annual, non-renewable) for students in the Joint Masters Program at the Universities of Winnipeg and Manitoba pursuing research on the history of German immigrants or their descendants in Canada

German-Canadian Studies Research Scholarship (Ph.D.):
$10,000 (biennial, renewable once)

German-Canadian Studies Research Scholarship (M.A.):
$8,000 (annual, non-renewable)

German-Canadian Studies Research Grant:
$2,500 (annual, non-renewable)

German-Canadian Studies Dissertation Prize:
$1,000 (annual)

German-Canadian Studies Master’s thesis Prize:
$750 (annual)

German-Canadian Studies Undergraduate Essay Prize:
$500 (annual)

Contact info:

Karen Brglez, M.A.
Program Assistant, German-Canadian Studies
University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 2E9
Phone: 204-786-9009

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Achtung: Deadlineverlängerung für Prix d’Excellence und Jürgen-Saße-Förderpreis!

Der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Prix d’Excellence du Gouvernement du Québec sowie den Jürgen-Saße-Förderpreis wurden verlängert. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, sich noch bis zum 15.12.2016 auf die beiden Preise zu bewerben.

Genaue Ausschreibungsrichtlinien sowie die jeweils geltenden Bewerbungsformulare zum Herunterladen finden Sie hier.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Job Offer: Assistant Professor for Indigenous Justice, and Critical Theories

Department of Criminology, Faculty of Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON/Canada

The Department of Criminology in the Faculty of Arts at Ryerson University, Toronto, invites applications for two (2) full-time tenure-track positions, at the Assistant Professor level, beginning July 1, 2017, subject to final budgetary approval.  Candidates will hold a PhD in Criminology or in a related field, or will be ABD and very near completion. Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to upholding the values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as it pertains to service, teaching, and scholarly research, or creative activities.

The areas of specialization are: (1) Indigenous Justice, and (2) Critical Theories (e.g., critical race, feminist, anti-oppression, etc.). Additional research and teaching interests are encouraged because the successful candidates will be expected to teach large introductory courses in Criminology and Canadian Criminal Justice as well as other courses that contribute to our undergraduate (BA) program. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the department’s MA in Criminology and Social Justice. There are also opportunities for teaching and supervision in other interdisciplinary programs in the Faculty of Arts, including the PhD program in Policy Studies.

Candidates should hold a strong research profile (e.g., evidence of an emerging scholarly record, ability to establish and maintain an independent, externally funded research program), as well as provide evidence of high-quality teaching and student training, and a capacity for collegial service. With the department’s rapid growth, contributions to service and administration are valued and thus we look for candidates with interest and capacity to contribute in this manner.

The Department of Criminology welcomes applications from those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty, and its scholarship including, but not limited to, visible and ethnic minorities, racialized persons, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity, and others with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

Of the 193 member nations of the United Nations, 146 countries are represented on Ryerson campus. The student population of our Department reflects this diversity. Candidates who will assist to expand the capacity for diversity in the broadest sense are encouraged to apply. Aboriginal candidates interested in submitting an application are welcome to contact Tracey King, M.Ed., Aboriginal HR Consultant, Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention Initiative, Ryerson University, prior to and during the competition.

How to Apply:

Applications and any confidential inquiries can be directed to the Departmental Hiring Committee Chair, Dr. Tammy Landau at Applications must be submitted by November 28, 2016.

The application must contain the following: a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, 2 recent publications, results of teaching evaluations (or equivalent evidence, such as a teaching dossier), and the names of at least 3 individuals who may be contacted for reference letters. Please indicate in your application if you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.

For more information, please go here.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

CfP for Anthology: „In-Between: Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture“

Anthology planned for publication in Lang’s Canadiana book series

Ed. Stefan L. Brandt

Deadline for complete essays: December 31, 2016

In Cultural Studies, the concept of liminality has been used in various ways. Numerous scholars have dealt with the stage ‚betwixt and between,‘ as Victor Turner most famously described it. This anthology aims at re-mapping the field, focusing on liminality and the liminal within Canada.

Originally developed by cultural anthropologist Arnold van Gennep in his seminal study from 1909, and rediscovered by Victor Turner in the 1960s, the metaphor of ‚liminality‘ has become a keyword in contemporary cultural criticism to refer to processes of identity negotiation connected to experiences of transition. It has been used in connection with terms such as ‚border,‘ ‚frontier,‘ and ‚threshold,‘ and in opposition to the equally metaphorical concept of ‚marginality.‘ While marginality connotes ‚periphery,‘ and thus mainly focuses on exclusion from and by dominant discourses, liminality is concerned with the space of the borderline itself, with feelings of ambiguity and ambivalence.

Liminality can be experienced as challenging, uncomfortable, threatening, and disruptive, but also as subversive and powerful, as a stage facilitating creativity and change. In the context of Canadian Studies, liminality has been employed to discuss geographical frontiers such as the Niagara Falls, the St. Laurence River, the Rocky Mountains, the Canadian Prairies, British Columbia, Quebec, and the Arctic, as well as symbolic frontiers including migration, French-English relations, encounters between First Nations and settlers, and Northrop Frye’s ‚garrison mentality.‘ Liminality has also been examined as an aesthetic concept in its relation to the sublime and the uncanny.

As a theoretical concept, liminality can be of help for an analysis of the construcedness of Canada’s collective identity/identities as well as of individual processes of identification and change. These observations lead us to the following questions: How has the Canadian cultural imaginary fashioned itself with regard to the ‚boundariness‚ of its social and identificatory practices? Which role do symbolic ‚frontiers‘ play in Canadian discourses of self-representation (with respect to inner-Canadian border areas, but also in comparison to the U.S. American frontier)? How do ethnic, sexual, and other minorities position themselves in this nexus of liminal identities?

This anthology aims at bringing together scholars who wish to discuss Canadian liminal spaces and places, that is, in particular, fragmented and contradictory social, cultural, and political practices, real and imagines borders, contact zones, thresholds, and transitions in Anglo-Canadian literature and culture. Possible topics for essays may include, but are – by for – not limited to, the following:

  • geographical and imagined borders
  • spatial and temporal liminalities
  • Canadian ‚frontiers‘
  • the relationship between Anglophone and Francophone Canada
  • the Canadian North
  • the aesthetics and  poetics of liminality
  • the liminal and the subliminal
  • cultural encounters and First Nations
  • queer cultural spaces
  • transgender and intersex identities
  • hybridity, multiculturalism, and transnationalism
  • the figure of the trickster
  • aspects of intersectionality, transgression, and normativity
  • old age as a liminal stage

Complete essays of no more than 5.000 words, together with the name, institutional affiliation and a bio blurb (max. 150 words) should be sent to this email address. The closing date for submissions is Saturday, December 31, 2016.

Should you have further questions, please contact the editor of the volume, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan L. Brandt.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Nachwuchsforum: Nachfolge des Leitungsteams gesucht!

logo_nachwuchs_gksDas Nachwuchsforum der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V. sucht junge, engagierte Kanadist_innen, die sich aktiv im Leitungsteam einbringen und die Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Kanadistik unterstützen möchten.

Die Leitung des Nachwuchsforums setzt sich aus zwei Teams zusammen, die jeweils versetzt für zwei Jahre amtieren. Turnusgemäß wird das Team Wien auf der nächsten Jahrestagung der GKS, die vom 17. – 19. Februar 2017 in Grainau stattfinden wird, sein Amt abgeben.

Auf der Jahrestagung wird traditionell auch das zukünftige Team vorgestellt, das dann gemeinsam mit dem Team Konstanz/Regensburg die Leitung des Nachwuchsforums übernehmen wird. Das Team Konstanz/Regensburg setzt sich aus Alena Schmidt-Weihrich, Orla Flock, Ingrid Kaplitz, Eva Mendez, Jana Nürnberger, Bianka Gengler, Bettina Mack und Rene Reichert zusammen. Ausführlichere Informationen zum Nachwuchsforum und zu den Leitungsteams können der Webseite entnommen werden.

Das Leitungsteam ist für die Organisation des jährlichen Nachwuchspanels auf der GKS-Jahrestagung sowie für die Ausrichtung einer Graduiertentagung zuständig. In das Aufgabengebiet fällt außerdem die Vernetzung im deutschsprachigen Raum mit anderen Partnerorganisationen, akademischen Einrichtungen, Kanadazentren und den Vertretungen der Regierungen von Kanada und Québec. Hierzu gehören u.a. die Pflege und Aktualisierung der Webseite, das Erstellen eines vierteljährlichen Newsletters mit Informationen zu Konferenzen, Stipendien, Jobangeboten und weiteren Neuigkeiten im Bereich der Kanada-Studien sowie die Repräsentanz des Nachwuchsforums auf Social Media Plattformen (Facebook und Twitter). Die Arbeit im Nachwuchsforum verschafft einen aktiven Einblick in die Organisation von wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, die Drittmittelbeschaffung, den Umgang mit neuen Medien und das Vernetzen der im deutschsprachigen Raum angesiedelten Kanadistik. Besonders im Hinblick auf die Ausrichtung und Finanzierung der jährlichen Graduiertentagung hat sich die institutionelle Anbindung des Teams an eine akademische Einrichtung bewährt.

Bewerber_innen sollten über gute Kenntnisse in mindestens einer der beiden offiziellen Amtssprachen Kanadas verfügen; es ist von Vorteil, wenn im Team sowohl die englische als auch die französische Sprache repräsentiert werden. Bewerbungen von interdisziplinär besetzten Teams, die ein möglichst breites Spektrum der Sektionen der GKS vertreten, sind besonders willkommen; Einzelpersonen, die das Nachwuchsforum ausdrücklich zu einer Bewerbung ermutigt, werden jedoch gleichermaßen berücksichtigt.

Das Team Konstanz/Regensburg freut sich über zahlreiche Einsendungen. Die Bewerbungen (Motivationsschreiben von max. 2 Seiten, Lebenslauf) sind bis spätestens zum 15. Dezember 2016 an diese E-Mail-Adresse zu richten. Alle Bewerber_innen werden bis Ende Dezember 2016 über die Entscheidung informiert.