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Call for Articles: ANGLICA: An International Journal of English Studies

ANGLICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES is a peer-reviewed annual print and electronic journal under the auspices of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. We invite submissions on all aspects of Anglophone cultures and linguistics for our next issue to be published autumn 2018. For Volume 27.1 we are interested in contributions from such fields as English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, American, Canadian, Australian and post-colonial literature, theatre, film, critical theory, the arts, the media, history and social studies. For Volume 27.2 we welcome contributions in various aspects of the synchrony and diachrony of English or/and its varieties, sociolinguistics, language contact, translation studies as well as articles comparing and contrasting English with other languages. The papers may represent various approaches to language studies.

The suggested maximum length of the paper is 15 pages, spacing 1.5, including notes and references. The article should be preceded by an abstract of approximately 100 words, as well as five to eight keywords. Contributors are asked to follow the style-sheet for Anglica available on our website.

Please send articles on literature and culture to Marzena Sokołowska-Paryż:

Please send articles on linguistics to Anna Wojtyś:

The deadline for complete articles is Jan. 31, 2018.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Laurier Archives Travel Award

Applications are currently being accepted for the Joan Mitchell Travel Grant at the Laurier Archives, Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.  The travel grant will support a graduate student or established scholar who wishes to travel to the Laurier Archives to conduct research. 

Laurier Archives collects in three main areas: The history of the Lutheran Church in Canada; the environmental conservation movement in Canada; and Canadian music. The collection includes the records of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. It includes records of German, Finnish, Estonian and English congregations from across Eastern Canada going back to the early 19th century. In addition, the collection contains the correspondence of C.H. Little documenting his life as a Lutheran, teacher, minister and father during the first half of the 20th century in Waterloo, ON.

In our environment conservation collection, records of the Canadian Arctic Resources Committee document many of the major environmental issues facing Canada’s north. It contains series documeting pipelines, (including the McKenzie Valley Pipeline; the Alaska Highway Pipeline; the Foothills Pipeline); hydro-electric projects in the Hudson Bay area; interviews with Indigenous leaders about the effects of large scale dams; marine conservation, national parks; Northern communities and Indigenous peoples. The Ken Hewitt fonds document hydrological research in the Himalayas. Also check out the records of the Canadian Water Resources Association; the Canadian Environmental Law Association; the Canadian Biosphere Reserve Association; and geographer George Francis.

Finally, the Laurier Archives has acquired a number of new collections documeting Canadian music, including the papers of contralto Maureen Forrester, composer Alfred Kunz, and the new music society NUMUS.

The application deadline is: Dec. 1, 2017.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Work & Travel in Kanada für SchulabsolventInnen und Studierende mit der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft

Wer im Sommer 2018 in Kanada jobben, Land und Leute kennen lernen und Abenteuerluft pur schnuppern möchte, kann sich bis zum 15. Dezember 2017 bei der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DKG) bewerben. Seit 53 Jahren vermittelt die DKG Arbeitsplätze in der Tourismusbranche wie Hotels und Restaurants, aber auch in der Industrie und auf Farmen. Wenn der Summer Job nach zwei Monaten endet, beginnt die Urlaubs- und Reisezeit, in der das zweitgrößte Flächenland der Erde mit attraktiven Städten und einmaligen Naturschauspielen zum Entdecken und Verweilen einlädt. Eine Verlängerung des Aufenthaltes bis zu 12 Monate ist möglich.

Immatrikulierte Studierende einer Hoch-, Fach-, Berufsschule oder SchulabsolventInnen mit mindestens Fachabitur und deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit, guten Englisch- bzw. Französischkenntnissen sowie aktivem Interesse an kanadischer Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur können sich um einen der begehrten Plätze bewerben. An die besten KandidatInnen wird ein Stipendium in Höhe von bis zu 1.600 Euro vergeben, welches die Programmgebühr vollständig deckt. Zu den Leistungen der DKG gehören die Vermittlung eines festen Arbeitsplatzes bzw. Hilfe bei der Beantragung einer einjährigen offenen Arbeitserlaubnis, der Hin- und Rückflug von Deutschland (Frankfurt) nach Kanada (Toronto) einschließlich der Zubringerflüge innerhalb Kanadas, die Teilnahme an einem Vorbereitungsseminar inklusive Übernachtung und Frühstück in Deutschland sowie ein 2-tägiger Einführungsaufenthalt in Toronto.

Wichtige Informationen sind für Sie in diesem Handout  und Info-Heft zusammen gestellt.

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Call for Journal Editors of the International Journal of Canadian Studies

The International Journal of Canadian Studies is an international, peer-reviewed core journal publishing high-quality research in all areas of Canadian Studies and the official journal of the International Council for Canadian Studies. IJCS is seeking new editors for a three-year term, 2018-2020. The editors coordinate with the Executive Committee of the ICCS and personnel at the University of Toronto Press. Prospective applicants for this voluntary position can obtain details from the IJSC website.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Call for Applications: Craig Dobbin Visiting Professor in Canadian Studies

University College Dublin

Applicants are invited for a temporary 10 month appointment as UCD Craig Dobbin Full Professor of Canadian Studies, UCD College of Arts and Humanities. The Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies was instituted from an endowment made to University College Dublin by Dr Craig Dobbin. The post is designed to promote Canadian Studies in UCD and the wider academic community in Ireland.  The successful candidate will have a significant track record of teaching and research, at a senior level, relating to Canada in a discipline that is represented within the UCD College of Arts and Humanities.  Preference will be given to a candidate whose research interests will enhance current research programmes within UCD and research links between UCD and Canada. The successful candidate will be expected to commence in post on 1 September 2018.

Read the full Call for Applications here.

Closing date: 17:00hrs (Local Irish Time), Nov. 8, 2017.