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American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA/USA: Fellowships (long and short term):

Deadlines:        Hench Post Dissertation Fellowship – October 15, 2021

AAS-NEH Post Doc Fellowships – January 15, 2022

Short-Term Academic Research Fellowships – January 15, 2022

The American Antiquarian Society (AAS), a national research library, welcomes applications from scholars on topics related to early American history and culture. The fellowships are designed to enable academic and independent scholars and advanced graduate students to spend an uninterrupted block of time conducting research in the AAS library. AAS collections encompass approximately four million books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, periodicals, manuscripts, children’s literature, sheet music, prints, maps, photographs, ephemera, and other graphic arts materials. Materials come from what are now the United States, portions of Canada, and the Caribbean, and date from the introduction of the printing press in America in 1640 through 1900. A hallmark of AAS fellowships is the welcoming environment and the assistance of a staff widely known for its knowledge and helpfulness. The resulting collegial atmosphere fosters the sharing of ideas among fellows from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Scholars working on Indigenous and African American topics are encouraged to apply.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

ICCS Fellowships and Awards


The ICCS Graduate Student Scholarships, worth a maximum amount of $4,000, are offered each year to a dozen of students, helping them to spend 4-6 weeks at a Canadian university or research site, other than their own, doing research related to their thesis or dissertation in the field of Canadian Studies. All applications must be submitted by an Association for Canadian Studies to the ICCS by November 24, 2021. Research stays may commence 1 April 2022. More information is available at


The ICCS Postdoctoral Fellowships give the opportunity to young scholars, who have completed a doctoral thesis on a topic primarily related to Canada and are not employed in a full-time university teaching position, to visit a university with a Canadian Studies program for a teaching or research fellowship. The length of the stay will be of a minimum of one month and maximum of three months. During that stay, the student will receive $2,500 per month, plus the cost of a return airline ticket for a maximum of CAD$10,000. The application deadline is November 24, 2021. Research stays may commence 1 April 2022. For more information, please see:


The Governor General’s International Award for Canadian Studies is intended for a scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship and to the development of Canadian Studies internationally. The prize is awarded next year to an individual having essentially had a Canadian Studies career in Canada. Nominations must be submitted no later than November 24, 2021. For more information:


The Pierre Savard Awards are designed to recognize and promote each year outstanding scholarly monographs, written by members of the Canadian Studies international network, that contribute to a better understanding of Canada. There are two categories: Book written in French or English and Book written in a language other than French or English. The deadline for submitting applications to the ICCS is November 24, 2021. For additional information:


This ICCS Award is designed to recognize and promote each year an outstanding PhD thesis on a Canadian topic, written by a member (or one of his/her students) of a Canadian Studies Association or Associate Member, and which contributes to a better understanding of Canada. The deadline for submission is November 24, 2021. For more information:

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Riley Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canadian History – 2021-22 at University of Winnipeg

Deadline: November 1, 2021

Position Start: January 1, 2022.

The Department of History at The University of Winnipeg invites qualified candidates to apply for the one-year Riley Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Canadian History. Value of award: $45,000 (plus benefits), and $2,000 for travel and research expenses. Riley Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to reside in Winnipeg for the duration of the award. For application details see: Guidelines and application details

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Förderpreise der GKS auch im laufenden Jahr wieder ausgelobt

Die GKS verleiht – gemeinsam mit ihren Unterstützern und Partnern – auch in diesem Jahr wieder  Förderpreise.

Bewerbungen für

  • die Reisestipendien der GKS
  • den Prix d’excellence du gouvernement du Québec
  • den Jürgen-und-Freia-Saße-Preis
  • den Gabriele Helms Prize for Canadian Fiction and Cultural Narratology

werden wie jedes Jahr bis zum 1. November von der Geschäftsstelle entgegengenommen.

Nähere Angaben zu den Förderpreisen finden Sie hier.