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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Indigenous Futurisms: Troubling Utopia with Conrad Scott – July, 12 & 14 – online

Indigenous Futurisms: Troubling Utopia with Conrad Scott
A two-day online event
12 & 14 July 2023 @ 4 PM BST (UTC+1)
Indigenous Futurisms (a term coined by Grace Dillon) suggest the imperative and opportunity of forward, generative, and healing cultural movements as conceived by writers, other artistic creators, and knowledge keepers speculating about more positive outcomes despite what are currently troubling urban and rural issues that extend from the local to the regional and even global. For this two-part session, Conrad Scott will examine how some of these imaginings about the future are disturbing and even dystopian, unpacking such factors as environmental entanglements, changes to place, and the disappearance of home, among other factors, in a reading of contemporary work in this area.
Conrad Scott holds a PhD from the University of Alberta (English and Film Studies) and an MA from the University of Victoria (English). He is an Assistant Lecturer with the University of Alberta, and also an instructor for the University of Athabasca’s “The Ecological Imagination” course. He currently serves as the Co-President for the Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC) and the Science Fiction Research Association’s (SFRA) Country Rep for Canada. He researches contemporary sf and environmental literature, with current projects focused on plant and animal futures, as well as the spatial turn. His academic writing has appeared in Transmotion, Extrapolation, Paradoxa, The Anthropocene and the Undead, Environmental Philosophy, The Goose, UnderCurrents, Science Fiction Studies, The SFRA Review, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, and Canadian Literature, with forthcoming chapters in The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms (2023) and Animals and SF (Palgrave 2023). He is also a co-editor for the forthcoming Entangled Futurities (Routledge Environmental Humanities Book Series 2024), the proofreader for the forthcoming English-translated Anthology of Turkish Science Fiction Stories (Transnational Press London 2023), and the author of the poetry collection Waterline Immersion (Frontenac House 2019).
Troubling Utopia: New Horizons in Research and Practice is a series of events and encounters to nurture and support the sharing and development of new research and thinking in utopian studies. Our goal is to initiate a sea-change in the academic field by shining a light on some of the unexamined inequalities, hierarchies and cultural assumptions which have underpinned past scholarly research, even as the core object of investigation for utopian studies has been how modes of being and living can be radically improved. We foreground approaches that centre queer perspectives, decolonial methodologies, and otherwise insurgent utopian thinking and practice.
Organized by Adam Stock, Heather Alberro, Manuel Sousa Oliveira, Athira Unni, and Rhiannon Firth
Funded by York St John University (School QR [Quality-related Research] Funding – 2022/23)



Aktuelles Call for Papers

Transcending Boundaries – Interdisciplinary Insights in Transpacific Studies

TPSN Hybrid Conference

February 9-10, 2024 at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and Online

The Transpacific Studies Network (TPSN) was established in the fall of 2022 with the goal of exploring Pacific cultures, ecologies, histories, literatures, politics, and societies in an interdisciplinary, multi-lingual, and, importantly, transregional manner. While the network was started in the context of (US-)American Studies, it is open to anyone with Transpacific interests.

To this purpose, the network gladly invites all scholars of the Pacific to the first TPSN hybrid conference “Transcending Boundaries” set to be hosted on February 9-10, 2024 in Mainz, Germany. We seek contributions that explore connections across national and regional borders in and along the Pacific. The presentations (no format restrictions) should not exceed 20 minutes. The event will serve as a space to discuss early stage-research and on-going projects in this field. We welcome papers deploying new and innovative practices in Transpacific Studies and encourage in particular emerging scholars (current PhD candidates and recent graduates) to apply. This call, however, is not limited solely to scholars, we also welcome artists and practitioners who engage with the region in their work.

Possible topics may include:

  • Film and television that culturally crosses the pacific ocean
  • Literary works (novels, memoirs, poems, etc.) from and about (Trans)pacific regions
  • Representations and/or performances of gender in (Trans)pacific regions
  • (Trans)pacific mobilities and migration, including policy
  • The Pacific and the blue humanities
  • Climate change and the environment in (Trans)pacific regions
  • (Trans-)Pacific issues of collective memory
  • Understandings of geography/space/territory in relation to (Trans)pacific regions
  • Negotiating cultural hybridity
  • Revitalizations of (Trans)pacific traditional ecological epistemologies
  • Reflections on practices and imaginations of borders/bordering in the Pacific

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted along with a 100-word biography to by 1 September 2023. Selected participants can expect to be notified by early October 2023.

For more information, please see the CfP.

Aktuelles Nachwuchsforum Veranstaltungen

Konferenz des Nachwuchsforums « Contested Canada » am 29./30.6. in Berlin

Das Nachwuchsforum der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien lädt alle Interessierten ganz herzlich zur diesjährigen Konferenz zum Thema    « CONTESTED CANADA: Navigating, Past, Present and Future Sovereignties » // « LE CANADA CONTESTÉ : Naviguer entre les souverainetés passées, présentes et futures » ein. Die Konferenz wird am 29. und 30. Juni am John-F.-Kennedy-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin stattfinden. Weitere Informationen und das Programm sind auf der Seite des Nachwuchsforums zu finden.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Premiere der deutschen Übersetzung von DUCKS am 2. Juni um 16.30 Kanadische Botschaft Berlin

Einladung zur Premiere der deutschen Übersetzung von DUCKS mit der Bestsellerautorin Kate Beaton vor Ort!

Präsentation und Diskussion

Darstellerin: Katja Klengel

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner

Besonderer Gast: Lindsay Bird

Mit anschlieβendem Empfang und Signierstunde

Mit dem einzigen Ziel, ihr Studentendarlehen abzubezahlen, macht sich Kate Beaton auf den Weg in den Westen, um vom Ölrausch in Alberta zu profitieren – und reiht sich damit in die lange Tradition der kanadischen Ostküstenbewohner ein, die anderswo Arbeit suchen, wenn sie zu Hause keine finden. Sie wird mit der harten Realität des Lebens in den Ölsanden konfrontiert, wo Traumata an der Tagesordnung sind, aber nie angesprochen werden.

Beatons zeichnerisches Können kommt voll zur Geltung, wenn sie kolossale Maschinen und gigantische Fahrzeuge vor der erhabenen Kulisse der Albertaner Wildnis, der Nordlichter und des borealen Waldes zeichnet. Ihre abendfüllende grafische Erzählung DUCKS: Zwei Jahre in den Ölsanden ist die Geschichte eines Landes, das sich seines egalitären Ethos und seiner natürlichen Schönheit rühmt, während es gleichzeitig die Reichtümer seines Landes und die Menschlichkeit seiner Bewohner ausbeutet.

„Dieses Buch ist ein Fenster zu so vielen kritischen Gesprächen über die Umwelt, über indigene Landrechte, über die Schuldenkrise der Studenten und über Geschlechterbeziehungen.“ – Mattea Roach für Canada Reads 2023

„Kate Beatons außergewöhnlich gut erzählte und gezeichnete grafische Memoiren voller Einblicke in die Zerstörung von Mensch und Umwelt machen sie zu einer Memoirenschreiberin ersten Ranges.“ – Los Angeles Times

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