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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Indigenous Survivance and Resilience in the age of COVID-19

22nd Annual American Indian Studies Association Conference

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ/USA

February 2-4, 2022

Deadline: November 15, 2021

As we continue to live in our new pandemic reality, we are mindful of our people’s and communities’ resilience. COVID-19 disproportionately affected American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal communities due to health disparities and limited access to healthcare across Indian Country. Tribal peoples and communities responded and sought to prevent the spread, many locked down and closed their borders. Others passed mask mandates and put school and work online for their communities’ safety. Despite these precautions, COVID-19 surges resulted in the loss of family and community members, including elders and cultural knowledge keepers. Our communities will never be the same.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Beyond Resettlement – Exploring the History of the Ugandan Asian Community in Exile

Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, November 2022.

Deadline: October 1, 2021

September 28, 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of the first group of Ugandan Asian refugees to arrive in Canada after being expelled from Uganda by Idi Amin. This was Canada’s first major resettlement of non-European and largely non-Christian refugees in the postwar period. To consolidate power in Uganda, after leading a military coup in 1971, Idi Amin accused 80,000 Ugandans of South Asian descent of economic sabotage and a failure to integrate socially. He subsequently announced on August 4, 1972, that they would have 90 days to leave the country or face dire consequences. Canada’s rapid response to the expulsion order led to the resettlement of nearly 7,500 Ugandan Asian refugees between 1972 and 1974.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Riley Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canadian History – 2021-22 at University of Winnipeg

Deadline: November 1, 2021

Position Start: January 1, 2022.

The Department of History at The University of Winnipeg invites qualified candidates to apply for the one-year Riley Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Canadian History. Value of award: $45,000 (plus benefits), and $2,000 for travel and research expenses. Riley Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to reside in Winnipeg for the duration of the award. For application details see: Guidelines and application details

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Reckoning & Reconciliation on the Great Plains

Great Plains Conference: April 6-8, 2022

Deadline: October 25, 2021

The 2022 Great Plains conference asks how residents of the Great Plains can best reckon with the violence, conflict, and abuse that has occurred in our region and move toward healing, justice, and reconciliation. It invites us to remember and honor the painful past, and then to imagine and build new relationships and communities based on respect and dignity for all. People on the Great Plains have suffered dispossession, exile, violence, discrimination, exclusion, exploitation, forcible assimilation, and family separation. Typical accounts of the region often downplay or erase these events. Yet past abuses have contributed to current disparities and inequalities, and our failure to confront them has limited our possibilities to create a fully inclusive and thriving society. This conference will bring together a wide variety of speakers and activities to reckon with the past while also highlighting the resiliency of people and culture moving forward. The event is designed for community members, local and regional leaders, student groups, the academic community, and anyone interested in these issues.

Keynote speaker Walter Echo-Hawk will kick off the following two full days of speakers, cultural events, panels and workshops. Attendees can also enjoy the Contemporary Indigeneity exhibition at the Great Plains Art Museum. This conference will reckon with the past while also highlighting the resiliency of people, cultures, and communities moving forward. The event is designed for community members and organizers, local and regional leaders, students, student groups, the academic community, and anyone curious about these issues.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Italianità among the Italian Diasporic Community in Canada and the United States in the Twentieth Century

Deadline for article proposal: 1 October 2021

Deadline for article submission: 1 January 2022

Articles are invited for possible inclusion in a special issue of Italian Canadiana that will focus on the theme of Italianità among the Italian diasporic community in Canada and the United States during the twentieth century.  Topics of interest for this issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Defining what it means to be Italian in a diasporic community
  • The expression and preservation of Italian identit(ies)
  • The tension between regional and national identities
  • Negotiating Italianità in an assimilationist or multicultural context
  • Asserting Italian identity before and after fascism
  • The varieties of Italian identity among pre-World War II and post-World War II immigrants

Please send your article proposal to Professor Paul Baxa at

Proposals should include your contact information (name, address, telephone, email), short bioblurb (100 words), the title of the article, and article abstract (150 words).

Proposals and articles will be accepted in any of the journal’s three official languages: English, French, or Italian.

Contact Info:

Paul Baxa, PhD

Ave Maria University

5050 Ave Maria Boulevard

Ave Maria FL 34142

Contact Email: