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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Jutta Zimmermann: Setting Boundaries: Narrative Juxtaposition and the Negotiation of Identity in Contemporary Global Novels (online)

December 2, noon, on MS Teams:

Many contemporary novels (and films, graphic narratives, TV series) consist of more than one story. In such novels, various settings, characters, and time periods are set against each each other by an act of juxtaposition. The boundary between the local narratives is usually marked by gaps, asterisks or other paratextual markers, and its existence sets in motion a process by which readers need to make sense of the disruption performed in order to assess the meaning of the overall global narrative. The marked boundary initiates a process in which the distinct narrative units which are related to each other, a process in which parallels and contrasts come to fore. While this process to a certain degree works towards integration, it also foregrounds the fragmentation and heterogeneity of the overall text. In my talk, I will explore the affinity of such multi-narrative texts to a particular thematic preoccupation, namely that of representing identities constituted by the straddling of cultural borders in post-colonial contexts. By looking at individual test cases – such as Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For – I will discuss whether multi-narrative structures can be viewed as the ‘discursive articulation’ of a ‘universal humanism’ or to what extent they are used for the ‘opposite effect’, namely ‘fragmentation and division rather than unity” (Tiago de Luca).

The talk is part of a lecture series on Borders/Boundaries/Regions: Literary and Cultural  Perspectives on Space at the University of Szczecin (Programme below):

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Glen Coulthard: Once We Were Maoists: Third World Currents in Fourth World Anti-Colonialism (Zoom)

You are warmly invited to an online-talk by Glen Coulthard (Yellowknives Dene), Associate Professor at UBC.

The talk takes place online (Zoom) on December 15, 2021, 5 pm European Central Time. Tickets can be ordered here:


This presentation will provide a history of Red Power radicalization and Indigenous-Marxist cross-fertilization. It examines the political work undertaken by a small but dedicated cadre of Native organizers going by the name Native Alliance for Red Power (or NARP) in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), from 1967 to the 1975. It argues that their political organizing and theory-building borrowed substantively and productively from a Third World-adapted Marxism which provided an appealing international language of political contestation that they not only inherited but sought to radically transform through a critical engagement with their own cultural traditions and land-based struggles. Not unlike many radicalized communities of color during this period, NARP molded and adapted the insights they gleaned from Third World Marxism abroad into their own critiques of racial capitalism, patriarchy, and internal colonialism at home.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin: 2 Qualifizierungsstellen (Ziel: Promotion)

Deadline: 10.12.2021

Am Geographischen Institut sind in der Abteilung für Kultur- und Sozialgeographie, Prof. Dr. Ilse Helbrecht, vorbehaltlich der Mittelbewilligung ab dem 01.01.2022 befristet auf vier Jahre 2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (w/d/m) mit dem Ziel der Promotion in Teilzeit (65% ) zu besetzen ( Drittmittelfinanzierung befristet bis 31.12.2025 , E 13 TV – L HU ) .

Die Stellenbesetzung erfolgt im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs SFB 1265 „Re – Figuration von Räumen“ in dem Teilprojekt „Geographische Imaginationen von Sicherheit und Unsicherheit“. Das Teilprojekt untersucht die Bedeutung geographischer Imaginatione n für die Erfahrung und Konstitution ontologischer (Un)Sicherheit in ländlichen Räumen: Wie verändern sich imaginierte Formen subjektiven Raumwissens im Spannungsfeld von prosperierenden und peripherisierten ländlichen Räumen ? Die Fallstudiengebiete liegen sowohl in Kanada (Britisch Kolumbien) als auch in Deutschland (Sachsen – Anhalt und Baden – Württemberg). Das Projekt verfolgt eine international vergleichende Perspektive von Refigurationsprozessen in ländlichen Räumen bei.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: 20th Annual Conference – Transatlantic Studies Association

4-6 July 2022, University of Kent, Canterbury/UK

Deadline for panel and paper proposals: 15 January 2021

The TSA is a broad network of scholars who use the ‘transatlantic’ as a frame of reference for their work in a variety of disciplines, including (but not limited to): history, politics and international relations, and literary studies. All transatlantic-themed paper and panel proposals from these and related disciplines are welcome.

The conference is organised around a number of subject themes, each of which is convened by members of the conference programme committee. If you would like to discuss your paper or panel proposal prior to submission, please contact the relevant programme committee members. This year’s subject themes are:

Diplomatic and international history

David Ryan,, Chris Jespersen,

Political and intellectual history

Joe Renouard,, Gaynor Johnson,

Social, cultural and religious history

Finn Pollard,, Kathryn Gray,

International Relations and Security Studies

Michele Testoni,, Joe Renouard,

Literature, film, and theatre

Donna Gessell,, Finn Pollard,

Transatlantic memory and heritage

Kristin Cook,, Kathryn Gray,

Latin America in a transatlantic context

Robert Howes,, Thomas Mills,

Ethnicity, race and migration

Thomas Mills,, Tony McCulloch,

Special subject theme:

The TSA is pleased to join SOAS and the University of York in welcoming proposals that seek to better understand the UK-US nuclear relationship as enshrined in the 1958 Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA). This arrangement formalizes the US support for the UK’s nuclear weapons system, and regulates exchanges of sensitive nuclear materials and know-how between the two countries. The Mutual Defence Agreement has been regularly renewed since its inception, with the next renewal due in 2024.

While the nuclear relationship is commonly thought of as being at the heart of what is referred to as the “special relationship”, there is no academic centre in either the US and UK that has a sustained focus on this topic, and scholarly literature about it is sparse. The TSA thus encourages proposals for papers that elucidate and interrogate the Mutual Defence Agreement and UK-US nuclear relationship, drawing on traditional strategic studies, peace studies and critical perspectives.

For queries, please contact Professor Dan Plesch: