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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: A conference connecting planning, landscapes, architecture and people

Deadline: April 1, 2022

University of Calgary/virtual

June 28-30, 2022

Abstract Submission Form


‘The Countryside’ – a polemically generic term Rem Koolhaas has recently used to reposition debates about our cities to those of rural areas. While posited as ‘new’, it is, in reality, a well established mode of thinking. Through notions such as the peri-urban for example, geographers, sociologists, architects, urban designers and regional economists have all debated the urban-rural relationship for several decades. Under this framework we are obliged to consider the city and its architecture on its own terms, but also address the ‘rural’ in its particular context and, importantly, explore the parallels and mutual influences at play.


According to this logic, the social, cultural, planning and design issues relevant in our cities find parallels outside the city fringe. The Right to the City echoes concerns about land rights. Gentrification resembles the pressures on arable lands through urban expansion. The sustainability of our buildings and neighbourhoods is connected to debates on the sustainability of rural areas.

Calgary, the host city of this conference, is a perfect example of all of this. It has heavy industry, a thriving business economy and a growing tourist sector. However, pockets of the city contend with poverty and gentrification. Others suffer disinvestment and require regeneration. Its architecture and public spaces are a combination of the ‘spectacular’ and the mundane.

As a city, Calgary also ‘pressures’ its surrounding lands. These include the Rockies, the Banff nature reserve, and the First Nations lands of the Blackfoot, the Stoney Nakoda and the Tsuutʼina. As such, it is both a site of opportunity and development in its own right, and the cause of environmental concerns and social pressures, beyond its conceptual and geographic borders.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Conférence: Refaire la survivance? La cause nationale canadienne-française dans l’arène politique étatsunienne (sur zoom))

Vendredi 1er avril 2022, 11h00 à 12h30, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Cette conférence se tiendra sur Zoom. Il suffit de vous inscrire en remplissant le formulaire au bas de cette page pour recevoir le lien de connexion.

On a souvent attribué la lente entrée politique des Canadiens français aux États-Unis à la forte mobilité des familles émigrantes et à la proximité de la terre natale. De nouvelles recherches révèlent un autre facteur tout aussi important : le défi d’agencer les préoccupations culturelles héritées du milieu québécois à un régime démocratique participatif organisé bien avant l’arrivée des Canadiens. Cette tension entre l’idéal de la survivance et les réalités partisanes des États-Unis continuera à marquer la politique franco-américaine pendant plusieurs générations. L’histoire des « Francos » soulève ainsi d’importantes questions quant aux possibilités politiques qui s’offrent aux francophonies minoritaires de part et d’autre de la frontière.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Prof. Dr. Martina Löw: „The Refiguration of Spaces: On the Multiplication  of Spatial Structures in Late Modernity“ (online lecture)

March 10, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. (online)

The Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) is pleased to invite you to the lecture by Prof. Dr. Martina Löw entitled The Refiguration of Spaces: On the Multiplication  of Spatial Structures in Late Modernity.

The event continues the lecture series “Borders, Boundaries, Regions:  Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Spaces,“ which is organized by the Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) at the Institute of Literature and New Media (University of Szczecin). The main aim of the series is to gain new perspectives on the concepts of regionalism and borderlands in an interdisciplinary discussion between international scholars.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, March 10, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. via the MS Teams platform: Registration on the provided site is required.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

SSHRC Funding Opportunities

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHVR), Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON/Canada

SSHRC has several funding opportunities. The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships programs are available for foreign international students. For more information, please check out the table outlining the opportunities for grants and the level of international collaboration allowed under each of them.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: From Revival to Renewal – 47th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada

Deadline: March 7, 2022

Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, May 25–28, 2022

The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada is now accepting paper proposals for its annual conference. Our conference will feature an opening reception evening on Wednesday, paper sessions Thursday through Saturday, tours, and a concluding banquet. Several events are planned.

Researchers, professionals and students from any discipline whose work relates to the built environment in Canada can submit a proposal by sending an abstract of not more than 250 words, accompanied by a one-page CV, to Please indicate which session from the following list your proposal addresses. Further details can be found in the Call for Papers.

  • Architecture and heritage of the everyday
  • Dis-placements: Spatial Stories of Migration
  • Spaces for women then and now
  • Religious architecture: new questions / new approaches
  • Queering Canada’s Built Environment
  • Industrialization in the field of building in Canada between 1850 and 1930
  • Designing for accessibility
  • Heritage for Whom? Conserving Community Spaces
  • Globalizing Architectural Scholarship
  • Citizens, history, and heritage
  • Research by design: a tool of innovation in city making
  • Rethinking major urban public parks
  • Strategies for Urban Revival and Renewal in Canadian Cities and Towns
  • Seeing, hearing, experiencing, tasting architecture…
  • Current Research

Please send submissions no later than March 7, 2022.

Paper proposals will be assessed by a scientific committee including session chairs and members of the Society. Depending on available funds, financial support for the travel expenses of students may be provided following the conference.