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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP Contemporary Indigenous Writers in Gale’s Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB)

Together, Dr. Renae Watchman and Dr. ku’ualoha ho’omanawanui are coediting an upcoming edition of Gale’s Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) that will focus on Contemporary Indigenous Writers (this is a working title once we finalize contributors).
Highlighting Indigenous writers is a magnanimous task. Because Gale has already published select biographies of authors up to 1999, and because of the recent publication of the Indigenous poetry anthology, When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through edited by Joy Harjo in 2020, we made the difficult decision to highlight writers who have published fiction and short stories in the 21st century. While we recognize the impossibility of acknowledging everyone who makes up the constellation of literary talent, we have come up with a working Table of Contents for the upcoming DLB and are seeking to fill many gaps (in terms of contributors). We hope to attract contributors who teach and work in Indigenous literary arts.

If you’re interested in this project, please refer to the working TOC below and send us your
name, institutional affiliation, and author preference. You may select more than one! We will respond and confirm your choice. In the event of overlaps, we will consult before deciding. Entry length will vary, but you can expect to write anywhere from 300010K words. For now, we have allocated most authors at 3000 words to allow for more coverage. If, by the end of April, some writers have not been assigned, we will rethink wordlength and inclusion.

Proposed Timeline:

confirmation of contributors May 15, 2022

July 1, 2022: your draft contribution due.

midSeptember 2022: we will return these back to you with editorial comments.

MidNovember 2022: final revisions due.

We are aiming to submit a complete DLB anthology by the end of December 2022 for
publication in 2023.

If you commit as a contributor, we will follow up with more specifics, including a sample
biographic entry from a previous DLB edition, as well as a contract from Gale.

mahalo, ahéhee‘, thank you for your consideration,

Renae Watchman and ku’ualoha ho’omanawanui and

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Second CFP: Eye/I on Canada: Exclusion and Inclusion – Voix/Voie du Canada: Exclusion et Inclusion

Extended deadline for abstracts: April 30, 2022
September 21-23 , 2022 at University of Białystok, Poland

The 9th Congress of Polish Canadianists / 9ème Congrès des Canadianistes Polonais

In the midst of global Covid-19 pandemic, not only Canada, but all the states, experienced challenges they had never faced before. The crisis forced individuals, communities and countries to rethink and question the way modern societies operate on manifold levels. The strain put on health care, education and welfare systems has significantly reshuffled the workplace and family dynamics, exacerbating existing inequalities related to gender, class and ethnicity and affecting communities of colour, as well as other disadvantaged, marginalized and excluded groups in a disproportionate manner. Confined to their homes, many people have found perpetual isolation overwhelming and experienced long-term psychological impacts. As a response to these feelings of exclusion, on both individual and collective levels, new ways of connecting with others have emerged, giving rise to as varied new phenomena as zoom meetings, online panel discussions, workshops and conferences, virtual support groups, and digital cultural initiatives, including exhibitions, concerts, performances and other live-stream events. The economic discrepancies and social injustice aggravated by the pandemic as well as attempts to foster a sense of belonging make us reflect upon past and present forms of exclusion and inclusion.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Laura De Vos: „The Constant Present Absence“: #NoDAPL and the Struggle against Settler Manifest Destiny on Indigenous Lands (online))

April 28, 2022, 12 pm

The Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) is pleased to invite you to the lecture „The Constant Present Absence“: #NoDAPL and the Struggle against Settler Manifest Destiny on Indigenous Lands given by Dr Laura De Vos.

The event continues the lecture series “Borders, Boundaries, Regions:  Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Spaces,“ which is organized by the Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) at the Institute of Literature and New Media (University of Szczecin). The main aim of the series is to gain new perspectives on the concepts of regionalism and borderlands in an interdisciplinary discussion between international scholars.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. via the MS Teams platform: Registration on the provided site is required.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lesung der Québecer Autorin Claudine Dumont in Berlin, 29. April

© Claudine Dumont

Am Freitag, den 29. April 2022, begrüßen wir um 19 Uhr bei KLAK in der Fabrik (Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a, 10999 Berlin – 2. Hinterhof, Aufgang A) die Québecer Autorin Claudine Dumont.

Von Claudine Dumont sind die Romane Anabiose, La petite fille qui aimait Stephen King und L‘intrusive (XYZ). Ihre Protagonistinnen sind in unerträglichen Situationen gefangen, aus denen sie versuchen, wieder herauszukommen. In Anabiose z.B. lebt Emma zurückgezogen und flüchtet sich in den Alkohol, um zu vergessen, dass sie ihr Leben eigentlich verschwendet. Und in L‘intrusive plagen Camille schlaflose Nächte, die sich negativ auf ihren Körper und ihr soziales Leben auswirken. Beide Frauen müssen sich mit dieser untragbaren Situation auseinandersetzen, um sie hinter sich zu lassen. Im Fall von Emma geschieht dies in einem leeren, kühlen, grauen Raum, in dem sie sich eines Morgens wiederfindet und im Fall von Camille in der Gegenwart eines Fremden, der mit einem außergewöhnlichen Apparat in die tiefsten Zonen ihres Bewusstseins vordringt.
Claudine Dumont schreibt Psychothriller, die einen in ihren Bann ziehen. Mit Gefühl für Rhythmus und Timing erzählt sie die Geschichten ihrer Protagonistinnen, deren Qualen sie für die Leserschaft spürbar macht. So verwundert es kaum, dass ihre Bücher bereits übersetzt und mit Literaturpreisen ausgezeichnet sind.
Weitere Informationen zur Veranstatung gibt es auf

Bitte beachtet die zum Zeitpunkt der Veranstaltung gültigen Hygienemaßnahmen und dass wir das Tragen einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung im Raum empfehlen.
Außerdem bitten wir um eine Voranmeldung via

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Online lecture by Dr. Geneviève Susemihl: „Regional and Cultural Connections in Borderlands: Borders and Boundaries of the Canadian North and the American South“

Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 12:00 p.m

The Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) is pleased to invite you to the lecture „Regional and Cultural Connections in Borderlands: Borders and Boundaries of the Canadian North and the American South“ given by Dr. Geneviève Susemihl.

The event continues the lecture series “Borders, Boundaries, Regions:  Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Spaces,“ which is organized by the Regionalism and Borderlands Research Group (RBRG) at the Institute of Literature and New Media (University of Szczecin). The main aim of the series is to gain new perspectives on the concepts of regionalism and borderlands in an interdisciplinary discussion between international scholars.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. via the MS Teams platform: Registration on the provided site is required.