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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Everything Is Awful? Ecology and Affect in Literatures in Canada

Special Issue of Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies
Guest editors: Stephanie Oliver and Kit Dobson

Deadline: June 30, 2022

“Now, welcome to the Anthropocene
you battered, tilting globe. Still you gleam,
a blue pearl on the necklace of the planets.”

– Alice Major, “Welcome to the Anthropocene”

We want to restore balance, right relations, ethical being. We cannot afford delusional hierarchies. We will not race each other to the bottom. We commit to live up to the future’s call. We want our lives to not be wasted.

– Rita Wong, “Bisphenol Ache”

How might literary scholars and writers in Canada respond in meaningful ways to ongoing ecological crises? Between the crises of prairie drought, Rocky Mountain and Boreal forest fires, flooding in both Alberta and British Columbia, rapid Arctic warming, and rising sea levels, as well as politically significant ecological concerns such as logging in Fairy Creek, pipelines impacting the Wet’suwet’en, and the Site C dam on the Peace River, environmental questions are unavoidable in this moment. It becomes increasingly clear that literary critics and creative writers need to (re)train themselves to respond to the climate emergency.

This retraining, too, comes amidst a broad movement to reconceptualize writing in the place currently called Canada. Critics such as Tania Aguila-Way, Pamela Banting, Greg Garrard, Jerry Kerber, Sarah Krotz, Cheryl Lousley, Susie O’Brien, Nicole Shukin, Astrida Neimanis, Laurie Ricou and many others have shown that ecocriticism in Canada is by now an established area of study, one that is engaged in an ongoing process of reframing how criticism and writing are understood, and Ella Soper and Nicholas Bradley have argued that early writing in Canada – as well as theorizations thereof – problematically sought to understand the environment as a place of threat and danger. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Vanessa Watts, Zoe Todd, Adnil Gosine, Cheryl Teelucksingh, Ingrid Waldron, Beverly Jacobs, Karina Vernon, and others have also expanded the field by developing new frameworks for investigating the links between environmental risk and systemic inequities. Building on this work and more, this special issue contends that attention is needed for literatures that engage land and environment to prompt different affects. How might literary studies engage, for instance, with popular scientific discourses that contend that natural environments link to human happiness? How might narratives of happiness and resilience be meaningfully brought to bear on the necessity of adaptation to environmental crises? Alternatively, how might literary forms resist coercive demands for individualistic forms of resilience? How might land and environment connect to possibilities for resilience in a literary context?

Moreover, and as Cree-Métis scholar Deanna Reder argued during a session at the 2021 ACCUTE conference, Canadianists and scholars in allied fields need to be retrained in not only researching and teaching Indigenous literatures, but also indigenizing literary methods. For Reder, such retraining responds to call #62 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, and it can be linked, too, to the need to develop literary relationships to land that undo forms of colonial violence. How might narratives of resilience be reframed in such a context? What forms of resistance to colonial norms are needed in order to confront contemporary crises? How does literature engage in this work?

Also, and unavoidably, such retraining comes at a time when scholars and writers are navigating the “return to normal” that ostensibly comes with COVID becoming endemic – “as if that normal was not in contention,” Dionne Brand cautions. How is literature uniquely positioned to investigate what this “return” will look like? Instead of individualistic forms of adaptation, how, instead, might the literary point toward alternative, social lines of flight away from an environmentally destructive form of “return”?

In this special issue, we are interested in the following, non-exhaustive questions:

  • How are notions of resilience and happiness reworked and set in dialogical interaction in / through literature?
  • What are the literary affects of this moment of ecological crisis?
  • What models do writers offer for thinking and feeling through these crises?
  • Anthropocene, chthulucene, capitalocene, and more: how might literary works help to define this epoch?
  • If “decolonization is not a metaphor” (Tuck and Yang), what does that mean for environmental literary studies, given literature’s reliance upon metaphor itself?
  • How might literary works play a role in mobilizing readers’ ecological senses to incite climate action?
  • What role do the senses play in representing the (complex, striated) relationships between humans, non-humans, and places at this moment in time?
  • How might literature offer what rita wong terms a “syntax of hope”?
  • To what will we “return” in literary studies and / or classrooms? How might we conceptualize such a return?
  • (How) can literary studies in Canada (and beyond!) become an environmentally just practice?

All submissions to Canada & Beyond must be original, unpublished work. Articles, between 6,000 and 7,500 words in length, including endnotes and works cited, should follow current MLA bibliographic format. The editors also encourage alternative forms of scholarship and creative engagement. Submissions should be uploaded to Canada & Beyond’s online submissions system (OJS) ( and simultaneously sent to ssoliver@ualberta and by June 30, 2022. For more information please contact the guest editors at the e-mail addresses above.

This CFP is part of the work conducted within the international research project Narratives of Happiness and Resilience.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Sessions: Indigenous Studies in the United Kingdom & Europe (hybrid)

Indigenous Studies Discussion Group (ISDG), University of Cambridge, Cambridge/UK

September 22-23, 2022

Deadline: June 27, 2022

The Indigenous Studies Discussion Group Research Network (ISDG) at the University of Cambridge is excited to announce a two day hybrid conference which aims to further interdisciplinary discussions under the broadly conceived heading ‘Indigenous Studies in the United Kingdom & Europe: Pasts, Presents and Futures’. The conference will take place over 22-23 September 2022.

In seeking to broaden debate and de-centralise knowledge sharing as much as possible, we are opening calls for conference panels from individuals and groups. Panels will comprise three papers followed by an invited speaker who may either tie the papers together or offer comment on them under a central theme.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP (Un-)Making Canada: Fragmentations, Contestations, Reconciliations / (Dé)Faire le Canada : Fragmentations, contestations, réconciliations

September 29-30, 2022 at Paderborn University & Online

Deadline: August 1, 2022

Download the CFP here

Canada has successfully defied definition for centuries. And yet, as a young and most
diverse country relying on immigration to maintain population growth, questions of what
Canada is, was, has, and will become are of utmost importance to many of its inhabitants
and its governmental institutions alike. With the theme „(Un-)Making Canada“, the 19th
annual conference of the Emerging Scholars‘ Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries will inquire into practices of fragmentation, contestation, and reconciliation that have (in-)formed Canada’s political institutions and systems as well as processes and strategies of identity-building, community formations, and nation-making.
As a country, what is now Canada has been shaped by conflicting and overlapping federal,
provincial, municipal, and Indigenous jurisdictions, its transition from Indigenous
self-government through French and British colonial rule to a confederation of provinces and territories, and it continues to be characterized by increasing transnational mobility and the challenges of an increasing movement/ongoing flow of refugees and migrants. In an era of resurgent conservatism, and growing numbers of physical, social, and political attacks on, for instance, ethnic racial, cultural, linguistic, and religious minorities, this conference is devoted to examining historical perspectives as well as the role of current events and crises (e.g., COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, etc.) in the fragmentation, contestation, reconciliation, or general negotiation of Canadian political, societal, and cultural issues and identities.
In recent years, a wide range of social and protest movements have erupted across Canada
(e.g., Black Lives Matter, Idle No More Indigenous sovereignty, Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women and Girls, Me Too, or movements surrounding womxn’s and
2SLGBTQIA+ rights). Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncovering discovery of unmarked mass grave sites near Canadian residential schools have rendered visible and intensified racial, gender, and socioeconomic inequities/injustices inequalities in urban and rural areas. Uneven responses to COVID-19 across provinces problematized Canadian notions of equality and universal access to healthcare, and, along with the effects of the global economic crisis (e.g., unemployment, bailouts to large corporations, and rising inflation), highlighted the challenge of addressing the needs of all inhabitants of what is now Canada. The discovery of unmarked mass grave sites near Canada’s residential schools brought the intergenerational trauma among Indigenous communities to the fore, exposed the ongoing denial of genocidal policies and their impacts on public memory as well as broached Canada’s continued struggle to reconcile with Indigenous peoples, if reconciliation is even possible.

Canada’s nation-building practices, the formation and sustaining of its communities, and the negotiation of its political, societal, and cultural identities continue to be sculpted by multitudinous processes of contestation and reconciliation. To open and sustain a dialogue about the making and unmaking of Canada across a wide range of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological approaches, we invite contributions along three thematic axes:

(1) Fragmented, Contested, and Reconciled Identities and Policies,
(2) (Un-)Making Canada in Literature, Art, and Media, and
(3) (Re-)Configuring Settler, Rural, and Urban Space(s).

Contributions from master’s and PhD students, early-career researchers, and
emerging scholars may include, but are not limited to:

● Memory culture(s) of fragmentation, contestation, or reconciliation (e.g.,
cultural amnesia, intergenerational trauma, Canada’s residential school
system, the 60s Scoop, national/public memory, ongoing injustices against
marginalized and vulnerable communities, Canadian exceptionalism),

● Everyday processes and practices of fragmentation, contestations, or
reconciliation within and between different communities (e.g., Indigenous
peoples, racialized communities, disabled people, the 2SLGBTQIA+
community, migrants, or religious groups, different linguistic groups),

● Literary and media (television and film, social media, digital and multimedia
arts) representations and/or negotiations of forms of fragmentation,
contestation, and reconciliation (e.g., misrepresentations/
underrepresentation/appropriations of Indigenous peoples, diversities, and
minorities, representations of national identity, or portrayals of public opinion
on key societal issues),

● Historical perspectives on contested or shifting practices of identity-building,
community formation, and nation-making (e.g., the politics of multiculturalism,
Indigenous self-determination/sovereignty, Canadian nationalism, settler
colonial, and imperial Canada, the post-national state),

● Current events (e.g., COVID-19, the war in Ukraine) and their role in the
fragmentation, contestation, and negotiation of Canadian political, societal,
and cultural issues and identities,

● The role of protest movements (e.g., Idle No More, MMIWG, women,
2SLGBTQIA+ rights, Black Lives Matter, climate justice, migrant rights,
Québec sovereignty, labor, white supremacy/white nationalism,
anti-vaccination, Trucker protest/”Freedom Convoy”) in the (un-) making of

● Multi-scalar processes of fragmentation, contestation, and reconciliation
across rural and urban spaces in Canada (e.g., different place-/space-based
identities across ethnic, racial, and gender groups in urban and rural spaces,
Indigenous conceptions of land in urban and rural settings, socioeconomic
and political inequalities in these spaces).

Conference Components and Format
Presentation Panels: Panels include individual 20-minute presentations and
10-minute discussion sessions.
Idea Café: The Idea Café informally combines the presentation of new research
ideas and/or project posters with the opportunity for participants and guests to mingle
and engage in conversations with each other.

Abstract Submission
Panel Presentation: Please submit abstracts of max. 300 words and a short bio note of max. 150 words in English, French, or German to Yvonne K. Jende (, Louise Louw (, and Emiliano Castillo Jara ( by August 1st, 2022. Please outline which of the three main axes above your paper speaks to (if any).

Idea Café: Please submit a short idea/project outline of max. 150 words and a short bio note of max. 150 words in English, French, or German to to Yvonne K. Jende (, Louise Louw (, and Emiliano Castillo Jara ( by August 1st, 2022.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Charles R. Batson (Union College, USA): „Cirque du Soleil and Beyond: Quebec’s Expanding Circuses“ (Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen)

Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 15.30-16.30 hours
Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstr. 4/5, Bremen, Olbers-Saal


With its billion-dollar annual revenue stream, its international touring shows and its striking cultural presence in such destination-cities as Las Vegas, Cirque du Soleil has greatly contributed to the image of Québec as a world-renowned capital of the circus arts. This talk offers an exploration of this brightly shining figure by anchoring it in historical and cultural specificities that helped shape the development of Québec’s highly influential cirque nouveau. The presentation examines ways in which we can see that Québec’s cirques is not just Cirque du Soleil, as Québec’s circus worlds find significant expansion beyond any one enterprise and beyond provincial and national borders.

Charles R. Batson is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Union College, Schenectady, NY, and immediate Past President of the American Council for Québec Studies. He has published widely on Québecois, French, and Francophone cultural production and performance, including as co-editor, with Louis Patrick Leroux, of a compendium of essays on Québec’s contemporary circus called Cirque Global: Québec’s Expanding Circus Boundaries (McGill-Queens University Press, 2016). He is co-leading a series of research encounters in the new field of inquiry currently called Circus and Its Others.

Organized as part of the teacher training day “Kanada und Québec | Canada and Québec | le Canada et le Québec.” Inquiries and registration welcome: Dr. Paula von Gleich (

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Visual Cultures of the Circumpolar North – A NiCHE & Jackman Humanities Institute Series

Proposal Deadline: June 10, 2022

Series Publication: August & September 2022

In  partnership  with  NiCHE,  we  are  inviting  submissions  of  500-1000  words  for  a series  that  brings  together  interdisciplinary  perspectives  on  the  cultural,  social,  and environmental  dynamics  across  Indigenous  communities  and  settler  populations  in Alaska,  Canada,  Greenland,  the  Nordic  countries,  and  Russia  to  examine  the complex visual/textual  cultures  of this region.  Proposals of 150 words will be accepted until June 10th with publications running from  August through to the end of September.  If  you  are interested  in  contributing  to  this  series,  please  email  your  proposal  and  a  short  bio to  Isabelle  Gapp  at  isabelle.gapp  [@]  Please  also  feel  free  to  write  to Isabelle  if  you would like any additional information or have any questions.  An honorarium  is  available  for  contributors  without  adequate  or  consistent  access  to institutional financial compensation, assistance or support.  For more information, pleaseconsult the following link: