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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Ringvorlesung Canadian Ecologies – Écologies Canadiennes – Kanadische Ökologien

Das Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien lädt in diesem Sommersemester zu einer Ringvorlesung zum Thema „Canadian Ecologies“ ein.

An zehn Terminen werden nationale und internationale Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten interessante deutsch- oder englischsprachige Vorträge zu ihrer Forschung halten. Somit bietet die Ringvorlesung Gelegenheit, sich dem allgemein gehaltenen Thema „Canadian Ecologies“ aus verschiedenen Richtungen zu nähern und es aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu betrachten. Zu den breitgefächerten Themen- und Forschungsgebieten zählen beispielsweise Literaturwissenschaft, (indigene) Kunst, Geographie, Medienwissenschaft und Geschichte.

Die Vorlesung findet dienstags von 18 bis 20 Uhr in der Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6D, Raum 01D05 statt. Nähere Angaben zu Terminen und Themen finden Sie hier.


Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Doctoral Research Position at the IRTG Diversity (Trier/Saarbrücken)

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” (Trier, Montréal, Saarbrücken), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is accepting applications for

1 doctoral research position (TVL 13, 50%)

at the University of Trier or at Saarland University

for the time until Sept. 30, 2017, starting at the earliest date possible,
with a possible contract renewal for 18 more months
pending the continuation of funding by the DFG

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Diversity” is a joint German-Canadian doctoral education program of the University of Trier, Saarland University, and the Université de Montréal. On the German side, it has its offices at the University of Trier. The IRTG “Diversity” proposes an innovative research program in the contested fields of diversity, multiculturalism, and transnationalism by examining paradigmatic changes and historical transformations in interpreting multicultural realities in North America (Montréal, Québec, Canada, North America) and Europe (Saar-Lor-Lux, Germany, France, Europe) since the 18th century. Focusing on dynamic processes that engender diversity, the IRTG Diversity’s analytical framework offers new perspectives for transnational and area studies as well as cross-cultural research. Through the transversal analytic lenses of politics, practices, and narratives, the IRTG investigates the mediation and translation of cultural differences in micro-, meso- and macro-level empirical constellations. Following the principle of herméneutique croisée, our researchers in Europe focus on the sliding-scaled spatial zones of Montréal – Québec – Canada – North America, while our researchers in Canada focus on the Saar-Lor-Lux region – Germany/France – Europe. We thus are especially interested in PhD projects focusing empirically on Canada and/or Quebec. Projects with a comparative approach are also encouraged.

Deadline: April 15, 2016.

For more information and the complete Call for Applications, see the IRTG’s Website.


Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Mid-Atlantic New England Council for Canadian Studies Biennial Conference

Mid-Atlantic New England Council for Canadian Studies Biennial Conference
Portland Regency Hotel and Spa, Portland, ME/USA, October 20-22, 2016

The Mid-Atlantic-New England Council for Canadian Studies (MANECCS) is currently accepting papers from all academic disciplines for the 35th Anniversary Conference to be held at the Portland Regency Hotel and Spa in Portland, Maine between October 20 and 22, 2016.

MANECCS is the premier Canadian Studies organization in the region and is affiliated with the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS). Over the past 35 years MANECCS has brought together scholars from across the academic disciplines and from both public and private sectors in education, business, and government. At these conferences scholars explore complex topics relevant to Canada and its position in the world; past, present, and future. The organizers have an exciting biennial conference planned for their 35th anniversary year.

This year will seek to focus specifically on urban and industrial landscapes. The organizers are especially interested in panels that deal with urbanization, sprawl, decline, reattribution, urban and industrial living and working places, urban recreation and social organization, crime and policing, and any other topic related to Canada’s industrialization and urbanization. *Proposals on other topics related to Canadian history and studies are welcome.*  Papers from established scholars, emerging scholars, and graduate students are encouraged.

Please submit a 250-word paper proposal or a 500-word panel proposal no later than June 1, 2016 to Brian Payne, Associate Professor History, Bridgewater State University (email). Please keep apprised of all developments at:

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: „Literature and the Environment“

International Conference, June 8 – 10, 2017, University of Graz (Austria)

The aim of this conference is to underline the specific relevance of literature and of literary studies for environmental and ecological concerns. As literature has addressed environmental issues in the past decades, and eco-literature has evolved into a disctinctive new genre, eco-criticism has emerged as a concomitant branch of literary studies. However, there still seems to be a tendency within literary criticism to regard eco-literature as a form of littérature engagée which is rather less satisfactory from an aesthetic point of view. This view has often led to an almost exclusive focus on contents in critical approaches to committed environmental literature. However, and as suggested by Hubert Zapf’s model of literature as an element of a cultural ecology, it is the specifity of literary texts which determines, to a large extent, their unique cultural function. Thus, literature unfolds its main potential with regard to cultural transformations not only on a thematic or referential level, but also as an effect of „the specific structures and functions of literary textuality as it has evolved in relation to and competition with other forms of textuality in the course of cultural evolution“ (Zapf 2006).

The conference thus aims at exploring the potential of literary texts as cultural manifestations which either operate apart from or undermine pragmatic, one-dimensional and conventionalized discourses of ‚innovation‘ and ‚development‘. The organizers invite papers which discuss individual works or genres with a view to the textual strategies they employ in order to position themselves within the larger system of discourses that define our relationship with the environment.

Papers may want to address the following:

  • Literary renderings of environmental crisis
  • Poetic/dramatic/narrative strategies for mediating environmental issues
  • Human/non-human agency in literary texts
  • Constructing and envisioning animals and animal perspectives
  • Intertextuality, parody etc. as counter-discursive strategies
  • Negotiating the pragmatic and the aesthetic in environmental literature
  • Genre and the question of environmental issues

Length of paper presentations: 20 minutes

Please send your proposal (ca. 250 words) to this email address.

Deadline: 30 September 2016.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers

CfP: History, Memory, and Generations: German-Canadian Experiences From the Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries

Much of Canadian immigration historiography has focused on the first generation immigrants, including two important collections on German immigrants in Canada published in 1998 and 2012. While scholars have increasingly looked at the 1.5 and second generations, they have tended to conceptualize them as distinct categories or generations.

This proposed collection of articles, focusing on the experiences, histories, and memories of German immigrants in Canada and their descendants, seeks to explore how multi-generational families and groups have interacted and shaped each other’s integration and adaption in Canadian society. As one of Canada’s oldest and largest ethnic groups, German-Canadians allow for a variety of longitudinal and multi-generational studies that explore how different generations have negotiated and transmitted diverse individual and group experiences in the form of memories and histories.

Having come from places and times of conflict and war, such as two world wars as well as conflicts in North America, the volume of essays focuses on intergenerational experiences, memories, and histories of war, flight, displacement, and resettlement. This will allow scholars of German-Canadian history to connect their studies in fruitful ways with recent research in memory and refugee studies.

Following in the path of two previous successful collections in German-Canadian History, A Chorus of Different Voices: German-Canadian Identities (eds. Angelika Sauer and Matthias Zimmer) and Beyond the Nation? Immigrants‘ Local Lives in Transnational Cultures (ed. Alexander Freund), this collection seeks to engage the newest scholarship on generation, memory, and migration to illuminate how German-Canadians have lived in Canadian societies over the past 300 years.

More broadly, this collections seeks to document the state of the art in German-Canadian History, and thus proposals for essays on all topics in the field are invited.

The University of Manitoba Press has expressed an interest in reviewing the collection for potential publication in its Studies in Immigration and Culture series.



  • 30 April 2016: 500 word abstract and short bio
  • 15 June 2016: invitations to submit essays
  • 30 October 2016: 6,000 word essay (including footnotes, no bibliography or list of references; Chicago style)
  • 31 January 2017: final acceptance/rejection, first round of revisions
  • 31 March 2017: final revisions
  • 30 April 2017: submission of manuscript to university press

For more information or questions on the project, please contact:

Dr. Alexander Freund
Chair in German-Canadian Studies
Professor of History
Co-director, Oral History Centre
The University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3B 2E9