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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: Cartographies of Difference: A Critical Assessment of Keywords

Call for Papers, IRTG Diversity

Ostracized or celebrated, suppressed or embraced, difference is undeniably an object of both intensified and constant scrutiny in the contemporary world. To perceive, name and recognize it are all major issues replete with ambiguities manifested through the numerous social debates about it. Whether perceived as a problem or a solution, the various manners of addressing its manifold processes layer themselves, not without contradiction, in the fine weaving of the social fabric.

Academia is certainly caught within the same phenomenon as the multiplication of concepts called upon to capture such moving targets are the object of constant revision (most of the time, precisely in the name of a mishandled difference). While some are simply shunned and others amended, new concepts appear in order to highlight some of downplayed or devalued facets of the processes of differentiation.

This proposed volume thus envisions a critical incursion in the complex and multidimensional contemporary situation of the apprehension of difference. We will do so by assessing some of the key concepts directly linked to such efforts in order to: highlight current debates, render explicit some of what remains implicit within them and get a better grasp on the aporias and potentialities bared and expressed by the contemporary mobilization of such concepts.

The goal of such an interdisciplinary collection is to focus on both traditional or emergent ways of thinking and conceptualizing difference as they tend to deploy themselves today. We call upon critical and original reflections on the use (and abuses) of some the following concepts: alterity, authenticity, biodiversity, borders, culture, diversity, exoticism, forms of life, gender, heterotopia, hybridity, interculturalism, liminality, majority/minority, multiculturalism, ontologies, orientalism, pluralism, race and racism, religion, species, spirituality, stranger, translation, etc.

Such a variety of concepts will allow us to follow the numerous traces and historicities specific to the complex landscape of the conceptualization of difference. Some of the underlying questions of our inquiry can be formulated in this way: how, why and when is a chosen concept mobilized and debated? What are the conditions of its (re)emergence? What relations to difference tend to deploy themselves through the chosen conceptual mobilization? We invite authors to delve into current interrogations regarding the concepts of difference in order to question, on a more general level, how we think difference today and, what to think of our contemporary compulsion to think difference.

Propositions (400 words maximum) should be addressed, before July 30th 2016, to Phillip Rousseau – postdoctoral researcher IRTG Diversity, Université de Montréal. Authors will be advised if their propositions are selected on the 15th of August 2016. The length of the contributions should be between 6000 and 8000 words and will need to be sent by December the 15th 2016.

Papers in English, French or German will be peer-reviewed and the selected contributions published as part of the ongoing Waxmann (Münster / New York) publishing series entitled Diversity – Diversité – Diversität.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: 48th Algonquian Conference

Conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, October 13-16, 2016

This conference is an international meeting for researchers to share papers on Algonquian peoples. Fields of interest include anthropology, archaeology, art, biography, education, ethnography, ethnobotany, folklore, geography, history, language education, linguistics, literature, music, native studies, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology.

The conference will open on the evening of Thursday, October 13 with a welcome reception. Regular conference sessions will take place from Friday morning to Sunday noon.

If you are interested in making a presentation, please send a title and abstract of a maximum of one page to this e-mail address.

The subject line of your e-mail must read „Algonquian Conference“ and the text of your e-mail message must include your name, postal address, institutional affiliation and telephone number as well as the e-mail address of each speaker.

Please indicate your requirements for audio-visual equipment. The d eadline for submission of abstracts is September 1, 2016.

The following facilities will be made available to all participants through the Electa Quinney Institute: photocopier, computer, printer and telephone,

Registration information can be found here.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Defining Canada, 1867 – 2017: values, practices and representations

International Conference/Congress of the French Association of Canadian Studies (AFEC), 14-16 June 2017, Canadian Cultural Center, Paris (France)

On July 1 2017, Canada will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. On this historic occasion, the FrenchAssociation of Canadian Studies, in conjunction with the Research Center on Anglophone Cultures (LARCA) of the Université Paris Dideor and the Canadian Embassy in Paris, will hold a conference to explore the evolution of Canada and what defines it. This conference intents to favor the historical perspective of the longue durée, by examining not only what defines Canada in 2017, but by comparing this with the way it was defined in 1867, at the time of Conferedation, as well as in 1967, at the time of the centennial. To do so, the conference will be organized around three guiding lines that correspond to the values, the practices and the representations through which Canada is defined.


1) Canadian Values and Principles

The 2015 federal election was marked by a fierce debate over Canadian values, with two opposed views of Canada. The Conservative view of Canada promoted by Stephen Harper was based on a defense of moral certainty and material values and the desire to make uncompromising choices. The Liberal view of Canada, defended by Justrin Trudeau, emphasized the values of kindness and respect for diversity, and the desire to promote inclusiveness through collaboration and compromise. Both views were inspired, to a certain extent, by Canada’s past: the Conservative vision was associated with a return to the monarchist and British atmosphere of Sir John A. Macdonald’s Canada, while the Liberal view recalled the golden age of Lester Pearson’s and Pierre Trudeau’s Canada. The conference will therefore invite exploration of the values of contemporary Canada, but also of past Canada, so as to assess their permanence and evolution. To this reflection on values, which often possess an emotional dimension, could be added a study of the theoretical principles that serve and have served as foundations of the Canadian identity. The conference will welcome proposals for papers that address one of these topics, among others:

  • What is the current state of research on the values and principles that persided to the invention of the Canadian nation, its difficult beginnings, its links with the British Empire?
  • What is the place of conservatism in Canada today, and how did conservatism in Canada evolve since the foundation of the nation in 1867, and its centennial in 1967?
  • What are the libearl values of Canada? How far did they shape the Canadian identity in the 20th century? Is Justin Trudeau’s victory a sign that they form the permanent core of Canada?
  • In the past, were Canadian values and principles a crucial element to differentiate Canada from the United States, and is it still true today? Is the trend today towards a great resemblance or a greater divergence of Canadian and American values?
  • To what extent have new values that were disregarded in the past become central in the early 21st century (such as concern from the environment, equal representation of men and women…)?
  • How are Canadian values (re)defined, (re)presented or challenged by various artistic or literary forms?
  • Could it be said that the indigenous question is at the heart of Canadiaan values today? To what extent does the evolution of Canadian values lead to the construction of an inclusive identity (First Nations, founding peoples, immigrants)?


2) Canadian Practices

Canadian values are expressed and translated into reality through political, institutional, social, economic, and cultural practices which have greatly evolved since 1867 or even 1967.The conference invites proposals that explore the evolution of Canadian practices in all fields, among others:

  • Politics, Institutions, National Unity: the evolution of Canada federalism (decentralization, asymmetrical federalism); the place of Quebec in the post-referendum era; the Charter of Rights, the Supreme Court and the judicialization of politics bwetween 1967 and 2017; the evolution of the Canadian democracy, from British-style parliamentary system to participative democracy; reform of the electoral system…
  • International Relations: does multilateralism remain the cornerstone of Canadian foreign policy? From Pearson to Axworthy, does Canada remain a key agent for peace in the world?
    Economy: evolution of the trade practices of Canada, from the National Policy to NAFTA; permanence of staple model, from the fur trade to the mining sector…
  • Environment and the Economy: from the Hudson’s Bay Company to the XL Pipeline, ahve Canadian priorities changed?
    Indigenous peoples and society: a key challenge of contemporary Canada is to enable the integration of the First Nations on an equal basis, as well as their reconciliation with non-indigenous peoples. We will encourage presentations of the practices that make this evolution possible, such as the judicial use of land claims; the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; the creation of the territory of Nunavut; the legal obligation to consult indigenous peoples on development projects; the national inquiry into the murder or disappearance of indigenous women…
  • Language and Society: evolution of language policies and language practices. While Article 133 of the Constitution of 1867 did not officially establish bilingualism in Canada, it represented an almost revolutionary progress at a time when the institutional coexistence of two languages was at odds with received ideas of the link between language and the national identity. How has the relaitonship between the two official languages evolved since 1867? Do the language practices of speakers reflect this evolution? Is bilingualism a still valid concept in a society defined by multiculturalism?
  • Religions and Society: evolution of religious practices in Canada. Since 1867, the country has moved from religious practices that reproduced the European tradition of Catholicism, Anglicanism, Protestantism, and Judaism to an impressive pluralism that matched that of the United States. This was due to immigration but also tot he specific workings of religion in Canada.
  • Literature and the Arts: as early as the 1880s, the „Poets of Confederation“ started to build a Canadian poetic tradition and to contribute to the definition of the national identity. However, it is only since the 1960s that Canadian literature has moved apart from British and American literature. Where does it stand today? What relationship between literary practices in French and in English? Do they reflect similar evolutions?


3) Canadian Representations

Canada is also defined by the way it is represented, especially in the current era when branding has brcomse such an important concept. The conference will particularly encourage reflection on the representation of diversities in contemporary Canada, in comparison with the past. At the time of Confederation, Canada was often perceived as described as a binational state made up of two founding peoples, the French Canadians and the English Canadians. At the time of the centennial, the concept of a bicultural state was being replaced by the representation of Canada as a multicultural nation. Fifty years later, the representations of Canada seem to relfect a desire to encompass an ever-widening range of types of diversities, such as gender, religion, eexual orientation, physical handicap… Among these, the process of indigenization of Canadian identity that is barely beginning today may prove to be one of the most important changes in the future representation of Canada. The conference encourages proposals on the following topics, among others:

  • Does multiculturalism remain a central element in the representation of Canada today?
  • Is gender a key element of the representation of Canada today, in the fields of politics (gender equality in the Trudeau government), institutions (call to introduce gender-neural lyrics in the national anthem), arts (gender and sexual orientation as central themes in Xavier Nolan’s movies), literature….?
  • How the indigenous heritage of Canada is slowly being included in the national representtion through various processes of indigenization: greater visibility and consideration for indigenous languages; enhancement of indigenous artistic production; nomination of indigenous peoples at keyCabinet positions; showcasing the indigenous heritage as the official theme of the Vancouver Olympic Games; introduction of mandatory courses on indigenous cultures in Canadian universities…

Abstracts can be submitted individually or as a panel (group of 4 proposals around the same topic), in French or in English.

Deadline to sumbit abstracts (400 words) along with a short bio (100 words), preferably in Word format: August 1, 2016

Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2016.

Dr. Laurence CROS
Associate Professor, Canadian Studies
Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)

Selected papers from this conference will be published in the journal Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century

13th Graduate Student Conference of the Young Scholars‘ Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries, University of Vienna (A), June 24-26, 2016

Nachwuchsforum-Tagung 2016In May 2014, Austrian drag artist Conchita Wurst won the 59th Eurovision Song Contest and set in motion a wave of responses resonating beyond the borders of the country. In only one year, Conchita – by now the so-called “Queen of Austria” (ORF) and the “queer star on the European horizon” (The Guardian) – has transformed into an icon, not only of pop culture, but first and foremost of tolerance, diversity, respect, and freedom as she continues to promote the 2015 contest’s motto “Building Bridges.” Her anti-discrimination campaign has increased awareness of the necessity for change on social, cultural, and political levels, and has encouraged new debates about human rights, not only in Europe, but on a global scale. As such, CTV’s Canada AM has argued that just as Eurovision is about more than songs, Conchita’s message concerns more than Austria. Her message transcends the borders of Europe and continues to impact even Canadians, who are struggling with current affairs such as the refugee and asylum seeker debates, which have dominated even Canada’s federal election campaigns this fall. Mirroring the increasingly difficult situation Europe has been facing, this reflects Canada’s ongoing status as a space of encounters and multiculturalism, but also of separatism and (neo)colonial policies.

The 13th graduate student conference of the Young Scholars’ Forum taking place in Vienna in 2016 is thus titled “Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century.” It aims at exploring Canada’s cross-cultural and transnational dimensions; the realities of its histories, geographies, cultures, politics, and, above all, its people and identities, that have shaped and transformed it into its current state as a multicultural dominion a mari usque ad mare (“from sea to sea”).

Topics and disciplines to be addressed (in English and French) will include:

  • (Im)Migration, Integration, Refugee & Asylum-Seeker Debates
  • Anglo- and Francophone Canadian Literatures & Cultures
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Multiculturalism
  • Gender & Queer Studies
  • Media & Film Studies, Visual Culture
  • Anthropology, (Ethno)History, Geography, Politics & Economics
  • Language, Linguistics & Translation
  • Canada/Québec and the World 

Please find further information on the conference program, registration, location etc. on the conference website.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Canadian Studies Day 2016: Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada

marburger zentrum




14. Juni 2016, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6D

Das Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien veranstaltet am 14.6.2016 in Marburg eine interdisziplinäre Tagung/Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema „Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada“. Die Besonderheit dieses Jahres ist, dass hierbei an die Thematik der aktuellen Ringvorlesung „Canadian Ecologies – Écologies canadiennes – Kanadische Ökologien“ angeknüpft wird. Hierbei wird der Frage nachgegangen: Wie kann man das Thema Ökologie und Umwelt in Kanada in den Englisch- und Französischunterricht bringen?
Wissenschaftlerinnen, LehrerInnen, Studierende und SchülerInnen eröffnen auf dem Canadian Studies Day ein breites Feld an Themen, Methoden und Ideen für den Unterricht an Schulen und Universitäten.

Für Rückfragen und Anmeldung für den Canadian Studies Day (bis zum 7.6.2016) wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Vonderschmidt oder Herrn Kuester.
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Das vorläufige Programm können Sie hier einsehen.