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Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Articles: „ReFocus: The Films of Xavier Dolan“

Ever since his first feature film J’ai tué ma mère premiered at Cannes in 2009, where it received an eight-minute standing ovation and three awards, every film from the prolific and precocious 28 year-old Québécois director Xavier Dolan has generated significant buzz. A recipient of numerous international awards, Dolan has recently taken his career into genre filmmaking (with Tom à la ferme, which premiered at Venice and garnered the prestigious FRIPESCI prize) and to an international level, with his first English-language feature The Death and Life of John F. Donovan now in post-production.

Dolan has undoubtedly been a crucial player in the film festival circuit of the past seven years, and an eloquent spokesperson for Québec’s national cinema within international spheres. Dolan’s involvement with directing, producing, screenwriting, editing, costume design and English subtitling and dubbing make Dolan an exemplar of auteur cinema. Meanwhile, his “very Québécois” profile, combined with the wide circulation of his films in foreign markets, continues to enhance the relevance of Québec’s cultural specificity in wider frameworks of film reception.

As the first book-length anthology on Xavier Dolan, this ReFocus International Directors volume seeks to make an intervention on the global reach of small national and subnational cinemas, and to use Dolan’s cinema as a departure point to reconsider the position of Québec film and cultural imaginary within a global cinematic culture. The Films of Xavier Dolan will be one of the scholarly editions to be published by the University of Edinburgh Press in the ReFocus series on international directors. Series editors are Robert Singer, PhD and Gary D. Rhodes, PhD.

The editor is accepting submissions on any aspect of Dolan’s oeuvre, but especially chapters on the following topics:

  • The international reception of Dolan’s films
  • Local/Global reception
  • Millennial filmmaking and reception, as it relates to Dolan
  • Millennial queer filmmaking
  • Millennial nostalgia in Dolan’s films
  • Specific films, as they relate to any of the above or the following additional topics: sexuality/intimacy, language/accents, women/motherhood, Québec cinema, international circuits/film festivals

Please send your 250-750 word proposal and CV to by May 30, 2017. I welcome initial email enquiries to discuss possible proposals.

Final submissions will be approximately 6000 to 8000 words, in English, referenced in Chicago endnote style, and submitted by October 15, 2017.

Andrée Lafontaine, PhD, Assistant Professor of American Studies, Aichi University, Nagoya

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Articles: „Sydney Newman – Producing Television and Film Across Borders“

Probably best known as the creator of the long-running science fiction television series Doctor Who, Sydney Newman played a significant role in the production of television and film both in his native Canada and in the United Kingdom. The Museum of Broadcast Communications describes Newman as „the most significant agent in the development of British television drama.“ [1] But this is only one aspect of Sydney Newman’s (1917-1997) professional experience. Newman enjoyed a long and interesting career in broadcasting and films. While his ‚claim to fame‘ might very well be as creator of Doctor Who and Avengers, he also worked at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as Supervising director of features, documentaries and outside broadcasts (1952-1958), the Associated British Corporation as head of Drama (1958-1962), the British Broadcasting Corporation as head of Drama (1962-1967), and the National Film Board of Canada as a film editor (1941-1949) and as Commissioner (1970-1975). He then became a special advisor on film to the Canadian Secretary of State, and was Chief Creative Consultant for the Canadian Film Development Corporation (1978-1984).

His work at these institutions was critical in the development of Canadian and British broadcasting, and popular culture. His influence was far-reaching. But thus far, while there have been some studies which have taken into account the particular roles which he has played during his career, no study has taken his roles together, to provide a more complete picture.

This peer-reviewed collection seeks to understand Sydney Newman’s career in both Canada and in Britain by curating a number of studies on his various professional roles and works. This includes providing an understanding of the world of broadcast television and film, in both countries during the 50s-70s, and the visions of culture he articulated in his work. Articles can deal with specific aspects of his career, specific institutions, specific programs he developed, his influence as a producer/filmmaker, or administrator. Biographical articles are also welcome. The aim is that the collection taken as a whole will provide a balanced analysis of his varied career in two countries during periods of significant development and change in the entertainment industry of both.

[Please note that Sydney Newman’s Memoirs Head of Drama: The Memoir of Sydney Newman will be released by ECW Press on 5th September 2017.]

Proposals should be approximately two hundred words, and sent to by the 30th of September 2017.  A decision will be communicated by the 30th of November, and final articles should be submitted by the 15 July 2018.

Gillian I Leitch, PhD, Independent Scholar, Co-Chair, Science Fiction Fantasy Area, PCA/ACA

[1] [Accessed 2 April 2017]

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Bourse Jean Cléo Godin du du Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises (CRILCQ)

La Bourse Jean Cléo Godin (anciennement Bourse du Cétuq) est offerte chaque année à une étudiante ou un étudiant à la maîtrise ou au doctorat de l’extérieur du Québec et dont les recherches portent sur la littérature québécoise. Cette bourse d’une valeur de 7 000 $ doit permettre à la gagnante ou au gagnant de défrayer le coût d’un séjour d’au moins trois mois au CRILCQ/site Université de Montréal pour y poursuivre ses recherches et profiter de l’ensemble des activités (cours et séminaires, colloques, conférences, etc.) relatives à la littérature québécoise. Le séjour doit être effectué au cours de l’année universitaire suivant l’obtention de la bourse. L’étudiante ou l’étudiant choisi(e) sera appelé(e) à participer activement aux activités et événements du CRILCQ/site Université de Montréal.

Détails du concours

Protocole de participation

Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre les documents suivants :

  • une lettre de présentation expliquant en quoi un séjour au CRILCQ – site Université de Montréal serait pertinent dans le cadre du projet (maximum de deux pages) ;
  • un curriculum vitæ universitaire ;
  • une description du projet de recherche (2 pages) ;
  • une lettre de recommandation du directeur de recherche.

Les candidat(e)s doivent faire parvenir leur dossier en format pdf à cette adresse :

La bourse est offerte pour une durée minimale de 3 mois.

Date limite pour le dépôt des demandes : 19 mai 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Reminder CfP: GeschichteN – HiStories – HistoireS

Reminder: The CfP for our 39th Annual Conference is still open until May 29, 2017!

39th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS), February 16 – 18, 2018, Hotel am Badersee, Grainau, Germany

The Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries aims to increase and disseminate a scholarly understanding of Canada. Its work is facilitated primarily through seven disciplinary sections, but it is decidedly multidisciplinary in outlook and seeks to explore avenues and topics of, and through transdisciplinary exchange. For its 2018 annual conference, the Association thus invites papers from any discipline that speak to the conference theme of „GeschichteN – HiStories – HistoireS“ with a Canadian or comparative focus. (Papers can be presented in English, French or German.) We are particularly – but not exclusively – interested in the following aspects:

Writing History and writing stories are as closely intertwined as telling about the past and storytelling. Histories try to reconstruct the past in a narrative form, and stories are hardly conceivable without references to the past or to various pasts. Both construct and contain narratives and with them social, cultural, ideological, and physical landscapes. Narratives tell us of people(s) and their interaction, with each other as well as with the physical and social environment they live in. And narrative constructions form a basis of any kind of scholarship.

At the annual meeting of the Canadian Studies Association, we will explore differences, similarities, and interdependencies of narratives, stories and histories along these topics:

1) Are Canadian (Hi)Stories different?

Is Canadian history and writing about Canadian issues significantly different from that of other nations? Do Canadian authors, scholars, journalists and historians have different voices, are they voicing difference? How has the story of two “founding nations” and the fact that French Canada (and then Quebec) has developed its own national historiography influenced the writing of histories? How have Aboriginal oral and printed historical narratives influenced the perception of Canadian history? Are Canadian authors, scholars, journalists and historians looking beyond the arbitrary boundaries of the nation state or boundaries such as class, gender, and race? What are the narratives and ideas of the Canadian self, what is the nature of assumptions, (self-)images, narratives, maps, plans, documents and texts that construct Canada?

2) Authenticity, Historical “Truth” and beyond

How “authentic” can Canadian histories, stories of and about Canada be, how subjective need they to be? How do historians, scholars and other authors deal with multiperspectivity, contested and alternative histories, heterogeneous and plural forms of history? How do they deal with historiographic metafiction?

What is the relationship between “truth“ and “alternative“ facts in Canadian history, science, politics, media etc.? How do scholars and authors reflect upon the selection of their topics, their sources, their medium of expression, their own subjectivity and the goals they try to achieve?

3) Voices not Heard

Do Canadian historians, scholars, journalists and authors “lend their pen” to voices of those not heard and marginalized, of peoples that have no written record of their past, and possibly rely on transmediation? By what mechanisms are certain peoples and societal groups excluded and how do they gain a voice? How have these peoples and groups “taken the pen” and started “writing back”? And what role do alternative historical, cultural, societal, political, geographical, economic and literary discourses play?

4) Inscribing (Hi)stories – Authorship, Memories, City- and Landscapes

Do historians, scholars and authors and their narratives matter, and if so, how and for whom? How important are the specific medium (print, radio/television, internet, art etc.) and the genre (oral traditions, auto-/biographies, speculative fiction, historiographic metafiction etc.) they use for the narratives chosen? What are the (hi)stories that shape Canadian landscapes, cityscapes, cultural memories and public spaces? And how are these (hi)stories inscribed in images, maps, social and institutional structures, landscapes and environments of Canada?

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

Franca Iacovetta (University of Toronto)

Andrée Lévesque (Archives Passe-Mémoires, Montreal History Group – McGill University)

Glen Coulthard (University of British Columbia)

Contact and abstract submission

Paper proposals/abstracts of max 500 words should outline:

– methodology and theoretical approaches chosen,
– content/body of research
– which of the four main aspects outlined above the paper speaks to (if any).

In addition, some short biographical information (max. 250 words) should be provided, specifying current institutional affiliation and position as well as research background with regard to the conference topic and/or four main aspects.

Abstracts should be submitted no later than May 29, 2017 to the GKS Administration Office (

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

Neue Publikation: Gefangen in Kanada von Judith Kestler

Gefangen in Kanada

Zur Internierung deutscher Handelsschiffsbesatzungen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Die Internierung deutscher Handelsschiffsbesatzungen ist ein kaum bekanntes Kapitel des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Judith Kestler zeichnet erstmals nach, was deutsche Seeleute in kanadischen Lagern erlebten.
Die kulturanthropologische Arbeit leistet eine differenzierte Rekonstruktion von Internierungsbedingungen und fragt nach der Entstehung retrospektiver Deutungen. Dabei verschränkt sie systematisch die Perspektiven von Internierten, Wachen und humanitären Helfern. Auf Basis archivalischer Quellen und Interviews wird Internierung als komplexe kulturelle Praxis greifbar. Die Studie bietet nicht nur Einblicke in ein faszinierendes deutsch-kanadisches Thema, sondern auch neue Perspektiven auf Gefangenschaft als transnationalen Möglichkeitsraum.

von Judith Kestler

ISBN 978-3-8376-3619-2, 02/2017, 546 Seiten, kart., zahlr. z.T. farb. Abb., Preis: 39,99 €, Bestellung auf der Website des Verlags