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Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Articles: American, British and Canadian Studies

American, British and Canadian Studies, the Journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, is now accepting submissions for its December 2017 issue, an open-theme edition featuring our usual selection of critical-creative multidisciplinary work.

We invite contributions in the form of articles, essays, interviews, book reviews, conference presentations and project outlines that seek to take Anglophone studies to a new level of enquiry across disciplinary boundaries.

See the full CfA here:
Deadline for submissions: August 1, 2017.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Einladung der Botschaft von Kanada in Berlin

„Cultural Learning and Celebration: Computerspiele aus dem Indigenen Nordamerika“

Anlässlich des Aboriginal Day #NADCanada läd die Botschaft von Kanada in Berlin zu einer Podiumsdiskussion und einem Empfang ein: Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2017 von 16:00 bis 18:30 Uhr in der Botschaft von Kanada, Leipziger Platz 17, 10117 Berlin

Hauptreferentin ist Dr. Elizabeth LaPensée, Michigan State University. Dr. LaPensée ist Entwicklerin von Computerspielen und Comicbuchautorin mit Anishinaabe-, Métis- und irischen Wurzeln. Sie lehrt Media & Information und Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures an der Michigan State University.

Außerdem gibt es Präsentationen von Dr. Sebastian Möring, Koordinator, Zentrum für Computerspielforschung, Universität Potsdam, und Dr. Judith Ackermann, Professorin, Digitale und Vernetzte Medien in der Sozialen Arbeit am Fachbereich Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaften der FH Potsdam. Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung bis 19. Juni 2017 unter:

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

New Publication: Acoustic Entanglements by Sabine Kim

Acoustic Entanglements

Sound and Aesthetic Practice

Combining a cultural history of sound with media and literary studies, ‘Acoustic Entanglements’ presents a new perspective on the entangled affiliations of transnational mobility, diasporic cultural memory, embodied performance, and the material practices of aesthetic acts. Starting by reassessing Emily Dickinson’s poetry as participating in an emergent phonographic logic, this book proposes that sound in modernity assumes the capacity to cross time and space, ‘entangling’ past and present, living and dead, periphery and alleged center.

From this vantage point, the study examines Lillian Allen’s dub poetry as an ethical demand for economic justice made via sound, Janet Cardiff’s audio walks as renegotiating the cultural place of Europe for a North American imaginary, and Anishinaabe artist Rebecca Belmore’s performances as voicing indigenous resilience in the present. Focusing on Canada and the US, the book brings together the fields of sound studies and transnational American studies.

ISBN: 978-3-8253-6677-3, Fachgebiet: Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Reihe: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Band: 278, Preis: 40,00 €, Bestellung auf der Website des Verlags.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Articles: „The Life of Others: Narratives of Vulnerability”

for a special issue of Canada & Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies (Spring 2018 issue)

Guest Editor: Eva Darias-Beautell

In her Levinasian discussion of the functioning of ethical obligations in the face of global and local forms of precarity, Judith Butler links the production of vulnerability with a situation of “up againstness” or “unwilled adjacency,” of one’s involvement in a relation of proximity that has not been chosen (134). Vulnerability in those cases arises from the realization that “one’s life is also the life of others”, and that “the bounded and living appearance of the body is the condition of being exposed to the other, exposed to solicitation, seduction, passion, injury, exposed in ways that sustain us but also in ways that can destroy us” (141). Itself the site of production of various forms of violence and vulnerability, this adjacency also triggers the affective and creative engagements necessary for action (134).

These seem crucial issues in Canada, where contemporary debates over citizenship and social justice often take place within complex transnational, transcultural, and (post)colonial contexts as well as beside the historical experiences of settlement and migration, with their contested forms of national or cultural belonging. Additionally, Canada’s humanitarian tradition, itself marked by convoluted narratives, is increasingly challenged by new conditions of global violence, environmental threats, social and political unrest. Canadian literatures do not merely reflect on these conditions but engage with them, exploring the aesthetic possibilities of what could be thought of as a reconnection between the text and the world. How does cultural production articulate and propose strategies of resistance to the massive production of vulnerability? Are the examples of resilience offered by Canadian literature, film, performance and visual arts able to reactivate ethical responsibility and political activism?

This special issue invites contributors to offer a critical examination of Canadian cultural production with an emphasis on the discursive modes that deconstruct the hegemonic structures that produce vulnerability. We also wish to invite research articles that interpret the present condition of (un)willed adjacency in its real and metaphoric possibilities as a site of production of violence and vulnerability, but also (potentially) of lucid creativity, exposing, soliciting, seducing “in ways that sustain us but also in ways that can destroy us.”

Possible areas of interest include (but are not limited to): urban poverty, the medicalized body, indigenous activism, colonial violence, migration and war narratives, ecological vulnerability, the posthuman seduction, emotional precarity, sexuality and (trans)narrative desire, gender and agency, technological liquidity, queer creativities, precarious labour, (non)narratives of resistance, narrative ethics and the post-truth moment. Comparatist and interdisciplinary approaches are most welcome.

All submissions to Canada & Beyond must be original, unpublished work. Articles, between 6,000 and 7500 words in length, including endnotes and works cited, should follow current MLA bibliographic format.

Submissions should be uploaded to Canada & Beyond’s online submissions system (OJS) by the deadline of June the 1st, 2017. They will be peer-reviewed for the Spring 2018 issue.

Work Cited: Butler, Judith. 2012. “Precarious Life, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Cohabitation.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26.2: 134-151.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Call for Papers: „Resurfacing: Women Writing Across Canada in the 1970s“

26-28 April 2018, Mount Allison University & Université de Moncton
Second and Last Call

This conference emerges from the growing sense that women who were writing in English and French across Canada from the end of the 1960s through the 1970s and into the early 1980s are poised to be recovered or recontextualized by our scholarly community. This period was seminal for the women’s movement and also for literature and literary criticism in Canada. As many literary scholars active in the 1970s reach the pinnacles of their careers, and as a younger generation researches that lively feminist period, it seems timely to come together to revisit this unique era.

Certainly, there are classics from the period that are alive and well in classrooms across the country. Atwood’s Surfacing (1972), alluded to in our conference title, is one example. We might also think of Anne Hébert’s Kamouraska (1970), Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed (1973), or Marian Engel’s Bear (1976). In addition there has been sustained and renewed interest in figures such as Claire Martin, Jane Rule, and Phyllis Webb. But what about lesser-known writers who were part of this vanguard of literary feminism? How might we remember and re-theorize texts like Constance Beresford-Howe’s The Book of Eve (1973) or the early poems of B.C. Indigenous writer Mahara Allbrett (formerly Skyros Bruce)? What about writers whose voices were marginalized at the time, whose work could be uncovered today?

Beyond particular writers and books, we wish to reflect more broadly on the literary and academic „scenes“ of the period in relation to writing and gender. The 1970s saw the founding of Women’s Press, La Nouvelle barre du jour, and Fireweed, and yet Barbara Godard recalled the „shock and incomprehension that greeted those first feminist critical analyses“ at literary conferences of the early 1980s („Women of Letters (Reprise)“ 260-261 in Collaboration in the Feminine). We look forward to critical reminiscences and historicized reconstructions of what it was like to be a feminist critic, writer, teacher, or student during this time.

To this end, the conference will feature special round-table keynote sessions with noted scholars and critics invited to reflect on and discuss women writers and writing of the late 1960s, the 1970s, and the early 1980s in Canada, and critical literary and cultural developments during the period. Please check the conference website from time to time for updates on confirmed keynote participants.

We invite proposals on any topic related to our conference theme. Here are some examples:

  • Revisiting texts by writers such as: Adele Wiseman, Helen Weinzweig, Bronwen Wallace, Aritha van Herk, Audrey Thomas, Donna Smyth, Carol Shields, Libby Scheier, Suzanne Paradis, Libby Oughton, Alice Munro, Mary di Michele, Claire Martin, Joyce Marshall, Louise Maheux-Forcier, Andrée Maillet, Gwendolyn MacEwan, Pat Lowther, Margaret Laurence, Betty Lambert, Anne Hébert, Madeleine Gagnon, Diane Giguère, Mavis Gallant, Sylvia Fraser, Marian Engel, Solange Chaput-Rolland, Joan Clark, Adrienne Choquette, Maria Campbell, Denise Boucher, Monique Bosco, Constance Beresford-Howe, Joan Barfoot, Jeanette Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, etc…
  • Recovering works by writers currently unknown
  • The importance of this period for Indigenous women writers
  • The work of researching women writers of this era: archival research, obscure texts, logistics, permissions, etc.
  • The interconnectedness of “second wave” feminist activism and literature across Canada
  • The literary industry at the time: feminist journals, publishers, reviews, magazines (examples such as Tessera, La Vie en Rose, F.Lip, Les Editions du Remue-ménage, among others)
  • The impact of feminist scholars and critics
  • Gender and literary events (readings, conferences, festivals) of the time

Proposals of 300 words, accompanied by a title, 50-75 word abstract, and a short biographical note
(~100 words) are welcome in English or French and for a variety of presentation formats.

  • Organized panel: participants present 15 minute papers on a chaired panel topic
  • Seminar workshop: participants complete their papers in advance and distribute them to other seminar participants prior to the conference. Participants offer 10 minute reflections responding to the papers, noting connections or tensions between them. Open discussion follows.
  • Pecha Kucha: participants present a brief visual representation of their research, following
  • Pecha Kucha guidelines (i.e. 20 slides x 20 seconds each)
  • Creative session: participants read short excerpts from works in the conference time period, with a brief response comment on the selection.

Deadline for proposals: August 1, 2017. Please submit to