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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

GKS-Fördermöglichkeiten: Deadline für Förderanträge 15. Juni 2017

Auch in diesem Jahr können Sie wieder finanzielle Zuschüsse bei der GKS beantragen. Die aktuelle Bewerbungsrunde für Publikationszuschüsse, Tagungsunterstützung und Reisekostenzuschüsse für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs endet am 15. Juni 2017.  Nähere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Voraussetzungen sowie eine Liste der benötigten Unterlagen zur Bewerbung finden Sie unter dem Reiter Fördermöglichkeiten.

Reichen Sie Ihre Anträge bis 15. Juni 2017 in der GKS-Geschäftsstelle ein.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Call for Applications: Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies (University of Bonn)

The North American Studies Program of the University of Bonn invites applications for a Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies (academic year 2017-2018)


  • MA. or PhD in Canadian Literature and Culture, Political Science, or any other discipline affiliated with the North American Studies Program (Art History, Economics, Ethnology, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Media Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Religious Studies)
  • Teaching experience

For more information, please visit:

Application deadline: July 17, 2017

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Panel „La Révolution tranquille? Espaces et échanges au Canada francophone“

Graduate Student Conference „(Re)Activism“ organised by Leah Holz, Jocelyne Franklin, French and Italian Department, University of Colorado-Boulder

Panel organised by Arianne Margolin, University of Denver

Dates: October 6-7, 2017, University of Colorado-Boulder campus

The panel „La Révolution tranquille? Espaces et échanges au Canada francophone“/ „La Révolution tranquille ? Francophone Canadian Spaces and Exchanges,“ which is part of the Graduate Student Conference „(Re)Activism,“ seeks papers on nationalistic, immigrant, and activist spaces in literature, film, image, social and political movements, or performance arts in Québec and Acadia during the Quiet Revolution, which developed in terms of socio-linguistic independence from Anglophone Canada as well as from France. We would particularly welcome papers pertaining to regional and cultural tensions of the same theme between Québec and Acadia and those between the Québécois and the people of the First Nations.

Colloque jeunes chercheurs „(Re)Activism“ organisé par Leah Holz, Jocelyne Franklin, French and Italian Department, Université du Colorado

Atelier organisé par Arianne Margolin, Université de Denver

Université du Colorado, 6-7 octobre 2017

Cet atelier, lié au colloque jeunes chercheurs „(Re)Activism,“ se propose d’étudier les espaces nationalistes, immigrés et activistes, de littérature, de film, d’image, de manifestations et de spectacle au Québec et en Acadie, au cours de la Révolution tranquille, qui se développent en fonction de l’autonomie socio-linguistique du Canada anglophone ainsi que de la France. Il s’agira aussi de s’intéresser aux tensions régionales et culturelles entre le Québec et l’Acadie et entre les Québécois (européens) et les nations autochtones.

For submission details, please visit:

Deadline for submissions: July 10, 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Innovation or Aberration? Science, Technology and Historical Meanings of Failure

Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association (CSTHA) – l’Association pour l’histoire de la science et de la technologie au Canada (AHSTC) conference / colloque
November 3–5,  2017, London, Ontario

The 2017 CSTHA biennial conference will be held November 3–5, 2017 at King’s University College in London, Ontario. The Program Committee invites papers addressing this year’s conference theme: “Innovation or Aberration? Science, Technology and Historical Meanings of Failure.”

See the CfP here:
Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Articles: Special Issue of Canadian Literture on „The Concept of Vancouver“

This special issue invites essays that examine the representation of Vancouver in art and literature, that consider individual authors and artists, that explore the state of aesthetic communities (visual, literary, architectural, filmic, etc.) in the city, or that address the confluence of politics and aesthetics. We are particularly interested in papers that explore links between art and resistance, art and the archive and collective/institutional memory, art in the neoliberal gentrification of the city and housing crises, and art and settler-colonial histories and decolonization efforts. We are also interested in papers that consider avant-garde groups and affiliations (such as TISH, the hippy and Beat poets of the 60s and 70s, Press Gang, the Vancouver School of photo-conceptualists, and the Kootenay School of Writing, amongst others), contemporary urban space, the politics of architecture, micro-literary histories, and transnational or transborder considerations. Canadian Literature publishes essays on fiction, poetry, non-fiction, drama, and inter-genre collaborations.

See the full Call here:
Deadline for submissions: August 31, 2017.