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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers

Call for Papers and Call for Application of the Young Scholars’ Forum of the GKS

The Young Scholars‘ Forum of the GKS invites abstracts for their panel at the 39th annual conference of the GKS in Grainau, February 16-18, 2018 as well as for their own conference at the University of Bern, Switzerland, 29 June – 1 July 2018. The NWF also still accepts applications for the next organizing team.

Application deadline: December 15, 2017.

Deadline for proposals for the NWF panel at the GKS conference: December 15, 2017.

Deadline for proposals for the NWF conference in Bern: December 31, 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Appel à communications

La dimension oubliée des années 1968: Mobilisations politiques et culturelles des minorités nationales en Amérique du nord – Dynamiques partagées, héritages communs?

Colloque du Réseau de la recherche sur la francophonie canadienne du 1er au 3 juin 2018 – Université de Régina.

Le Réseau de recherche sur la francophonie canadienne organise un colloque sur
„La dimension oubliée des années 1968: Mobilisations politiques et culturelles des minorités nationales en Amérique du nord – Dynamiques partagées, héritages communs?“/ „The Forgotten Dimension of the ‚Long Sixties‘: Political and Cultural Movements of National Minorities in North America Shared Experiences, Common Legacy?“. Cette année, en raison de la dimension comparative du colloque, celui-ci sera bilingue, avec la traduction simultanée.

Please see the complete CfP in French here and in English here.

Date limite de remise des propositions de communication: 8 janvier 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP for the 19th Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland

Canadian Re-Generation(s), Waterford Institute of Technology, 26th-28th April 2018

The 19th biennial conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI) aims to examine the theme of re-generation(s) in relation to Canada (past, present and future) from a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives.

Deadline for Submissions: January 12, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP of the CSSN: Gathering Diversities

Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada, May 26 & 27, 2018, University of Regina, Canada

The Canadian Society for the Study of Names / Société canadienne d’onomastique is meeting as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada, May 26 & 27, 2018, at the University of Regina, Canada. The overall conference theme is “Gathering diversities.“ The languages of the conference are French and English.

Deadline for Submissions: January 24, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: „tastes, textures, relations“- Le 21e colloque bisannuel de l’ACQS

November 1-4, 2018 at the Intercontinental New Orleans, LA

L’American Council for Québec Studies sollicite des propositions de communication pour notre prochain colloque en 2018. Si le thème choisi se prête à des approches diverses, tant en sciences sociales qu’en arts et lettres, nous cherchons à souligner l’importance de la multiplicité des relations qui marquent, forment, et enrichissent les Amériques françaises et francophones. Nous sommes particulièrement heureux de nous réunir à la Nouvelle-Orléans alors qu’elle fête son 300e anniversaire, ville riche en carrefours qui sont également témoins de multiples transformations, transferts, et identifications.

Nous invitons des propositions individuelles aussi bien que des sessions complètes sur tout sujet lié aux études québécoises. Veuillez consulter notre site web ( pour plus de précisions sur le colloque en général ainsi que sur sa série de sessions importantes qui s’organisent autour du thème La Louisiane francophone et ses relations internationales. //

The 21st biennial conference of the ACQS

The American Council for Québec Studies invites proposals for papers and panels for our upcoming conference in November 2018. If the conference theme is open to a wide range of approaches across the Social Sciences and Humanities, our hope is to underscore the multiplicities of the relations that mark, form, and enrich the French and Francophone Americas. We are particularly pleased to host our convention in the city of New Orleans as it celebrates ist 300th anniversary as a site of crossroads that are witness to multiple transformations, transfers, and identifications.

We welcome and will consider proposals related to any aspect of Québec studies. Submissions of both individual papers and complete panels are encouraged. Please consult our website ( for more details on the conference as well as on the mini-colloquium focused on Francophone Louisiana’s International Relations to be held within it.

For further details, please consult the complete CfP.

Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2018.