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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: 1968 in Canada: A Year and its Legacies – A One-Day Scholarly Colloquium

September 28, 2018, Canadian Museum of History, 100 Laurier St, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8, Canada

The Center for the Study of Canada at State University of New York College at Plattsburgh (New York), Fulbright Canada, and the Canadian Studies Program at Bridgewater State University (Massachusetts), in partnership with the Canadian Museum of History, invite paper proposals from all disciplines for a one-day colloquium entitled “1968 in Canada: A Year and Its Legacies.” The colloquium is open to proposals with a significant Canadian focus or explicitly comparative perspective. It will host a wide range of scholarly questions on the theme of Canada and 1968.

Deadline for proposals: April 01, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: The Genres of Genre: A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations (SANAS)

Swiss Association for North American Studies (SANAS) Biannual Conference, Nov. 2 and 3, 2018, Lausanne

North American Studies have always had an intense but ambivalent relationship to genre, as these narrative patterns have participated in nationalist processes as well as in narratives of resistance. Emerging at the beginning of the twentieth century from concerns about naturalism and realism, American literary scholarship after WWII avoided the politicized post-war atmosphere by making the ‘romance’ the quintessential American novel genre, while cinematic genres such as the musical or the Western contributed to amplifying the mythic dimension of American self-definition. Since then, American Studies scholars have pioneered influential work on melodrama, the American Gothic, the jeremiad and other genres. Concurrently, Canadian literature’s prominent nation-building narratives were framed as documentary tales of regionalism, historical novels and social realism before evolving into dystopian and postmodern fiction, most famously by Margaret Atwood. Thus, among the recurring questions posed by genre is the conflicted relationship between literature/art and ist social, historical, and cultural context. Terms such as ‘the political unconscious’ (Jameson), ‘cultural work’ (Tompkins), ‘narrative mode’ (Williams) and ‘performative’ (Austin, Turner) have been centrally determining, over the years, to help us understand how genres work and what they do. This conference therefore seeks to explore what roles genre plays in American and Canadian nation-building and counter-narratives, and how it evolves nowadays.

While the cultural concept of genre has been crucial in creating North American national literatures and identities, it shows equal potential for resistance, subversion and transformation of these constructed national characters. Thus, how does genre reconcile this seemingly contradictory potential for creating narratives of nationbuilding as well as counter-culture? How do feminist, queer, Indigenous, Latino/a, African-American/Canadian and Asian-American/Canadian writers use, appropriate, and subvert specific genres to resist and protest social injustices. How do they use genre to imagine alternative models or redeem social injustice? With Prof. Linda Williams (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Ronald Schleifer (University of Oklahoma), both experts on the role of genre in North American studies as our keynote speakers, this conference proposes to be a space for a renewed discussion about what genre has meant for North American studies as well as American and Canadian culture, and what its future might be.

See the full Call for Papers here.

Deadline for proposals: April 30, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfArticles: Special issue of Canadian Literature: Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings

Guest editor: Eva Darias-Beautell, University of La Laguna, Spain

It is now commonly accepted that Canadian literature has become a global literature, implying that any understanding of textual localities is traversed by vectors that exceed, complicate and extend the nation in physical, historical, and cultural ways. But the gaze is seldom reversed and little attention has been paid to the role of international scholarship in the current transformation and development of the field.

How are Canadian texts read and circulated beyond the national borders? What is the place of Canadian literature in the institutional spaces of universities outside Canada? How do those transnational contexts negotiate the relationship between texts and readers? Are there defining differences in the ways non-Canadian scholars approach CanLit? How does transnational scholarship influence, challenge, enrich and rescale Canadian literary production?

This special issue invites scholars of Canadian literature from around the globe to engage critically with any aspect of Canadian literary production, dissemination, or reception. Essays should implicitly bring to view the two-way direction of reading and writing Canadian literature globally, demonstrating the porosity of transnational scholarship as well as advancing innovative perspectives that may contribute to the rescaling of the field.

Deadline for submissions: May 15, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Roots, Routes and Recognition: Italian Canadians in Literature and the Arts

17th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW), University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 7 – 9, 2018

The Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW), in collaboration with Italian Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Winnipeg, is accepting proposals for its 17th Biennial Conference to be held at the University of Winnipeg, Manitoba on June 7 – 9, 2018. The conference invites academic papers, literary readings (poetry, prose or plays) and artistic works in Italian-Canadian literature and culture that engage with themes of heritage, passages and appreciation. Writers and artists, academics and researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals to present new (or posthumous) creative or critical works in Italian, English or French. Graduate students and emerging writers are encouraged to participate.

For more information, please view the full call for invitations here.

Deadline for Proposals: Feb. 16, 2018. 

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Wilson Institute Prizes: Viv Nelles Essay Prize/Prix de l’essai Viv Nelles

The Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University is proud to, once again, award the $1,000 Viv Nelles Essay Prize. This prize is awarded to the graduate student term paper that best places Canada in a transnational framework.

The winner of the 2016 $1,000 Viv Nelles Essay Prize was Alexandra Montgomery, a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania for a wonderful paper titled “Philadelphia’s Plantations: The Great Nova Scotian Land Boom and Reimagining the British Empire Between the Wars, 1763-1775.” To be considered for the award, a paper must be nominated by a graduate student or his/her instructor and submitted electronically, to the institute, no later than 30 January 2018. The winner will be selected by the Institute’s Director, in consultation with Wilson fellows and associates. Each winner will receive a $1,000 award. A plaque with their name engraved commemorating the achievement will also be displayed at the Wilson Institute.  We will present the award in Spring 2018 at the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association in Regina. //

L’Institut Wilson d’histoire canadienne à l’université McMaster est fier de décerner, encore une fois, le Prix de l’essai Viv Nelles de $1,000. Ce prix est décerné à l’étudiant(e) qui produit le meilleur travail de recherche plaçant le Canada dans un contexte transnational écrit dans le cadre d’un cours de niveau diplômé.

La gagnante du prix pour l’année 2016 était Alexandra Montgomery, qui a produit une superbe recherche intitulée « Philadelphia’s Plantations: The Great Nova Scotian Land Boom and Reimagining the British Empire Between the Wars, 1763-1775. » Pour être considéré pour ce prix, tous travaux nommés par un(e) étudiant(e) ou son instructeur(e) doivent être soumis, par courriel, à l’institut, au plus tard le 30 Janvier 2018. Le gagnant sera sélectionné par le directeur de l’institut, en consultation avec ses boursiers et associés. Le gagnant recevra une récompense financière de $1,000. Son nom sera également gravé sur une plaque commémorative qui sera affichée à l’Institut Wilson. Ce prix sera décerné au printemps 2018 lors du congres annuel de la Société historique du Canada à Regina.

Deadline: January 30, 2018