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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

The American Review of Canadian Studies (ARCS) actively seeks reviewers

The American Review of Canadian Studies (ARCS) actively seeks reviewers for recently published books on all subjects relating to Canada. If you are interested, please contact the ARCS Book Editor, Meaghan Beaton ( / and provide her with your name, preferred mailing address and institution/organization affiliation. She will arrange to have the book shipped to that address and can answer any question regarding the formatting details of our books reviews (Chicago Style, approximately 750 words per book or 300 words per review essay).

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: Convergence and Divergence: Indian Literature in a Global Context—Canadian and Indian Perspectives

International Conference hosted by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi& Department of English, School of Humanities, Pondicherry University, Puducherry 605014 INDIA, AUGUST 30-31, 2018.
The Department of English at Pondicherry University, Puducherry in association with the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is hosting a conference on Indian literature in a global context in August 2018 (30-31). The call for papers focusses on Indian literature, but the organizers are also keen on topics related to Canadian literature. Members of the GKS and other international Canadian Studies scholars who would desire to present a plenary on the theme/sub-themes mentioned in the CFP are cordially invited to apply. The organizers will be able to provide travel within India and local hospitality.

Please find the Call for Papers here.

Submission deadline: July 15, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: RACS 15th International Conference „Russian-Canadian Relations: From Economics to Culture

Moscow, October 11-12, 2018

RACS invites proposals for papers for the 15th International Conference of the Russian Association for Canadian Studies. The Conference is open to scholars in any relevant discipline, and explicitly aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue. The first part of the Conference will be devoted exclusively to economics and business themes including Northern and Arctic issues, the appropriate themes include but are not limited to the following: promoting peace and security in the Arctic, developing natural resources, providing economic prosperity in the North, improving Aboriginal life, protecting the natural environment, learning from Northern cultural heritage, and enlarging international cooperation in the North and Arctic. The second part will allow the contribution from Canadianists in different areas covering the themes of domestic social policies and cultural developments. Any other theme relevant to Canadian Studies (Canadian history, literature, etc.) will be also considered.

The working languages are Russian, English and French. The Conference will take place in the capital of the Russian Federation – the City of Moscow. There is no registration fee for RACS members, its partners or affiliated organizations, national Associations for Canadian Studies and ICCS members. Registration fee for non-members is 10 000 roubles.

We welcome proposals for papers in Russian, English or French, consisting of an abstract (maximum 300 words) and a short biography of the author and appropriate affiliation (maximum 300 words) to be submitted to the RACS-2018 Conference, Organizing Committee, Moscow, Russian Federation by e-mail file in .doc or .rtf format – by September 5, 2018.

The registration form can be downloaded here and the preliminary program here.

Submission deadline: September 5, 2018.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: The 16th Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies „Globalization and Innovation: Canada and Israel in Comparative Perspective“

The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Association for Canadian Studies, 20-22 May 2019 in Jerusalem, Israel

Innovation is considered nowadays as a necessary foundation for the vitality of organizations and nations, directly impacting their growth and prosperity. Whereas once natural-, financial-, and human capital were considered critical for robustness, today the focus is on innovativeness, namely the capacity for creativity and implementation of novel ideas and practices. Therefore, seeing that innovativeness is regarded as critical for any society, community, region, firm, or organization that face fast changing conditions or fierce competition, innovation rose to be the central component for policy-making and strategic planning worldwide. Moreover, nations and organizations compete not only for better outcomes of innovation, such as higher rates of innovation-based fortunes, but also for better reputation as innovators. How has this global “innovation imperative” impact the global integration and the development of nations, regions, and firms? How is Canada positioned in the increasingly dense and global web of innovation-based ventures and projects? And, how has the reputation of Israel as “start-up nation” reflect on Canada’s innovation policy and on the innovation strategy of Canadian firms and organizations? Putting Canada and Canadian affairs in the context of the phenomenal rates of worldwide expansion of innovation, the 16th Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies shall be devoted to debating the social role of innovation in delivering progress and justice to people and societies worldwide, also through comparing among different nations, different sectors, and different historic eras.

The Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Association for Canadian Studies are convening a three-day conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to steer discussions that situate Canada and Canadian affairs within the context of globalization and innovation.

See the full Call for Papers here.

Deadline for proposals: October 1, 2018.