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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Canada at Play

Centre for Canadian Studies at Brock University

Brock University – March 25-26, 2022

Deadline: March 1, 2022

The Centre for Canadian Studies at Brock University invites paper submissions or panel proposals on the theme „Canada at Play.“

This interdisciplinary conference will examine the links between play (in all its forms) and Canada. Paper topics can include anything from high-level professional or Olympic sport, to community recreation leagues, to any aspect of the idea of play that captures athleticism, recreation, health, and/or community.

This call is open to all disciplines, and the only limiting factor is that the paper must be on Canadian topics, broadly construed (geographically, thematically, regionally, etc.).
Sessions will be held at Brock University, but all conference sessions will also be streamed online, and presenters will be able to attend and present virtually if requested.

Potential paper topics include, but are not limited to:

– Sport/recreation/play and identity formation
– Sport policy and recreation in Canada
– Historical analyses of sport and Canadian culture
– Indigenous and decolonizing approaches to sport and play
– Play and Nationalism(s)
– Globalization and Canadian pastimes
– Canadian Diasporas
– Play and immigration
– Play and regionalism in Canada
– Play and education
– Play in spaces and places.

Submissions should include an abstract of no more than 500 words and a list of the authors‘ names and affiliation (university/college/organization/independent).

Submit to by March 1, 2022.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Zoom event: Angie Abdour reads from _This one Life: A Mother-Daughter Wilderness Memoir_

Reading Mountains 2021

December 13, 7 pm CET, Zoom

“This memoir about a mother and daughter forging connections with the wilderness – and each other – is like going forest bathing: it will leave you feeling refreshed and restored, with a big smile on your face.”

– Marni Jackson, author of The Mother Zone

This One Wild Life – A Mother-Daughter Wilderness Memoir

Disillusioned with overly competitive organized sports and concerned about her lively daughter’s growing shyness, author and memoirist Angie Abdou takes on her next challenge: to hike a peak a week with Katie. They will bond in nature and discover together the glories of outdoor activity. What could go wrong? Well, among other things, it turns out that Angie loves hiking but Katie doesn’t.

About the Author

Angie Abdou is the author of five novels and a memoir of hockey parenting, Home Ice. Her first novel, The Bone Cage, was a CBC Canada Reads finalist and was awarded the 2011-12 MacEwan Book of the Year. Angie is Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Athabasca University. She lives in Fernie, B.C., with her family and two beloved but unruly dogs.  

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS – Black Lives in Canada: Perspectives, Challenges and Contemporary Celebrations

Deadline: February 15, 2022

Edited By:
Eyitayo Aloh
Eric Lehman
Katrina Keefer

“Is Canada racist?” asked an American delegate at an international convention held in British Columbia, after it came to light that a young black delegate and member of Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA), Shelby McPhee, had been profiled for theft. His surprise is shared by many who hold on to the belief that Canada is a land forged on peaceful treaties, as opposed to the United States of America that was created in battlefields and outright land theft. This myth has many versions but one central theme is of Canada as the land that respects diversity and welcomes everyone. What makes this a myth is the fact that statistics will point to the presence of systemic racism in Canada. History too will point to the gradual dislocation and eventual destruction of a thriving Black community in Africville, Nova Scotia by instruments of the state for no other reason than racism and prevention of the social development of Blacks in the area. While statistics may rely on numbers and history may rely on the books, the lived experiences of Blacks in Canada reveals more compelling stories of the contemporary marginalization, discrimination and deprivation that has been suffered by Black bodies. These stories have forced many Blacks to ask the question, “Black like who?” (Walcott, 1999) in Canada because the mythologized environment is far removed from their lived experiences.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: ACSUS 2022: Le Canada de près et de loin

Date Limite : 1 Décembre

Afin de célébrer son 50e anniversaire, l’Association d’études canadiennes aux États-Unis (ACSUS) tiendra sa 26e conférence biennale du 24 au 27 mars 2022 à Washington, DC. Nous invitons les étudiants des cycles supérieurs, les professeurs, les chercheurs indépendants et les praticiens à présenter par de perspectives diverses et critiques des propositions de communications et depanels liés au thème Le Canada : de près et de loin. L’ACSUS encourage les panels et lescommunications individuelles relevant de l’un des champs de recherche suivants:
Affaires, économie, intégration et enjeux frontaliers
Énergie et environnement
Enseigner le Canada, l’éducation et perspectives diverses
Études culturelles critiques
Études en communication et médias
Études nordiques et arctiques et perspectives diverses
Études québécoises et présence francophone en Amérique du Nord
Genre, identités, minorités et diversité
Littérature, cinéma, musique et arts en anglais
Littérature, cinéma, musique et arts en français
Loi, Constitution et déclarations de territoires
Peuples autochtones et colonialisme
Politique étrangère et défense
Politique et politique publique
Relations internationales
Rôle et responsabilités d’ACSUS

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: The 9th Congress of Polish Canadianists: Eye/I on Canada: Exclusion and Inclusion

Deadline for abstracts: February 28, 2022

Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2022

September 21-23 , 2022 at University of Białystok, Poland

In the midst of global Covid-19 pandemic, not only Canada, but all the states, experienced challenges they had never faced before. The crisis forced individuals, communities and countries to rethink and question the way modern societies operate on manifold levels. The strain put on health care, education and welfare systems has significantly reshuffled the workplace and family dynamics, exacerbating existing inequalities related to gender, class and ethnicity and affecting communities of colour, as well as other disadvantaged, marginalized and excluded groups in a disproportionate manner. Confined to their homes, many people have found perpetual isolation overwhelming and experienced long-term psychological impacts. As a response to these feelings of exclusion, on both individual and collective levels, new ways of connecting with others have emerged, giving rise to as varied new phenomena as zoom meetings, online panel discussions, workshops and conferences, virtual support groups, and digital cultural initiatives, including exhibitions, concerts, performances and other live-stream events. The economic discrepancies and social injustice aggravated by the pandemic as well as attempts to foster a sense of belonging make us reflect upon past and present forms of exclusion and inclusion.