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Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

Neuerscheinung Louise Dupré: Theo für immer (Aus dem Französischen von Ursula Mathis-Moser)

Amokläufe und Massaker sind Ausdruck einer Welt, die droht, den Menschen in Verzweiflung zu stürzen. Die Filmcutterin Beatrice weiß dies nur zu gut. Gerade arbeitet sie an einem Dokumentarfilm zum Thema, als das Telefon läutet und nichts mehr ist wie zuvor. Ihr Stiefsohn, der 18-jährige Theo, intelligent und liebenswert, war seinem Vater nach Florida gefolgt und hatte versucht, ihn während eines Vortrags an der Universität zu erschießen. Ein Polizist griff ein und die Tragödie nahm ihren Lauf. Zwei Jahre später beginnt Beatrice, die Geschichte niederzuschreiben, um endlich zu verstehen, wie ein unbescholtener junger Mensch zum Gewalttäter werden kann. Wo beginnt das Böse? Wo endet die Normalität? Wo liegen Schuld und Verantwortung? Welche Rolle spielt die Familie, deren Wurzel nach Deutschland reicht? Erzähltechnisch brillant entblättert Louise Dupré das Geschehene für den Leser in einem kunstvollen Spiel.

„Diese Angst, hatte Theo sie gekannt? War er sich bewusst, nicht mehr er selbst zu sein, als er den Revolver in seinen Rucksack steckte, als er in den Hörsaal eindrang, als er auf seinen Vater zielte, mitten in den Bauch?“

„Wir waren nicht die Einzigen, das war mir völlig bewusst. Familiendramen sah man in den Staaten jeden Tag [..,]. Männer, die ihre Frauen töten, Kinder ihre Eltern, das war mir völlig bewusst, ja, ich sah fern, ich las die Zeitungen, […] aber dieses Wissen half mir nicht zu verstehen, es tröstete mich nicht.“

„Ich sammle eifrig alle nur möglichen positiven Zeichen, einen großen Frauenmarsch in den USA, Männer, die die Frauen unterstützen, Tausende von Menschen, die sich nicht beugen lassen. Ja, wir machen weiter.“

Theo für immer ist ein „Roman der Resilienz“, schreibt Louise Dupré, er zeigt, dass der Mensch zerbrechlich ist, aber auch über große Widerstandskräfte verfügt.

Die Übersetzerin:

Ursula Mathis-Moser, emeritierte Universitätsprofessorin für französische und spanische Literaturwissenschaft, Übersetzerin. Bis 2022 Leiterin des Zentrums für Kanadastudien der Universität Innsbruck. Ca. 300 Publikationen zur französischen und den frankophonen Literaturen (Québec, Karibik), darunter Mit-Hg. des Lexikons “Passages et ancrages en France. Dictionnaire des écrivains migrants de langue française” (1981-2011). Auszeichnungen u.a. Governor General’s Award 2019, Ordre des francophones d’Amérique 2012, Prix Jean Éthier-Blais de critique littéraire 2004 für eine Monographie über Dany Laferrière.

Für mehr Informationen :

Aktuelles Nachwuchsforum Veranstaltungen

Invitation Colloque Études Canadiennes // Canadian Studies Colloquium 16/11/2023 online

***English follows***

Invitation à l’inscription : Colloque d’études canadiennes

Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter à participer à notre prochain colloque d’études canadiennes le 16 novembre de 9h30 à 16h (HNEC) via Zoom, organisé par le Forum de la Relève Académique (NWF) de L’Association d’Études Canadiennes dans les Pays de Langue Allemande (GKS). Le colloque d’études canadiennes vise à offrir une plateforme aux chercheuses et chercheurs emergent.e.s pour partager et discuter de leurs projets de recherche en cours avec des pairs et des experts dans le domaine. Nous encourageons les participant.e.s à rester pendant toute la journée du colloque, mais vous pouvez, bien sûr, également assister à des sessions individuelles. Le programme définitif sera bientôt mis en ligne sur

Intervenant.e.s confirmé.e.s (par ordre alphabétique) :

  • Rituparna Chakraborty (Visvabharati University): “Memory in Times of Conflict: A Reading of Michael Ondaatje’s fiction and poetry”
  • Jody Danard (University of Bremen): “The construction of the literary subject from the narrative imagined North in contemporary French-language Quebec, Acadian and Indigenous literature”
  • Ewelina Feldman-Kołodziejuk (Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku): “The emotional geography of St. John’s in contemporary Newfoundland novel”
  • Carmen Velasco-Montiel (Universidad Pablo de Olavide): “Margaret Atwood in Spain: A Feminist Translation Study Approach”

Afin d’approfondir le dialogue entre les intervenant.e.s et les participant.e.s, de courts textes seront distribués sous forme d’un fichier PDF avant le colloque. Le lien Zoom sera également partagé à proximité de l’événement après l’inscription préalable.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire au colloque ici :

Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter : &

Nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer !

Nos meilleurs vœux,

Florian Wagner and Alisa Preusser


Invitation & Registration: Canadian Studies Colloquium

We are delighted to invite you to participate in our upcoming Canadian Studies Colloquium on November 16th from 9:30am – 4pm (CET) via Zoom, organized by the Emerging Scholars Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS). The Canadian Studies Colloquium aims to offer a platform for emerging scholars to share and discuss their ongoing research projects with peers and experts in the field. While we encourage participants to stay for the entire colloquium day, you may also drop in for single sessions. A finalized program will be uploaded soon at

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order):

  • Rituparna Chakraborty (Visvabharati University): “Memory in Times of Conflict: A Reading of Michael Ondaatje’s fiction and poetry”
  • Jody Danard (University of Bremen): “The construction of the literary subject from the narrative imagined North in contemporary French-language Quebec, Acadian and Indigenous literature”
  • Ewelina Feldman-Kołodziejuk (Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku): “The emotional geography of St. John’s in contemporary Newfoundland novel”
  • Carmen Velasco-Montiel (Universidad Pablo de Olavide): “Margaret Atwood in Spain: A Feminist Translation Study Approach”

To deepen mutual engagement, short papers will be circulated as a reader before the colloquium. The Zoom link will also be shared close to the event after prior registration.

You can register for the colloquium here:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: &

We look forward to seeing you!

Our best wishes,

Florian Wagner and Alisa Preusser

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Papers Annual Spring Academy Conference Heidelberg Center for American Studies

Annual Spring Academy Conference

Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg/Germany

March 18-22, 2024

Deadline: November 15, 2023

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion to be held from March 18-22, 2024.

The HCA Spring Academy provides 20 international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and thoroughly discuss their Ph.D. projects.

We encourage applications that range broadly across the arts, humanities, and social sciences and pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Participants can present thesis projects on any subject relating to the study of the United States of America. Possible topics include American identity, issues of ethnicity, gender, transatlantic relations, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, economics, and various aspects of American history, literature, religion, geography, law, musicology, and culture.

Participants are requested to prepare a 20-minute presentation of their research project, which will be followed by a 40-minute discussion.

The Spring Academy aims to create a congenial atmosphere for scholarly exchange in order to inspire future collaborations and foster networking opportunities for participants.

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies is prepared to provide accommodation during the conference week.

Thanks to a small travel fund, the Spring Academy can subsidize travel expenses for participants registered and residing in developing and soft-currency countries. Applicants for the travel fund must document the necessity for financial aid and explain how they plan to cover any potentially remaining expenses. Additionally, a letter of recommendation from their doctoral advisor is required.






Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Call for Applications: John G. Diefenbaker Award

John G. Diefenbaker Award

Calling German scholars in the social sciences or humanities: the Canada Council for the Arts wants to help you expand your research horizons!

The John G. Diefenbaker Award enables distinguished German scholars in the social sciences or humanities to conduct research in Canada.

John G. Diefenbaker Award

1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 4086

Please share this information through your networks.  

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Call for Papers Symposium: Selfing and Shelving. Zines, Zine Media, and Zintivism

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

May 3, 2024

Zines are extremely versatile and shapeshifter across various historical and cultural contexts. The term covers a wide range of objects with different aesthetic and material qualities as well as contexts of production and reception: Zines accommodate the collective concerns of fans and activists (zintivism) and the personal voice of the diarist and letter writer. Since the rise of digital media, zines and their aesthetics have become portable: Digitised and digital zines exist alongside blogs, social media, podcasts, and substacks, which seem to exhibit zine-y tendencies, while digital infrastructures have changed the way that print zines are produced, distributed, and archived.

At the same time, print media, including zines, have seen a revival and postdigital reinvention, not the least as a paper-based escape from screens. In this new constellation, we propose to revisit questions like: Where does the zine begin and end and how have its meanings changed for readers, collectors, and makers? How can contemporary developments of the zine (like the wave of quaranzines) change our understanding of its meaning, genealogy, and archive? And what, and where, are zines now?

This symposium suggests considering these questions through the lens of

  • shelving – the zine at home, on the shelves of libraries, archives, and collectors, its repurposing and disassembling, its neglect as ephemera as well as remediation through reprints and staging in exhibitions, coffee table books, etc.
  • and ‘selfing’ – the zine as a tool in making identities and ‘working on the self,’ as a ‘third space’ for new subjectivities, as ‘sticky’ with affects, as the glue of communal belonging (local/transnational), as resource for ‘subcultural capital’ and distinction, and as conduit for relationships and activism.

We especially welcome papers that propose theoretical approaches which attend to the materiality of zines and zine production and consider the printed zine as only one form of zine media. We are interested in new approaches to zines as well as in investigations of media and objects that borrow from, reference, mimic, disguise as, or are influenced by the zine – that are in some way zine-y and take the format, aesthetics, tone, and/or affect beyond paper.

Please send an abstract (ca. 300 words) + a short biography to and

by December 31, 2023.

This symposium is designed as a friendly space for established and emerging scholars to share and discuss ideas. We also encourage practitioners to apply and are happy to accommodate non-academic formats of presentation.


Sabina Fazli, Obama Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Miloš Hroch, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Call for Papers PDF