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Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Women, War, and Conflict on Turtle Island before 1914

Deadline: December 1, 2022

Women have been fundamentally affected by war and armed conflict, as victims and participants, throughout the long history of the lands that eventually became Canada. However, beyond the celebration of heroines like Laura Secord and Madeleine de Verchères (meant to be read as exceptional) they remain largely absent from our historical memory. To address this deficiency, we invite scholars of any historically-minded discipline and any geopolitical focus (as long as it touches on the predecessor territories of today’s Canada) to propose chapters for a new edited collection that examines female experiences of war and conflict on Turtle Island prior to the First World War.

At the local level, life in wholly-Indigenous territories, early contact zones and borderlands, New France, British North America, and Canada (1867-1914) was frequently marked by war and lesser forms of armed conflict. Meanwhile, war and territorial conquest were major forces shaping the growth, contraction, and interaction of European empires, their individual colonies, and the Indigenous nations they strove to displace or destroy. By casting a wide temporal and geographic net, this collection will draw together diverse perspectives that explore how women were affected by war and conflict and how war and conflict were shaped by ideas of gender, before 1914. As such, it will bring women a newfound visibility within the conflict-ridden histories of Indigenous and settler societies in the place we now know as Canada.


Possible topics include:

The roles and experiences of women in Indigenous ways of war
The significance of shifting borders for women, and/or borderlands in wartime
Women as military wives, nurses, and other careworkers or camp followers
Women’s experiences living, working, or sojourning at military bases and fortifications
Women’s involvement in economic, political, cultural, social (etc.) aspects of war
Wartime girlhood
Material history and/or artefacts of women and war
Women in popular memory, historiography, and/or artistic portrayals of war and conflict
Acadian women in wartime, or as Grand Dérangement refugees
The Loyalists (white and/or Black) in wartime, or as American Revolution refugees
Women and specific conflicts (Seven Years’ War, War of 1812, uprisings of 1837-38, 1869-70, 1885, Fenian Raids, South African War, etc.)

Interested scholars should send a short (250-500 words) abstract of their proposed chapter and a one-page CV by December 1, 2022 to either co-editor: Dr. Amy Shaw (University of Lethbridge) or Dr. Sarah Glassford (University of Windsor) .

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by February 15, 2023.
Contact Info:


Call for applications: The 2023 Desautels Research Fund in Private Enterprise, History & Law

Deadline: February 28, 2023

The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law offers support for a research project on private enterprise, law and history through the CBHA/ACHA. Applicants are encouraged to think creatively in developing proposals that will result in a scholarly article that takes an historical perspective on a Canadian family controlled or other private business, and considers its intersections or relationship with the law. The field of study is open to any time period, but projects should consider businesses operating in a domestic, Canadian context.

The successful applicant will receive up to $1,000 to support the completion of the project.  Academic support and oversight will be provided by an Academic Advisory Board drawn from the CBHA’s membership.  The Research Fellowship is open to PhD students and postgraduate scholars at an early stage of their academic careers (within five years of completing their degrees).

The deadline for applications to the Desautels Research Fellowship is 28 February, 2023.  Applicants should include a cover letter, detailed project proposal, and curriculum vitae to be sent to the CBHA Grants Committee, c/o Professor Dimitry Anastakis, University of Toronto, Department of History and Rotman School of Management, 100 St. George St. Toronto, ON, M5S 3G3.  Enquires and applications can also be sent to

About the Desautels Centre: The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law, based at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law at Robson Hall, integrates the disciplines of business, law and the humanities as they apply to family controlled and other private enterprises. Learn more about the Desautels Centre at its website,

About the CBHA:  Created in 2015, the CBHA brings together academics from a wide range of disciplines, archivists and business leaders in the common pursuit of advancing the study and understanding of business history in Canada. Learn more about the CBHA at its website,

Contact Info:

Dimitry Anatsakis, University of Toronto

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: Ukrainian Immigration to Canada: From Post Independence to Post War

Conference Dates: 21 & 22 April 2023

Conference Location: University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada)

Deadline for individual papers and panels/roundtable proposals: January 11, 2023

Notification of acceptance: 25 January 2023

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s declaration of independence in 1991, immigration from Ukraine to Canada has steadily risen, to a point that some have labeled it the „Fourth Wave“. Yet, despite comprising more than 69,000 arrivals, the post-1991 wave of Ukrainians in Canada has been little-understood and certainly understudied. Nonetheless, a closer analysis of the household make-up, labour market participation, and patterns of social mobility of this group has in recent years become seen as imperative to understanding a meaningful faction of Canadian society, and there continues to be research conducted on this topic (Isajiw, Satzewich, & Duvalko, 2002; Lynn, 2014; Khanenko-Friesen, Satzewich, & Hwang, 2021).

The renewed full scale attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine launched 24 February 2022 unleashed unprecedented migratory flows from Ukraine. More than eleven million in total have been displaced and millions have left Ukraine for safety. Already tens of thousands have arrived in Canada as Canada opened up its border to fleeing Ukrainians. Yet, the unprecedented Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) and the unknowns of its Ukrainian issuees‘ long-term residency status has only underlined the importance of comprehending past Ukrainian migration and settlement trends.

As the organizing committee of Ukrainian Immigration to Canada: From Post Independence to Post War, we invite scholars working in various disciplines, including but not limited to Ukrainian studies, Canadian studies, sociology, history, anthropology, and political and cultural studies to address the following topics:


CFP: Nah! On the Possibilities of Ongoing Refusals

Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA)
Conference Date: May 2931, 2023

Location: York University

Deadline: January 15, 2023

Our Theme: Nah! On The Possibilities of Ongoing Refusals
The annual meeting of the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA) will take place in person May 29 31, 2023 as part of the annual
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (May 27 June 2, 2023) at York’s Keele and Glendon Campuses in Toronto. The theme for Congress 2023 will be Reckonings and ReImaginings. Drawing on the lessons of Black Lives Matter, the Federal Antiracism Secretariat, Idle No More, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Congress 2023 aims to focus on what is needed to live in nonhierarchical relationships that can truly honour our human differences, while protecting the land, water and air we all need to live together. This theme also reflects the vision of Associate Professor Andrea Davis, Academic Convenor for Congress 2023, and her collaboration with members of the York University community.

Our conference committee has chosen the exclamation Nah as an expression, response, and exhortation of Black refusals. As a colloquial use of language, our call aims to push the
boundaries of how we contend with reckonings and reimaginings in a cultural context where Blackness remains ignored, challenged, and in some cases, diminished by pervasive antiBlackness, both in formal and informal settings. The experience of Blackness related to (body)language as a form of expression, political action, and meaningmaking is invoked in our call. Refusal is broadly understood to encapsulate refusals of form (language/artistic expression/media), “in the break” (Moten, 2003) from disciplinary boundaries, and operating outside/within the context of neoliberal diversity and inclusion frameworks. Refusal is taken to be a “generative stance” (Tuck & Yang, 2014) which encourages radical imaginings beyond established boundaries. Through imaginative articulations of Nah we aim to delve into and depart from past/ongoing practices that precipitate the need for reckonings and reimaginings.
The possibility of ongoing refusals acknowledged by a nod, an intentional and explicit or subtle rejection, a calling deixa pra lá, or a pleading non mais, all create space for counternarratives and Black reexistence.

How can we move the conversation on Black lives beyond rhetoric to actionable strategies that aim for structural change? How might ‘Nah’ be a productive response to inadequate policies, practices, and politics? Where are the structures, spaces, sounds of Black lives currently operating that deserve recognition and could serve as templates for intersectional justice?
Can we even begin to reckon and imagine when much remains to be named and acknowledged?

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP for Chapers in edited volume – Communities Falling Apart: Continuities and Changes in Multicultural Settlements

Deadline: December 31, 2022

Vernon Press seeks chapter contributions for a forthcoming edited volume titled “Communities Falling Apart: Continuities and Changes in Multicultural Settlements”.

Multiculturalism is arguably a fundamental aspect of contemporary western society that has garnered diverse reception. It has been the source of diversity (positive) and social disunity (negative). Multiculturalism stands as the most recent development of race relations in ethnic studies; therefore, to study the contemporary theory of race, it is vital to consider cultural diversity as a constitutive aspect of that theory. Multiculturalism is not only a descriptive or even normative concept; instead, it is more appropriate to consider it as a pragmatic concept. Accordingly, to understand race and race relations, multiculturalism is vital in deciphering some, often neglected, aspects of ethnic and racial experiences, not only in particular settings like Britain but equally elsewhere in Western liberal communities.

When Nathan Glazer declared that “we are all multiculturalists now” (1997), he may have meant that multiculturalism has become a tangible fact and an irreversible reality. This collection builds on such an assumption and argues that the “factuality of diversity” made multiculturalism an inevitable fact of everyday experiences in ethnocultural communities. However, the multicultural settlement has come under increasing backlash from different theoretical, cultural, and political orientations (Vertovec and Kymlicaka, 2010). This collection attempts to trace the aspects of such a backlash, its nature, and consequences in the various experiences of Western societies (Britain, USA, Canada, etc.). Equally, it is argued that the novel discourses of post-multiculturalism bear seeds of continuities and hanges of the multicultural settlement.