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Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Organizing Equality

International Conference, Western University, London, Ontario/Canada, March 24-26 2017

Organizers and advocates for local and global social justice are the lifeblood of solidarity movements worldwide that disrupt historic projects of exploitation, violent dispossession and social fragmentation. Social and economic inequality is a global challenge of the 21st century. The Global North’s Occupy and anti-austerity movement spoke back to the 2008 financial crisis. They now confront the urgent, mass scale migrations of peoples from the Global South to the North, fleeing a colonial legacy deprivations, militarization, wars and land grabs. Settler societies are also experiencing Indigenous re-centerings, from #IdleNoMore to the Truth and Reconciliation process, and the #BlackLivesMatter cry to enfranchise African diasporas.

Feature speakers will be (with more to be announced):

  • Glen Coulthard (University of British Columbia)
  • Panagiotis Sotiris (University of the Aegean, Greece)
  • Concerned Student 1950 (University of Missouri)
  • Miriam Miranda (Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras)

It is now increasingly recognized that rising levels of inequality are linked to poverty, discrimination, illness, environmental degradation, and social unrest. It is further recognized that inequality, in turn, is conditioned by and contingent on a range of other factors, including citizenship rights, gender, race, ethnicity, age, location, and education.

But despite this recognition, social movements contesting inequality face serious problems of organization, strategy and tactics. Recent years have shown the limits of traditional trade unionism, occupy and assembly movements, vanguards and new electoral parties alike. They have also shown that anti-racism, anti-violence, LGBTQ and migrant rights movements, to name a few, face major challenges organizing in the face of violence, xenophobia, marginality, impoverishment and under threat of criminalization. Across the board, movements have to reckon with the unprecedented levels of surveillance of the digital networks which have become an important part of their organizing practices.

This conference therefore asks what forms of organization might, in today’s conditions, be most useful to movements for equality. It especially seeks contributions willing to explore new possibilities for the organization of equality struggles.

Organizitng Equality is an international conference hosted by members of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and the Initiative for the Study of Social and Economic Inequality at the University of Western Ontario. Its goal is to bring organizers, scholars, public educators, artists, media producers and advocates together from around the globe to build local and global capacity, share theories, strategies, experiences, and insights about efforts to address inequality and develop new kinds of theory/practice to guide and build future struggles. Our goal is to strengthen connections regionally, nationally and internationally, and to develop new forms of knowing, thinking and acting together between and across politics, sectors and communities of interest. To this end, we solicit scholarly presentations, organizing and dialogue sessions, workshop proposals, art performances/installations, radical media teach-ins and more, addressing a wide variety of themes related to the worldwide struggle for equality.

These themes include, but are not limited to:

  • indigenous reconciliation and reclamation
  • opposing violent policing and the carceral state
  • worker organizing, in and beyong unions
  • social media, digital technologies and global resistance networks
  • intersectional decolonial community and scholarly praxis
  • migrant justice and networks of support
  • decolonial/liberatory cultural production and praxis
  • gender, sexuality, anti-violence and community solidarity
  • struggles for access and equality in education
  • environmental and climate justice and sustainability
  • anti-austerity mobilization and cooperativism
  • health and food security organizing
  • social and community housing movements
  • strategies for digital protections and privacy from surveillance

Proposals for papers and sessions should be limited to 400 words. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for 20-minute presentations is 1 August 2016. Please include with your paper or session proposal, your name, email address, institutional or group affiliation, and a short CV or biography. Abstracts should be e-mailed to the organizing committee (email). For further information and conference updates, please visit the conference website.

Travel bursaries are available for participants from the global south. Please indicate in your submission if you would like to be considered for financial assistance.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: Second-Wave Feminism and the History of Emotions in Canada

Second-Wave Feminism and the History of Emotions

Editors: Lara Campbell, Michael Dawson and Catherine Gidney

In 1967 female member of SUPA denounced their comrades‘ sexism, arguing that it made the organization „like a civil rights organization with a leadership of southern racists.“ In 1970 members of the Vancouver Women’s Caucus led an Abortion Caravan across Canada to protest the criminalitaion of abortion, drawing on powerful props such as coat hangers and coffins to symbolize the danger and death associated with illegal abortion. As part of the postwar women’s peace movement, women campaigned against war toys and went on hunger strikes. And at the Indochineser Conference to End the War, held in Vancouver in spring 1971, feminists engaged in fist-fights over the deree to which partiarchy, imperialism, race, and sexuality should be assessed in relation to war.

All of these activities involved emotions. Sometimes women acted out of pain and anger while other times, they were driven by hope or the possibility of liberation and freedom. They experienced excitement, exhilaration, desire, rage, and deep ersonal connection with other women. The editor’s collection aims to explore the intersection of the history of emotions and second-wave feminism.

Articles might include, but are not limited to, asking the following questions:

  • How do emotuonal bonds politicize feminist activists?
  • How do these bonds shape activist politics and priorities?
  • How have individual emotions shaped feminist activities?
  • How have women resisted and broken down older emotional patterns and frameworks and created new ones?

While the height of the movement runs from approximately the mid-1960s to the early 1990s, the collection will embrace the perspective of a ‚long second wave‘, with interest in articles that reach back to the post-suffrage era and a legacy that extends to the present day. Articles might cover new histories of second-wave feminism, or re-examine previous work through the lens of emotional histories.

The collection aims to capture and convey a sense of the deep passion that runs through the movement and how thinking about this period through the lens of emiotional history might tell us new stories about the history of Canadian second-wave feminism.

Please send a one-page proposal and c.v. to this email address. Deadline: 15 August, 2016. Full papers would be due by 15 May 2017. The aim is to submit the collection to a press by winter 2018.

Contact Email.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: „Humor and Satire in Francophone Literature: Constructing and Deconstructing Identity“

48th Annual NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) Convention, March 23-26, 2017, Baltimore, MD (United States)

48th Annual NeMLA Convention – Baltimore, Maryland | March 23 – 26th, 2017

Resolved: In Francophone literature of the last three centuries, Humor has constructed identity while Satire was used to deconstruct it.

Participants are invited to argue either side of this normative statement.

The French word “Humour” is not French at all. It was imported from the English in the 18th century; until that time, in France one spoke of Wit (“l’Esprit”) not Humor. The first written mention of humor in its modern definition in a French text is in Abbé LeBlanc’s 1745 Lettres d’un François: “De notre mot d’humeur, les Anglais ont fait celui d’humour” (114). From the age of Enlightenment on, two literary traditions evolve in French and Francophone literatures: the Anglo-influenced Humor and the Gallic-influenced caustic wit which becomes Satire.

This session proposes to debate whether Humor is a component, a constructor, of identity while Satire is its deconstructor. If true, what role does Humor play in the literary construction of characters’ identities? Conversely, Satire must represent an “othering” which seeks to deny or negate identity.

Using examples from French or Francophone Literatures from the 18th to the 21st centuries, in any number of critical lenses, participants are invited to present arguments for or against the above premises. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, presentations dealing with the relationship between humor and/or satire and Socialization, Postcolonial identities, Race and Ethnicity, National and Regional identities, Gender, LGBT, etc.

NeMLA formatting standards: Paper Title: 100 characters (including spaces) Paper Abstract: 300 words

Starting June 15th, please submit abstracts for this panel here.

Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2016

Decision e-mails will be sent by October 15th.

NEMLA asks that accepted and confirmed panelists pay their membership/registration fees no later than December 1, 2016 in order to present at the 2017 convention.

Contact Email.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

„Kleine Fächer – Große Potentiale“: Richtlinie zur Förderung von wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs in den geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Kleinen Fächern

Ausschreibung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung

Deutschland verfügt traditionell über eine starke Forschung in den Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, die hohe internationale Anerkennung erfährt. Einen besonderen Beitrag leisten in diesem Bereich die sogenannten „Kleinen Fächer“ (darunter auch die Kanadistik; eine vollständige Liste der „Kleinen Fächer“ finden Sie hier). Kleine Fächer sind in sich wertvoll. Sie sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des vielfältigen universitären Fächerspektrums und prägen die Wahrnehmung und Wertschätzung deutscher Universitäten im Ausland. Gerade Kleine Fächer können in einem hohen Maße zur Profil- und Strukturbildung einer Universität beitragen. Sie besitzen besondere Kompetenzen in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit und fördern mit ihren weltweiten Partnerschaften die internationale Vernetzung der deutschen Universitäten.

Kleine Fächer gewährleisten durch ihre Vielfalt die Fähigkeit des wissenschaftlichen Systems, auf wechselnde geopolitische, gesellschaftliche und technologische Herausforderungen und auf neue politisch und wirtschaftlich relevante Entwicklungen zu reagieren. Sie liefern eine Fülle an Wissen über kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung und schaffen so wichtige Grundlagen für Entscheidungen zu aktuellen Herausforderungen.

Wissenschaftler_innen aus Kleinen Fächern arbeiten an Forschungsprojekten zur Erschließung, Sicherung, Vergegenwärtigung und Aufarbeitung unseres kulturellen Erbes, operieren dabei auf modernen Grundlagen und bilden zeitliche und gesellschaftliche Wissensbrücken aus. Ihre Forschung sichert die Kenntnis der Vergangenheit und bildet einen wichtigen Grundstein für die Forschung zu globalen Herausforderungen der Moderne.

Kleine Fächer können Großes leisten! Deshalb trägt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) – aufsetzend auf den Leistungen der Universitäten und der Länder – durch seine Förderprogramme bereits in erheblichem Maße zur Stärkung der Kleinen Fächer bei.

Damit die Vielfalt und Diversität dieser wichtigen Gruppe der Fächer weiterhin gestärkt wird und ihre Besonderheiten eine adäquate Beachtung und Sichtbarkeit finden, möchte das BMBF die Zukunftsträger_innen der Kleinen Fächer, Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen mit ihren innovativen Forschungsideen unterstützen und dabei die Forschungsrahmenbedingungen der Kleinen Fächer stärken.

Gegenstand der Förderung sind Forschungsvorhaben (Einzelvorhaben) an Universitäten und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen, die relevante Fragestellungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Kleinen Fächer gegebenenfalls in einem interdisziplinären Rahmen adressieren, zur weiteren Qualifizierung sowie Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Selbständigkeit der Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen geeignet sind, Kooperationen und Vernetzungen fördern und das jeweilige Fach stärken.

Die Förderung ermöglicht die Durchführung eines selbst gewählten Forschungsvorhabens an einer deutschen Universität oder außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtung. Die Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen entscheiden frei, wo ihnen in Deutschland die besten Rahmenbedingungen für ihre Arbeit geboten werden. In den Jahren 2016, 2017 und 2018 werden jeweils bis zu zehn Forschungsvorhaben von Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen zur Förderung ausgewählt. Die Förderung beträgt pro Vorhaben bis zu 100 000 € jährlich (somit maximal 300 000 € für drei Jahre).

Erwartet wird eine nachhaltige Nutzung der wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse, die für die Wissenschaftscommunity und die breite Öffentlichkeit sichtbar und zugänglich gemacht werden sollten. Neben Publikationen umfasst dies auch geeignete Maßnahmen zum Wissenstransfer wie Seminare, Konferenzen und Kolloquien. Zur Sicherstellung einer späteren wissenschaftlichen Nutzung der Forschungsergebnisse ist ein frühzeitiger nationaler und internationaler Austausch auch transdisziplinär explizit gewünscht.

Nicht gefördert werden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten, die keine innovativen Ansätze erkennen lassen, reine Machbarkeitsstudien oder Literaturüberblicke sowie Ansätze, die nicht über den aktuellen Forschungsstand hinausgehen.

Detaillierte Informationen zu Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Zuwendungsbestimmungen, Auswahlverfahren etc. finden Sie auf der Webseite des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: Cartographies of Difference: A Critical Assessment of Keywords

Call for Papers, IRTG Diversity

Ostracized or celebrated, suppressed or embraced, difference is undeniably an object of both intensified and constant scrutiny in the contemporary world. To perceive, name and recognize it are all major issues replete with ambiguities manifested through the numerous social debates about it. Whether perceived as a problem or a solution, the various manners of addressing its manifold processes layer themselves, not without contradiction, in the fine weaving of the social fabric.

Academia is certainly caught within the same phenomenon as the multiplication of concepts called upon to capture such moving targets are the object of constant revision (most of the time, precisely in the name of a mishandled difference). While some are simply shunned and others amended, new concepts appear in order to highlight some of downplayed or devalued facets of the processes of differentiation.

This proposed volume thus envisions a critical incursion in the complex and multidimensional contemporary situation of the apprehension of difference. We will do so by assessing some of the key concepts directly linked to such efforts in order to: highlight current debates, render explicit some of what remains implicit within them and get a better grasp on the aporias and potentialities bared and expressed by the contemporary mobilization of such concepts.

The goal of such an interdisciplinary collection is to focus on both traditional or emergent ways of thinking and conceptualizing difference as they tend to deploy themselves today. We call upon critical and original reflections on the use (and abuses) of some the following concepts: alterity, authenticity, biodiversity, borders, culture, diversity, exoticism, forms of life, gender, heterotopia, hybridity, interculturalism, liminality, majority/minority, multiculturalism, ontologies, orientalism, pluralism, race and racism, religion, species, spirituality, stranger, translation, etc.

Such a variety of concepts will allow us to follow the numerous traces and historicities specific to the complex landscape of the conceptualization of difference. Some of the underlying questions of our inquiry can be formulated in this way: how, why and when is a chosen concept mobilized and debated? What are the conditions of its (re)emergence? What relations to difference tend to deploy themselves through the chosen conceptual mobilization? We invite authors to delve into current interrogations regarding the concepts of difference in order to question, on a more general level, how we think difference today and, what to think of our contemporary compulsion to think difference.

Propositions (400 words maximum) should be addressed, before July 30th 2016, to Phillip Rousseau – postdoctoral researcher IRTG Diversity, Université de Montréal. Authors will be advised if their propositions are selected on the 15th of August 2016. The length of the contributions should be between 6000 and 8000 words and will need to be sent by December the 15th 2016.

Papers in English, French or German will be peer-reviewed and the selected contributions published as part of the ongoing Waxmann (Münster / New York) publishing series entitled Diversity – Diversité – Diversität.