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Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Call for Papers of the Young Scholars‘ Forum for Grainau 2017

Young Scholars‘ Forum at the Annual Conference of the GKS, Grainau, 17 – 19th February 2017

logo_nachwuchs_gksThe Young Scholars‘ Forum would like to invite Canadianists and young scholars from all disciplines to contribute papers to their panel at the 38th Annual Conference of the GKS with the framing topic:

Revisiting Suburbia
Revisiter les espaces périurbaines

Advanced BA/MA students, doctoral students and post-docs who have not yet presented in Grainau are invited to present and discuss their research siturated in the general framework of the conference, but also from other fields of Canadian Studies and different disciplines.

The deadline is December 15, 2016. Please sent a 200-word abstract (for 20-minute papers) and a short biographical note via email to the Young Scholars‘ Forum.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Job Offer: Assistant/Associate Professor in the History of First Nations and Indigenous Art and Cultural Practices

Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC/Canada

The Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in the field of historical and contemporary First Nations and Indigenous Art and Cultural Practices. Scholars with any research specialization in First Nations / Indigenous North American studies are welcome to apply. The successful candidate will be an active scholar in the most advanced theoretical and methodological concerns of the field.

Applicants must have a PhD (or have sucessfully defended their dissertation) in art history or a related discipline by the position start date. They are expected to provide strong evidence of active and excellent research, and to demonstrate a record of, or potential for, high-quality teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate will be required to teach the history of Indigenous arts from the Pacific Northwest and will be expected to maintain an active program of research, publication, teaching, graduate supervision and service.

UBC, one of the largest and most distinguished universities in Canada, has excellent resources for scholarly research. The Art History program offers a diploma, BA, MA, and PhD degrees, and partners with departmental programs in Visual Art and in Critical and Curatorial Studies. This position presents the opportunity to engage with an interdisciplinary group of scholars within the larger academic community, including the First Nations and Indigenous Studies program, the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, the Museum of Anthropology, the Peter A. Allard School of Law, and the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. In addition there is an active community of Indigenous artists working in Vancouver.

Applicants should apply through the UBC Faculty careers website and be prepared to upload the folloing in the order listed:

  • a letter of application
  • a detailed curriculum vitae
  • statement of research and teaching philosophies
  • a sample dissertation chapter or scholarly paper
  • evidence of teaching potential and effectiveness
  • a one-page statement identifying the applicant’s contributions, or potential contributions, to diversity, along with their ability to work with a culturally international student body

Applicants should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference submitted by email to this email address or by mail to:

Professor Scott Watson
Art History Search Committee
Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory
University of British Columbia
400 – 6333 Memorial Road
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z2

The anticipated start date of employment is as early as July 1, 2017.

This position is subject to final budgetary approval. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Deadline: Applications and all supporting materials must be received by September 30, 2016. Review of applications will begin soon after this date and will continue until the position is filled.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to equity and diversity within its community. We especially welcome applications from visible minority group members, women, Abriginal persons, persons with disabilites, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however Canadians and permanent residents will  be given priority.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: (Un)Settling British Columbia

Conference, May 4 – 6, 2017, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, BC (Canada)

In the prize-winning book Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call, Arthur Manuel strikes a hopeful note by suggesting that „the flood waters of colonialism are, at long last, receding“ (223). Nonetheless, the arrival and settlement of non-Indigenous peoples and species in North America utterly transformed relationships and environments, and the legacies of colonialism remain profound. Unsettling British Columbia means acknowledging and confronting these legacies, disturbing traditional perspectives of the province, and reexamining its economic, social and political systems.

As unsettling as this may be for some, it is necessary if Indigenous and non-Indigenous British Columbians are to build a better future for all. For BC Studies 2017, the organizers seek papers that explore relationships and tensions between the settled and the unsettled in British Columbia’s past, present, and future.

Themes and ideas that this conference addresses include (but are not limited to):

  • Colonialism and resistance
  • Treaties and treaty-making
  • Land – its uses and meanings
  • Truth and Reconciliation
  • Energy past, present, and/or futures
  • Gender roles, identities, and expressions
  • Immigration and identities
  • British Columbia in Confederation
  • Indigenizing the Academy in BC

The organizers welcome proposals for individual papers, panels, and posters from scholars and researchers across all disciplines, and encourage multi-disciplinary or thematic panels on any toic related to British Columbia (including comparative/transnational studies). Student proposals are encouraged, as are proposals for interactive workshops or roundtables.

Panels, roundtables, workshops: A short description (1oo words) of the theme for the session, as well as abstracts (~250 words) for each paper or presentation, and a one-page CV for each presenter. Please indicate who will be the main contact for the proposal.

Individual papers: abstract (~250 words) and a one-page CV.

Posters: a brief description (~ 50 – 100 words) of the theme and a one-page CV.

Deadline for submission: Monday, October 31, 2016.

Please send all proposals electronically to Timothy Lewis or Katharine Rollwagen at this mail address.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Panel CfP: Writers Without Borders: US and Canadian Women Authors

In her study of L. M. Montgomery (1874 – 1942) in the „Extraordinary Canadians“ series, Canadian author Jane Urquhart invokes comparisons of L. M. Montgomery’s lfie and work to that of her near-contemporary American peers, Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937), Willa Cather (1873 – 1947), and Mary Wilkins Freeman (1852 – 1930), among others. While the transatlantic connection among women writers is receiving increasing critical attention, the ltierary relationships among American and Canadian women writers offer a relatively recent area for scholarly explorations of the influences and alignments crossing North America.

This panel seeks comparative studies of American and Canadian women writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that address a range of topics such as the handling of young and/or older female protagonists, representations of nature, depictions of regions, and other relevant subjects. In addition to Montgomery and the authros mentioned above, other possible authors to consider might include Montgomery and other American regionalists, such as Sarah Orne Jewett; Cather and Margaret Laurence, Alcott and her Canadian counterparts.

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. Please include a brief biography.

Deadline: September 30, 2016.

Please submit your abstracts via this website.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Heritages of Migration: Moving Stories, Objects and Home

Conference, 6 – 10 April 2017, National Museum of Immigration, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Organizers: Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage (University of Birmingham, UK), Collaborative for Cultural Heritage Management and Policy (CHAMP, University of Illinois)

In partnership with: Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF, Argentina), UNESCO CHair in Cultural Tourism (Argentina), Museums of Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (National Museum of Immigration, Argentina)

The early colonization of the Americas represented the layering of cultures and new inscriptions of place. Today we see conceptions of the stability of ‚old world‘ that have been challenged by centuries of two-way flows of people and objects, each engendering new meanings, allowing for new interpretations of landscape, the production of identities and generating millions of stories. The emergenge of the ’new world‘ in opposition to the old – in real, imaginary and symbolic terms – problematizes sense of place and induces consideration of a ‚placelessness‘ as a location for ideas of home, memory and belonging. This conference looks at the actors and processes that produce and reconfigure the old world in the new, and the new world in the old across the Atlantic – north and south – through constructions of heritage in material and immaterial form. Its focus is upon the widely conceived Trans-Atlantic but the organizers also welcome contributions that focus on the heritages of migration from around the world.

Held at the National Museum of Immigration, Buenos Aires, Argentina – a country that itself has seen mass immigration – this conference asks:

  • What objects and practices do migrants value and carry with them in their movements between old and new worlds?
  • How do people negotiate and renegotiate their „being in the world“ in the framework of migration?
  • How is memory enacted through material culture and heritage into new active domains?
  • What stories are told and how are they transmitted within and between migrant communities and generations?
  • How is the concept of home made meaningful in a mobile world?
  • Where do performances of identity „take place“ so as to generate new landscapes of collective memory?
  • How do the meanings of place and placelessness change over generations from an initial migration?

The conference is designed to encourage provocative dialogue across the fullest range of disciplines. Thus the organizers welcome papers from academic colleagues in fields such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, architecture, business, communication, ethnology, heritage studies, history, geography, literary studies, media studies, museum studies, popular culture, postcolonial studies, sociology, tourism, and urban studies. Indicative topics of itnerest to the conference include:

  • The heritage of trans-Atlantic encoutners – ways and means of corssing distances
  • Performing place and new inscriptions of placelessness
  • Migration and urban territories – settlement processes and practices
  • Travelling intangible heritages – the rituals, practices, festivals of home away
  • Diasporic heritage communities
  • Migrating memories
  • Representations of migration/immigration in popular culture

How to submit an abstract:

Abstracts of 300 words submitted in the conference format should be sent as soon as possible but no later than October 14, 2016. Please click on this link to submit your abstract via the online form.

If you have any difficulty with the online submission form, or any other queries, please email Hannah Stretton.