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Achtung: Deadlineverlängerung für Prix d’Excellence und Jürgen-Saße-Förderpreis!

Der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Prix d’Excellence du Gouvernement du Québec sowie den Jürgen-Saße-Förderpreis wurden verlängert. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, sich noch bis zum 15.12.2016 auf die beiden Preise zu bewerben.

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Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Indigenous Expressions of Culture in Storytelling, Drama, Theatre and Performance – Traditional and Contemporary Canadian and Polish Upper Silesian Perspectives

International Conference, oranized by the University of Silesia, Poland and the University of the Fraser Valley, Canada, April 26 – 28, 2017, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec campus, Poland

Confirmed Speaker: Tomson Highway (Cree)

„Storytelling is at the core of decolonizing, because it is a process of remembering, visioning and creating a just reality […] [it] becomes a lens through which we can envision our way out of cognitive imperialism“ (Simpson 89)

The first of the intended series of conferences dedicated to the exploration of the complexity of Indigenous cultures of North America and minor cultures of Eastern/Central Europe is a joint project of the Department of English and Indigenous Affairs Office, University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), Canada, and the Canadian Studies Centre, Department of American and Canadian Studies, Theatrum Research Group and the Centre for the Stury of Minor Cultures at the University of Silesia (US), Poland. As Canadian and Polish scholars and educators working in the fields of Indigenous, minor, and transcultural literary and cultural studies, the organizers propose that the first conference will explore the traditional and contemporary expressions of culture in Indigenous America, specifically Canada, and in the Eastern/Central European territory of Upper Silesia, specifically Poland, with a primary focus on the acts of resistance, survival and celebration of culture as enacted in storytelling, drama, theatre and performance (DTP). Performance is interpreted broadly including traditional and contemporary music and dance as well as festival events understood as modes of cultural storytelling. The organizers envision the event as a meeting of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars representing a variety of disciplines and Indigenous Canadian and upper Silesian storytellers, writers, artists, performers, educators and community members.

The organizer’s aim is to explore the richness of Indigenous expressions of culture in storytelling and DTP in Canada and Upper Silesia. They believe that the transcultural dialogue between shcolars, artists and educators of marginalized cultures will be an enriching learning experience for all, but especially for Upper Silesians, colonized by diverse powers througout history, whose most recent struggle for recognition, including the processes of cultural and linguistic revitalization, can benefit from such transcultural encounters.

The exploration of Canadian scholarship on Indigenous literatures and cultures, and especially the work of Indigenous playwrights, artists, performers, scholars/critics and educators is of great interest to the critics of minor/Indigenous literatures and cultures in Europe. The organizers believe that in spite of many differences between Indigenous cultures of America and minor cultures of Eastern/Central Europe, critical insights and analytical tools offered by Indigenous research methodologies, epistemologies and pedagogical theories can provide instructive, alternative ways of approaching the under-studied and under-theorized works of European minor/Indigenous writers, performers and artists. A panel discussion by specialists in this area will explore diverse perspectives on these complex issues.

Prospective participants are invited to submit proposals for traditional and non-traditional presentations that broadly address the theme of the conference. Submissions from graduate and postgraduate students at any stage of their research are welcome. The following list of topics should be regarded as neither exhaustive nor prescriptive:

  • Re-reading and re-writing of history in DTP
  • Poetics, aesthetics and politics of identity construction in DTP
  • Storytelling, drama, theatre and performance as tools of decolonization and pedagogy
  • Storytelling as a repository and archive of Indigenous knowledge
  • Interrogating the concept of indigeneity: theorizing indigenous and minor cultures perspectives
  • Indigeneity of Upper Silesia
  • Transindigeneity and a dialogue of cultures
  • Indigenous ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology and their translation into storytelling and DTP
  • Use of oral traditions, stories,  culture and history to promote activism
  • Inventing home through stories and performance: a decolonizing approach to DTP
  • Performing history and re-visioning of community memories DTP
  • The role of the storytelling and DTP in the cultural revival of Canadian Indigenous cultures
  • The role of the storytelling and DTP in the cultural revival of Upper Silesian culture and language
  • (De)Construction of cultural identity in storytelling and DTP
  • Traditional knowledge and values in storytelling and DTP
  • Indigenous/ local knowledge and traditional and contemporary expressions of culture
  • Performance of identity and  language recovery and revitalization
  • Language recovery and revitalization and identity construction
  • Methodological practices of Native Performance Culture (NPC) as a possible model for the Upper Silesian expressions of culture
  • Diversity of the traditional Indigenous forms of cultural expression in the contemporary Canadian Indigenous and Upper Silesian DTP
  • Theories of affect and the enactment of Indigenous cultures in storytelling and DTP
  • Traditional knowledge versus folklore and its performance
  • Folklore and theatre
  • The role of folklore in preserving Indigenous and minor cultures
  • The condition of ritual in theatre – Canadian Indigenous and Slavic perspectives
  • Contemporary storytelling methods in DTP
  • The poetics of place and aesthetic values
  • Poetic auto-creation and mythologizing of Indigenous cultures and landscapes
  • Indigenous values and cosmologies and their translation into DTP
  • Heritage tourism and storytelling
  • Cultural festivals and their role in preserving and inventing cultures

With a comparative project in mind, the organizers are initiating new avenues of research related to the marginalized local/ indigenous/minor cultures of Eastern/Central Europe studied in the context of Indigenous cultures of North America. They hope this pioneering venture in will lead to a greater understanding of the Indigenous and minor cultures functioning within major dominant national narratives of Canada and Poland.

Deadline for abstracts:  December 5th 2016; notification of acceptance:  December 20th 2016.

Proposal submission address: 

(i) Individual proposals should be 250-300 words.
(ii) For panels, in English, or Polish, please send the title of the panel and a 250-word presentation explaining the overall focus together with a 250-300 word abstract for each participant.
(iii) Please attach a short bio to your conference paper proposal.

All files should be clearly marked with the applicants’ name. Please make sure the files are in the PDF format.

Publication: selected papers based on the conference presentations will be published in a refereed  monograph.

The conference website will be opened shortly.

Please submit your proposals to this email address.


University of Silesia:
Eugenia Sojka
Aneta Głowacka
Sabina Sweta Sen
Rafał Madeja

University of the Fraser Valley:
Michelle LaFlamme
Shirley Swelchalot Shxwha:yathel Hardmann

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Canada Filmed

8th International Conference Organized by SACS (Association for Canadian Studies in Serbia) and the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, 22 – 23 April 2017, Belgrade

James Cameron, a widely acclaimed contemporary Canadian film director, defines the cruy of the filmmaking business in a nutshell: „I’m a storyteller; that’s what exploration really is all about. Going to places where others haven’t been and returning to tell a story they haven’t heard before“ (USA Today, May 24, 2013).

As if to confirm this view, on April 29, 2014, the first public celebration of National Canadian Film Day was organized, including widely popular screenings of Canadian films, panel discussions hosted by recognized Canadian filmmakers and numerous debates about Canadian films across the country. Due to a significant print and media coverage and even the recognition in the House of Commons, this inaugural event instantly became a huge success. From this day onwards, National Canadian Film Day has become an annual event held all across Canada with the main purpose of celebrating Canada through Canadian film. The organizers of this national event state that way back in the past it was the railroad that tied Canadians all together, whereas in th 21st century another kind of cohesive track is needed – film!

Inspired by the recent public recognition of film in Canada, the Association for Canadian Studies in Serbia (SACS) and the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference hosted by the Faculty of Philology to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, 22 – 23 April 2017. It is relevatnt ot note that the title of the conference primarily refers but is not limited to films created in Canada and directed by Canadian directors. Any examples of films testifying to Canadian experience and made outside Canada by non-Canadian filmmakers are extremely welcome!

The organizers are pleased to announce that the confirmed plenary speaker is Janice Kulyk Keefer, a renowned Canadian novelist, poet and critic. She was short-listed for a Governor General’s Literary Award in 1987 and 1996. In 1999, she received the Marian Engel Award for a female Canadian writer in mid-career; in 2008, she was awarded the Kobzar Literary Award. Keefer taught literature and theatre in the graduate studies department at the University of Guelph, where she is now Professor Emerita.

Papers to be presented in either English or French are warmly invited from all disciplines as well as from multidisciplinary perspectives. In the general context of film, the Conference would like to achieve a clearer picture of contemporary Canada and its modern sensibility represented through this artistic medium.
The following suggestions for topics move from the very broad to the more particular and circumscribed, but of course in no way do they exhaust the multitude of possibilities:

  • social issues (abortion, divorce, gambling, gay marriage, prostitution, marijuana and hard drugs)
  • problems facing the Aboriginal People of Canada (Child Welfare Programs, Cases of Missing Aboriginal Women, destiny of native langs, history of residential schools, mythology)
  • multiculturalism and ideology of democracy and equality in education, arts, sports
  • Economy, globalisation and geopolitics: challenges and perspectives
  • Class, race, gender, age, minority differences in the context of thnic and cultural diversity
  • Canada: current political challenges (Temporary Foreign Workers, healty environment, identity politics)
  • Canadian literature on film: adaptations, influences, developments, trends
  • Canada in visual arts: theatre, photography, video, architecture, drawing, painting, performing arts, conceptual art

Contributions may come from the fields of films tudies, sociology, history, literature, psychology, economics, linguistics, geography, arts, architecture, social sciences, philosophy, journalism, etc.

Please send your proposal to Vesna Lopičić.

Deadline for submissions: January 1, 2017.

Plesase submit your theme, a 200-word abstract, your affiliation and a five-line CV. Please find the registration form here.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: New Frontiers of the Self and Society in the Early Modern French Atlantic / Les nouvelles frontières du soi et de la société dans le monde atlantique français à l’époque moderne

Colloquium, 18 – 19 May 2017, Université de Nantes, France

Organizers: Daniella Kostroun (Indiane University – Purdue University, Indianapolis / IEA Nantes) and Yann Ligneureux (University of Nantes)

Sponsored by the Research Center for International and Atlantic History (CRHIA); Labex „Writing a New History of Europe“; the program „STAtutes, ‚RAces,‘ and ‚COlors,‘ in the Atlantic from Antiquity to the Present;“ and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Nantes.

The political, social, and religious systems of Old Regime France were designed and built on traditional, classical ideas about hierarchy and order in ways that promoted an ideal of a stable, self-reproducing system, one that was immune to the changes and contingencies that came with the passage of time. But what happened to these systems when they were contested and disrupted by the increase in commercial activity and the movement of people across the Atlantic Ocean in the 16th – 18th centuries? What were the effects, on individuals and on the society in which they lived, of this new „disorientation“ of institutions, families, and self-representations? What degrees of disorientation did this experience of alterity present, perhaps less in the matter of discovering of other places than in the process of self-discovery that occured in the hearts and souls of individuals?

The organizers explore these questions because the disorientation that resulted from colonial enterprises was a process that unfolded at the very heart of a worldview, one that had its traditional certainties and tenets challenged, weakened, and overturned. Assumptions about our human nature, our relationship to the divine, the essence of our political behaviour, and our need to build societies fell subject to what Jean Rohou has called the „revolution of the human condition“ in the 17th century. The disorientation experienced by the men and women who engaged in the Atlantic adventure was not just a test of distance, but a process of distanciation. Whether this process occured slowly and imperceptively or with incredible speed, it carved into individual consicences and the collective imagination new divides that were possibly as daunting as the ocean that had to be crossed. Was the long voyage from the old France to Canada or the Antilles, made out of fear or out of hope, an opportunity for liberation? Was the New World a place for renewal? Moreover, were these strangers in new worlds susceptible to an estrangement from themselves as they confronted new intersections of intimate, personal, communal and collective spheres?

These questions of the self, of the intimate, and of that which is called ipseity, have a history and an archaeology in the sources of their own. They are embedded in the accounts of the discovery and exploration of new lands in the Americas and of the peoples living there. Writers at the time were preoccupied by them. We find, either explicitly or in ways that were more indirect, in the administrative documents, personal letters, religious treatises, and literary texts, and other genres – including all other forms of artistic expression – discourses relating to peoples‘ fears and hopes surrounding the effects of the specific distanciation at work as they crossed and inscribed themselves in these new worlds.

The goal of this colloquium is to shed light on these fragile discourses and to take stock of them. They are fragile because they are at the cusp of what has since become a ridge demarking differences that needed to be protected, constructed, and overstated in subsequent centuries. In specifying how French men and women perceived this distanciation amongst themselves, this colloquium will help us understand differently how they interacted – whatever the nature of their projects in the Atlantic – with each other and with the other people whom they came to see as fundamentally other. It will also help us to think more generally about the problems France faced when it sought to uphold an ideology of stability and order in a world that was in reality shifting and demanding constant negotiation.

Plese submit paper proposals in French or English (approx. 350 words) and a short CV to the two organizers Daniella Kostroun and Yann Lignereux by December 20, 2016.