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Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: Canada in The Making: 150 Years of Cultural And Linguistic Diversity

International Conference of the Italien Association for Canadian Studies, June 29 – July 1, 2017, University of Calabria, Italy

The Italian Association for Canadian Studies invites proposals for the international conference “Canada in the making: 150 years of cultural and linguistic diversity”. The conference aims at investigating the topic of cultural and linguistic diversity in Canada both diachronically and synchronically and welcomes theoretical papers and up-to-date case studies from the methodological perspectives of Language Studies, Literary Criticism, Cultural Studies, History, Geography, Law and Economics etc. The languages of the conference are English, French and Italian. 2017 marks the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation, which was officially created on the first of July, 1867, with the enactment of the British North America Act. Since then, the colonies of Canada (subsequently divided into Ontario and Québec), New Brunswick and Nova Scotia that were united under the Dominion of Canada have gained political independence and expanded territorially to form the immense country we know today. From the very beginning, one of the traits that distinguished Canada was the coexistence of several cultures and languages, which has shaped Canadian identity ever since. Over the last 150 years, the First Peoples and those of British and French descent, Canadians from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds have contributed to redefining a national identity rooted in the concepts of multiculturalism and multilingualism. Over the 20th century such diversity has been turned into one of the foregrounding elements of Canadianness also from a legislative point of view, especially with the promulgation of the Official Languages Act (1969) and the Canadian Multiculturalism Act (1988), and the creation of Nunavut (1999). After 150 years, pluralism is still at the core of what it means to be Canadian even though (but also because) in the last decades the Canadian multicultural policies have been questioned and re-discussed in view of the challenges posed by the new Millennium.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a short bio-bibliographical note should be sent to this email address by 23 April 2017. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 7 May 2017.

Scientific Committee:
Oriana Palusci, Presidente Associazione di Studi Canadesi
Mirko Casagranda, University of Calabria
Angela Buono, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’
Eleonora Ceccherini, University of Genova
Sabrina Francesconi, University of Trento
Dino Gavinelli, University of Milan
Elena Lamberti, University of Bologna
Luigi Bruti Liberati, University of Milan
Bianca Maria Rizzardi, University of Pisa

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

CfP: The Americas in Canada

International Conference, October 20-21, 2017, Canadian Studies Centre, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)

At a time when Canada is celebrating its one hundred and fiftieth birthday, it is important to remember that, despite its historical roots in Europe, Canada is in fact a child of the New World – that it is an American country.

With its neighbours throughout the Americas, Canada has shared many concerns, among them the daunting task of coming to terms with the new American space, both physically and symbolically; the negotiation of its relationship to the Old World and the „Mother Country“; the need to invent its own historical narrative; the development of a new society and new social relations; the creation of a distinctive culture; the necessity of coming to terms with aboriginal peoples. At the same time, dealing with these and other similar challenges has been complicated by many factors that, in the American context, are perhaps unique to Canada – the sheer size and emptiness of the Canadian space; the lack of a revolutionary tradition; the extremity of the climate; the fundamental diversity of the country and the need to create unity while maintaining difference; the relationship to the dominant culture of the New World, that of the United States; the legal status of the aboriginal peoples as „allies of the Crown“. These and other influences have all contributed to making Canada a unique American country.

The conference aims to treat Canada’s „Americanness“ from as broad a perspective as possible, welcoming contributions from scholars in the fields of literary and cultural studies, historians, political scientists, geographers, sociologists, anthropologists and those in other relevant disciplines.

What does „America“ mean for Canada? What is its vision of „America“? What in it is distinct, what divergent from practice elsewhere in the Americas? What forms does the „Canadian Dream“ take?

Proposals (300 words) and a brief CV to be sent to the conference organizers, Don Sparling and Petr Kyloušek at this email address, by May 15, 2017. 
Conference fee – 50 EUR, students 30 EUR
CEACS members: 40 EUR, students 20 EUR

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Stipendium des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten zur Förderung von Québec-Studien 2017

Im Rahmen der Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen Bayern und Québec bietet der Bayerische Ministerpräsident für 2017 wieder drei Stipendien à 2500,– Euro zur Förderung der Québec-Studien an.


  • Personenkreis: Studierende, die an einer bayerischen Universität oder Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften immatrikuliert sind und ihre Zulassungsarbeit, Magister-, Master-, Bachelor- oder Diplomarbeit über ein Thema schreiben, das inhaltlich oder methodisch einen wesentlichen Bezug zu Québec aufweist.
    Aufenthaltsdauer: 4 – 6 Wochen
  • Die Studierenden, die ein Stipendium erhalten, verpflichten sich, der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei als Nachweis ein Exemplar der abgeschlossenen Arbeit zur Verfügung zu stellen.
  • Die Auswahl unter den Bewerbungen trifft eine Kommission aus Vertretern des Instituts für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Augsburg, der Wissenschaftlichen Koordinierungsstelle Bayern-Québec und der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbungen bis zum 28.04.2017 an folgende Adresse:

Frau Prof. Dr. Sabine Schwarze
Lehrstuhl für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 10
86135 Augsburg
(Tel. 0821/598-2740)

Mit der Bewerbung einzureichende Unterlagen:

  • Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
  • Motivationsschreiben
  • Nachweis über gute französische und englische Sprachkenntnisse
  • Kurzbeschreibung des Projekts und Begründung der Notwendigkeit einer Vorortrecherche in Québec; Angabe von Kontaktpersonen bzw. -institutionen in Québec
  • Stellungnahme des Betreuers der Arbeit

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Job Opportunity: Director „Indigenous Research Institute“

Indigenous Research Institute (MIRI), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON/Canada

McMaster University invites applications for the Director of the McMaster Institute of Indigenous Research (MIRI). The institute was officially launched on 1 July 2016. The Director will have an internationally distinguished program of research and teaching record in any area of Indigenous Research.  S/he will be appointed (tenure track or tenured) at the Associate Professor or Professor level to one or more of the six faculties at McMaster University (DeGroote School of Business, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences). The appointment as Director will be for a five year, renewable term.

Job Description

The Director is expected to raise awareness, attract substantial research support, educate and advance Indigenous research methodologies. S/he will emphasize and support community capacity building and research priorities, promote and foster innovation, collaboration and partnership, enhance existing research infrastructure at McMaster and build sustainable Indigenous research infrastructure. S/he will also be very active in the recruitment, mentorship and training of undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, and work to build greater research capacity and strength in Indigenous research across all faculties at McMaster University. Details are available at  Terms of Reference.

McMaster has a geographic proximity to Six Nations of the Grand River, the largest First Nation in Canada, along with a quarter century of collaborative work developing Indigenous educational and research programs. President Patrick Deane’s principles and priorities articulated in his “Forward with Integrity” open letter to the University community  include: cultivating human potential; adopting a multi-disciplinary perspective; and engaging our local, national, and international community. Furthermore, he has given our researchers the mandate to “build on the work that has already begun to strengthen and support Indigenous learners and Indigenous scholarship”.

Additionally, McMaster University is ranked in the top 100 of both the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. A medium-sized university, it nonetheless has the sixth-largest research income in Canada. It has a large, attractive campus, the interior of which is open only to pedestrians and cyclists, and is at the western end of Lake Ontario. The University is minutes from downtown Hamilton and the activities that a major city has to offer. Hamilton has been ranked among the top cities in Canada to do business and to invest.

McMaster University has a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff that reflects the multicultural makeup of our student body. The successful candidate will be committed to inclusion and excellence and the search Committee is especially interested in candidates who can contribute, through their research, teaching and/or service, to the diversity of the academic community. Women and applicants from traditionally underrepresented populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Gender diversity is being addressed at McMaster University through our policies and actions. One recent action in this area was the completion of a gender pay equity study and a resultant base salary adjustment applied to all female faculty members in July 2015.

Faculty members at McMaster University enjoy a number of both personal and professional benefits. University employees are offered an excellent benefits package which includes, but is not limited to, extended health care benefits, dental care, group life, long term disability, worldwide travel assistance, and retirement plan. Progressive policies are in place to assist faculty men and women who become parents or are needed to care for family members.

How To Apply

Applications must consist of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research dossier that includes a statement of research interests and plans, and a teaching dossier that includes a teaching philosophy and evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness.  Applicants should also arrange for four letters of reference to be submitted directly to Dr. Robert Baker, Vice-President, Research, McMaster University, including two letters that speak to academic and research performance, one that speaks to community engagement and one (in either written or oral form) from an Indigenous elder, community leader or Indigenous organization that you are affiliated with.  Mail reference letters to Dr. Robert Baker, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Gilmour Hall-208, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1; or e-mail to

Complete applications must be made online at (Faculty Postings, Job #12404) to the attention of Dr. Robert Baker, Vice-President, Research, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Gilmour Hall-208, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1.

Complete applications that are received by 31 March 2017 will receive full consideration. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is negotiable but 1 July 2017 is preferred. All applicants will receive an on-line confirmation of receipt of their application; however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Employment Equity Statement 

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates including women, persons with disabilities, First Nations, Metis and Inuit persons, members of racialized communities and LGBTQ-identified persons.

McMaster recognizes the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and In keeping with the spirit of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we welcome applications from Indigenous candidates from across Turtle Island.

If you require any form of accommodation throughout the recruitment and selection procedure, please contact the Human Resources Service Centre at 1-905-525-9140 ext. 222-HR (22247).

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor „Indigenous Studies“

Department of Indigenous Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, ON/Canada

Position Summary

In keeping with its ongoing commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and to address the underrepresentation of Indigenous faculty at the University, the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University (Brantford campus) invites applications from First Nations, Métis and Inuit candidates to fill a tenure-track professional teaching appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Indigenous Studies commencing July 1, 2017, subject to budgetary approval.

This position will be a tenure-track professional teaching position (with a teaching load of six courses). Candidates should have demonstrated competence in one or more of the following areas: land and language-based pedagogies and practices, Indigenous governance, community development, and Indigenous research methodologies.

Applicants must have completed, or be close to completing, a doctoral degree (PhD), or have completed a Master’s degree and have equivalent qualifications as an Indigenous knowledge keeper and/or teaching experience in academic and other relevant (e.g. community-based activities) settings. Candidates must provide evidence of the ability to work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary and student-centered environment. The main criteria for selection are demonstrated academic and teaching excellence.

The goal of Indigenous Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University is to help students understand and critique the ways in which colonial narratives shape and control contemporary discourses about Indigenous peoples. Indigenous Studies courses require an examination of the ways in which both historical and ongoing acts of colonization galvanize Indigenous communities’ resistance, worldviews and ways of knowing. In addition to situating Indigenous knowledge within the Liberal Arts curriculum, the Indigenous Studies program at Laurier Brantford supports Indigenous students attending Wilfrid Laurier University and encourages non-Indigenous students to commit to reconciliation and decolonization.

Additional information about the Indigenous Studies program and about the WLU Office of Aboriginal Initiatives are available on the WLU website.

Applicants should submit evidence of teaching excellence (such as evaluations and a teaching dossier); a statement of teaching and research interests; full curriculum vitae; two recent publications; and the names and contact information for three referees.

Please send the application package to Dr. Vanessa Oliver, Acting Chair, Indigenous Studies, c/o Ms. Celine Taillefer-Travers, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University. Applications will be accepted until March 17, 2017.

Please Note
Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to employment equity and values diversity. We welcome applications from qualified individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. To obtain a copy of this job posting (or links referenced) in an accessible format, please contact Jessica Ryde.

Although Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority, all qualified candidates, including international candidates, are encouraged to apply. In accordance with the requirements of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Immigration Canada the successful applicant will be required to prove they are legally able to work in Canada.

Wilfrid Laurier University’s Strategic Academic Plan prioritizes building capacity in Indigenous education and commits to the Indigenization of our campuses through Indigenous programming, which it seeks to expand under the leadership of Indigenous students, faculty and staff. Applicants should self-identify through the covering letter to their application including their familial and/or community connections which position them as First Nations, Inuit or Métis people. Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to the Dean of Liberal Arts, Dr. Heidi Northwood or to the Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Initiatives, Jean Becker.

Further information on the equity policy can be found on the WLU website.