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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Bourse Gaston-Miron sur la littérature et la culture québécoises (AIEQ – CRILCQ)

Date butoir : 3 juin 2023

La Bourse d’excellence Gaston-Miron (AIEQ – CRILCQ) permet à des étudiant·es de 3e cycle universitaire à l’extérieur du Canada de faire un stage de recherche en littérature et culture québécoises au Québec.

Dates du stage

Toute l’année


Dans l’une des universités du Québec.

Montant accordé

5 000 $ CAN

Si le stage est réalisé sous la supervision d’un·e membre régulier·ère du Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises (CRILCQ), le Centre offrira un complément de bourse d’une valeur de 1 500 $.

Date butoir

3 juin 2023

Pour participer vous devez :

  • Être membre de l’AIEQ ;
  • Être inscrit·e dans un programme de 3e cycle universitaire ;
  • Prévoir de passer au moins deux mois en stage au Québec ;
  • Obtenir une assurance-maladie couvrant la durée du stage au Québec ;
  • Communiquer avec la coordination du CRILCQ ( et et avant d’effectuer son séjour de recherche ;
  • Remplir le formulaire que vous trouverez en vous connectant à votre espace membre, sous « Formulaires » disponible sur le site de l’AIEQ.
  • Joindre les documents suivants au formulaire :
    • Une preuve d’inscription à temps plein dans un programme de 3e troisième cycle universitaire à l’extérieur du Canada ;
    • Une preuve que vous demeurez à l’extérieur du Canada ;
    • Une lettre de motivation d’un maximum de 1000 mots précisant l’importance de votre séjour au Québec pour le développement de vos recherches et pour le rayonnement de la culture québécoise dans votre milieu ;
    • Deux lettres de recommandation, une de votre directeur·rice de mémoire ou de thèse, l’autre du ou de la professeur·e qui a accepté de vous superviser au Québec ;
    • Votre curriculum vitae d’un maximum de 3 pages ;
    • Votre dernier relevé de notes universitaire.

Dépôt des demandes

Pour toute question, communiquez avec Suzie Beaulieu à l’adresse : accueil[at]

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Bourse Jean-Cléo-Godin CRILCQ – AIEQ

Bourse de mobilité pour les enseignant·es du postsecondaire hors Québec

Date butoir : 10 juin 2023

Le concours de la bourse Jean-Cléo-Godin (CRILCQ – AIEQ) 2023-2024 est ouvert. Le·la stagiaire pourra être accueilli·e dans les installations du CRILCQ à l’hiver 2024, si les réglementations sanitaires le permettent.

Bourse de mobilité pour les enseignant·es du postsecondaire hors Québec

La bourse de mobilité Jean-Cléo-Godin (CRILCQ – AIEQ) permet aux enseignant·es du post­se­condaire de l’extérieur du Québec de venir au CRILCQ pour y poursuivre des recherches et profiter de l’ensemble des activités (séminaires, colloques, conférences, etc.) afin de préparer un nouveau cours portant en tout ou en partie sur la littérature et la culture québécoises.

Tout·e enseignant·e de niveau postsecondaire est admissible à l’exception des professeur·es titulaires d’un poste ou d’une chaire dans une université.

Cette bourse d’une valeur de 7 000 $ doit servir à couvrir les frais d’un séjour au Québec de trois mois.

Le séjour doit être effectué au cours de l’année universitaire suivant l’obtention de la bourse. Le·la candidat·e choisi·e sera appelé·e à participer activement aux activités et aux événements du CRILCQ, et sera sous la supervision d’un·e membre régulier·ère du CRILCQ.

Date butoir

10 juin 2023

Montant accordé

7 000 $

Pour participer vous devez :

  • être membre de l’AIEQ;
  • être un·e enseignant·e de niveau postsecondaire;
  • vous engager à effectuer un séjour au Québec de trois mois;
  • vous engager à vous tenir informer et à suivre les règles d’immigration Canada.

Présentation du dossier de candidature 

Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre les documents suivants :

  • une lettre de présentation justifiant la pertinence d’un séjour au CRILCQ (maximum de 2 pages);
  • un curriculum vitæ abrégé;
  • une description du projet de recherche (maximum de 1 page) et des séances d’enseignement envisagées (maximum de 1 page);
  • une preuve d’attribution du cours au·à la candidat·e et de son inscrip­tion dans l’offre de cours d’un établissement postsecondaire reconnu à l’extérieur du Québec.

Les candidat·es doivent faire parvenir leur dossier par courriel en un seul document PDF à la coordination du CRILCQ (bizzoni.lise[at] et annie.tanguay.1[at] et moffet.charlotte[at]

La bourse est offerte pour une durée de trois mois.

Date limite pour le dépôt des demandes : 10 juin 2023

Toutes les bourses du CRILCQ sont attribuées par un jury.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Appel à propositions pour un dossier spécial : Nouvelles Perspectives en Études Québécoises multidisciplinaires depuis l’Europe et le Reste du Globe

CFP Proposal for Special Issue

New Perspectives on Multidisciplinary Québec: Studies from Europe and Around the World

Québec Studies 77 (Spring/Summer 2024)

Deadline: April 1, 2023

„Québec studies have [. . . ] shifted or

multiplied their centers of gravity in recent

years.“ […]”(Hauser 2022, 128)

In a recent issue, Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, the journal of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien– GKS), devoted a section to the future of Canadian Studies, both English and French. This issue raises many challenges regarding the teaching of Québec studies and the training of a new generation of scholars (Mathis-Moser 2022, 142), but also about current research. Hauser, in particular, observes a new interest in migrant, women’s, and Indigenous writing, showing that the fossilization of certain subjects or concepts is fading (2022, 128).

The CRILCQ (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises) has previously worked in 2021 on the creation of a collection of new research perspectives entitled „Nouvelles études québécoises.“ The latter provides an overview of recently published works in literary, cultural and linguistic studies, but with an endogenous character that ignores or omits the international perspective. A focus on new and future directions of Québec studies abroad is still to be undertaken.

Where does research in Québec Studies come from and where is it headed? What are its new epistemological modalities? In which trends is the next generation of scholars in the field interested? Do these suggest a hard shift in focus or a multiplication of interests?

In this proposed special dossier for Québec Studies 77 (Spring/Summer 2024), guest editors Jody Danard (University of Bremen) and Manuel Sousa Oliveira (University of Porto / CETAPS) mean to try to answer some of these questions and thus contribute to the revitalization of Québec studies outside of Québec by foregrounding the ongoing and innovative research on Québec being conducted by ECRs (Early Career Researchers) from Europe and around the world. Studying Québec abroad often comes with practical challenges that inevitably shape one’s research. That Québec studies, e.g., in European universities can often only be found as a marginal research interest within French or English(-Canadian) departments and research centers (Mathis-Moser 2022, 142), suggests that this lack of resources and institutional support affects the vitality and viability of the field.

Thus, this proposed special issue aims at showcasing outstanding new research on the broad field that is Québec studies, being conducted by ECRs from outside Québec – in full cognizance of the added challenges that may come with the place and context of research. The guest editors particularly welcome article proposals from MA students, PhD students and candidates, and recent PhDs/early postdoctoral researchers on the innovative research work happening today in Europe and elsewhere. The dossier is intended to be multidisciplinary, which is why articles in political and social sciences, history, literature, culture, linguistics, geography, didactics, law or even economics can be proposed. Furthermore, the editors welcome interpretive or theoretical essays, book reviews, and interviews in all disciplines pertaining to the study of Québec. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged.

Specific topics on Québec studies may include (but are not limited to):

  • Children’s and YA literature, comics and graphic novels
  • Novels, short fiction, drama, poetry, and other literary forms
  • Film, TV, and other media – including inter-/transmedial approaches
  • SFF, horror, apocalyptic, and utopian literatures
  • Imagological readings of foreignness in Québec literature (and vice versa)
  • Transnational and migrant literatures
  • Comparative readings of Québec and other (francophone) national literatures
  • The Digital Humanities and the study of Québec
  • Francophone Indigenous literatures
  • Race and ethnicity in literary representations and the literary market
  • Gender and sexuality (incl. feminist and queer approaches)
  • Ecocriticism, ecofeminism, critical animal studies, climate fiction, and/or representations of the environment (incl. e.g. eco-anxiety)
  • Ethics and affects in culture and society
  • New perspectives in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis
  • Québec’s (normative policy) on the French language
  • School textbooks analysis, Teaching Québec studies abroad (e.g. pedagogical approaches)
  • Rereading of history, social changes and milestones of Québec (e.g., Expo 67)

Works Cited

Hauser, Claude. 2022. “Les études québécoises à l’ère du numérique et de la mondialisation: réinventer une communauté de valeurs et de pratiques.” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 72: 123-129.

Mathis-Moser, Ursula. 2022. “Aperçus divers: les études canadiennes aujourd’hui.” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 72: 139-145.

Please submit a 500-word abstract in French or English along with a brief biographical note (no more than 100 words) by April 1, 2023 to the guest editors, Jody Danard and Manuel Sousa Oliveira, at danard [at] and msoliveira [at] The proposal should be sent as a single Word file, and include “QS77 Submission” or “QS77 Soumission” in the subject line. If accepted, authors must submit full manuscripts (7000-7500 words) to the guest editors by July 1, 2023 for a first round of revisions before being submitted for blind peer review to Québec Studies. Please note that positive feedback by the guest editors to abstracts and/or full manuscripts does not guarantee that the proposal will be accepted for publication. Final approval will be given by the journal editors after submission in the Fall of 2023.

Québec Studies is the journal of the American Council for Québec Studies (ACQS) published by the Liverpool University Press. It is a high-impact journal indexed and abstracted in Scopus. Article proposals must be formatted according to the journal guidelines. More information may be found here: studies-journal/

For further inquiries, you may contact Jody Danard and Manuel Sousa Oliveira at danard [at] and msoliveira [at]

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP International Student-Doctoral Academic Conference in Canadian Studies (hybrid): Canada: A Model for Gender Equality?

Jagiellonian University – Krakow, Poland
24th-26th of May 2023

Deadline: March 25, 2023

WSMIP building on Reymonta 4 street in Krakow and on MS Teams

Conference language: English and Polish

The American Studies Academic Circle of the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora cordially invite you to the gth edition of the Canadian Cultures Festival and the student-doctoral academic conference organized within its framework, entitled „Canada: A Model for Gender Equality?“. The event will take place from the 24th to 26th of May 2023 at the Faculty of International and Political Studies premises at 4 Reymonta Street in Krakow and online on MS Teams.

In 2015, after becoming Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau made history by creating the country’s first cabinet at the federal level based on gender parity. When inquired about the origins of that decision, he simply replied “because it’s 2015″. After his reelection in 2019, he has again opted for creating a gender-balanced cabinet. But does gender parity in federal and often provincial governments reflect the equality of women in all aspects of Canadian life? At our conference, we would like to reflect on the broader issue of the position of women in Canadian society.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP NWF conference 2023 : Le Canada contesté / Contested Canada

Contested Canada: Navigating Past, Present and Future Sovereignties

John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

June 29-30, 2023

Deadline: March 15, 2023

Questions of sovereignty are at the core of the study of Canada. From Indigenous nations and their quest for the recognition of treaty rights, to Quebec nationalism, to the Prairie Provinces’ current rejection of Canadian federalism, the concept of sovereignty, or perhaps sovereignties, continues to dominate the Canadian political and cultural landscape.

Indigenous sovereignties are continually questioned and violently contested through the ongoing appropriation of Indigenous land, environmental destruction, and the imposition of Eurocentric forms of government on Indigenous nations, while outlawing traditional leadership structures. On a more individual scale, Indigenous people are disproportionately imprisoned, and Indigenous parents are more likely to be deprived of access to their children. For many Indigenous communities, clean drinking water, nutritious and/or traditional food, or sufficient access to health care are not available, a problem which is especially present in the (sub)arctic.

For their part, settlers have always been preoccupied with questions of sovereignty, from the Royal Proclamation that allowed for the dispossession of Native land to the Canadian nationalist movements which sought independence from imperial influences, as well as the Quebec referenda on sovereignty. However, the topic has recently risen to the fore of national politics again, in particular though legislation passed by Alberta and Saskatchewan which threaten the Canadian federation as a whole. Other recent developments such as the death of Queen Elizabeth II have led many to further question the future of the Canadian state in its current form. Furthermore, the so-called “Freedom Convoy,” with its opposition to vaccination mandates, the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as debates over medical assistance in dying (MAID) legislation raised questions of bodily sovereignty and personal autonomy.

For all the reasons mentioned above, sovereignty, in its various shapes and forms, appears a promising venue for the discussion of many aspects surrounding what is currently known as Canada. Therefore, we are interested in sovereignties in the broadest sense of the word and are inviting submissions (BA, MA, PhD level) from all the different disciplines involved in the field of Canadian studies (e.g. Francophone and Anglophone language, literature, culture; history; political science; sociology; geography; economics; Indigenous studies; and women’s and gender studies).

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • Alternatives to the current Canadian state
    • Alberta sovereignty- and Saskatchewan First Acts
    • Severing ties with the monarchy following the Queen’s death
    • Post/anti-colonial futures
    • Quebecois sovereignty
  • Protest Movements
    • Black Lives Matter
    • Worker’s rights and unions
    • Trucker protests and the Freedom Convoy
    • Solidarity between different communities
  • Bodily Sovereignty
    • Assisted suicide legislation in Canada
    • Access to abortion and protection of reproductive rights
    • Vaccination mandates and masking laws
    • The freedom to wear religious symbols
  • Environmental Sovereignty
    • Indigenous land defenders
    • Resource extraction such as tar sands, pipelines etc.
    • Access to (traditional) food resources and food sovereignty
    • Non-human sovereignties
  • Representations of Sovereignty in Literature
    • Indigenous imaginative production
    • Black liberation literature
    • Canadian regionalism and sovereignty
  • Historical Perspectives on Sovereignty
    • Indigenous rights
    • Treaty making
    • Imperial Canada
    • The politics of bi-lingualism
  • Canada and the Global Order
    • The war in Ukraine
    • The crisis of neoliberalism
    • COVID-19 and supply chain sovereignty

Please submit abstracts of max. 300 words and a short bio note of max. 150 words here. Submissions need to be received by March 15 and may be in English, French or German. Confirmations of acceptance will be sent out by April 15.

Please note that we will also offer an open forum for the discussion of ongoing research projects. These projects do not necessarily need to engage with the conference theme – we are open to any project in the realm of Canadian studies. We especially encourage students at the BA level to submit their projects as we intend for this to be an open and non-competitive space.

We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Please let us know in advance if you have any accessibility requirements, and we will try to accommodate them as best we can. In case you have any questions, you can contact us at

Anne van der Pas, M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin)

Lea Kröner, M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin)

Frederik Blank, B.A. (Freie Universität Berlin)