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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Race, Power, and Privilege in Academia

July 27 – 28, 2017, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

With the rise of right-wing populism in the USA and Europe and the increased attention to the vulnerability of racialized populations (in part by the activist efforts of such groups as Black Lives Matter and indigenous activism around the Dakota Access Pipeline), it is necessary to engage with questions of race and racism in our respective fields. In doing so, it is imperative that we reassess the basic epistemological categories we work with as well as our own positionality in dealing with those categories. As such, it is important that we not only direct our critical attention to the problematics of race in the USA, which very often serves as a frame of reference when talking about race, but also look at our own cultural context since German academia is part of German society.

This conference provides a platform for scholars concerned with the processes and the politics of race and racialization as they are understood in the current German research landscape. Basic questions need to be revisited and honestly assessed during the planned 2-day gathering. Among them the following will be of import: What is race as we understand it today? What are race, racism and racialization? What is power? How do we understand privilege? What is Critical Race Theory and what is Critical Whiteness Studies? What are some of the other disciplinary areas (e.g. Critical University Studies, Critical Ethnic Studies) that are connected with the theories and critical scholarship around that elusive, and yet very real, phenomenon known as race?

For the full program, please click here. See the conference poster here.


In Memoriam Brian Long

We regret to announce that the long-standing member of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) and honorary member of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS) Brian Long passed on this spring. Brian Long was instrumental in establishing the ICCS and worked tirelessly in support of Canadian Studies worldwide. For example, he helped setting up ICCS’s operating funds and received the ICCS Award of Merit in 1991. He worked for External Affairs and International Trade Canada and there is no doubt that he made a major contribution to Canadian Studies also in this function. In order to honor his achievements, the ICCS renamed its Best Doctoral Thesis Award into Brian Long Best Doctoral Thesis Award.

Bremen, July 2017,

GKS-President Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

New Publication: The English Short Story in Canada

The English Short Story in Canada: From the Dawn of Modernism to the 2013 Nobel Prize

by Reingard M. Nischik

In 2013, the Nobel Prize for Literature was for the first time awarded to a short story writer, and to a Canadian, Alice Munro. The award focused international attention on a genre that had long been thriving in Canada, particularly since the 1960s. This book traces the development and highlights of the English-language Canadian short story from the late 19th century up to the present. The history as well as the theoretical approaches to the genre are covered, with in-depth examination of exemplary stories by prominent writers such as Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro.

Print ISBN: 978-1-4766-6859-8; Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-2807-3; price: $39.95; order at the publisher

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

GKS-Fördermöglichkeiten: Deadline für Förderanträge 15. Juni 2017

Auch in diesem Jahr können Sie wieder finanzielle Zuschüsse bei der GKS beantragen. Die aktuelle Bewerbungsrunde für Publikationszuschüsse, Tagungsunterstützung und Reisekostenzuschüsse für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs endet am 15. Juni 2017.  Nähere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Voraussetzungen sowie eine Liste der benötigten Unterlagen zur Bewerbung finden Sie unter dem Reiter Fördermöglichkeiten.

Reichen Sie Ihre Anträge bis 15. Juni 2017 in der GKS-Geschäftsstelle ein.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Call for Applications: Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies (University of Bonn)

The North American Studies Program of the University of Bonn invites applications for a Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies (academic year 2017-2018)


  • MA. or PhD in Canadian Literature and Culture, Political Science, or any other discipline affiliated with the North American Studies Program (Art History, Economics, Ethnology, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Media Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Religious Studies)
  • Teaching experience

For more information, please visit:

Application deadline: July 17, 2017