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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Call for Applications: Canada 150 Research Chairs

Competition opens for new Canada 150 Research Chairs Program offering more than $117 million to attract top international research talent

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, today launched the call for applications to the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program. The Minister is inviting the world’s scientists and scholars to apply to the new program and, if successful in their applications, bring their groundbreaking work to Canada. The investment of $117.6 million honours Canada’s 150th anniversary and was announced earlier this year in Budget 2017. The Canada 150 Research Chairs Program is designed to attract 15 to 35 internationally-based researchers and scholars to Canada, including Canadian expatriates who wish to return home. These researchers and scholars will bring their knowledge and expertise to universities across the country, and will help students train to become tomorrow’s professionals: the researchers, medical professionals, engineers, entrepreneurs and teachers whose contributions help build a better Canada and grow the middle class. The chairs are set for seven-year terms at two values: $350,000 per year and $1 million per year. The recruitment of these chairs is designed to be fast and will be guided by the Government of Canada’s commitment to equity and diversity. By opening the program to researchers from all disciplines, and at all career stages, the Government of Canada wishes to attract the brightest minds that will help further Canada’s reputation as a global centre of research excellence.

Further details about the program and how to apply:

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CFP: 49th Algonquian Conference

Appel à communications-Congrès des Algonquinistes 

Oct 27 – 29, 2017 University of Montreal

Du 27 au 29 octobre 2017, l’Université de Montréal accueillera le 49e Congrès des Algonquinistes. Nous invitons toutes les personnes intéressées à soumettre des propositions en anglais, en français ou dans n’importe quelle langue algonquienne pour des communications sur tous les sujets en recherche algonquiniste. La durée des présentations sera de 20 minutes avec 10 minutes supplémentaires pour les questions. Les résumés doivent être de 300 mots maximum, excluant le titre et les références.

The 49th Algonquian Conference will take place from 27-29 October 2017 at the University of Montreal. We invite everyone interested to send proposals in English, French or any Algonquian language, for papers in all areas of Algonquian research. Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10-minute question period. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length, excluding title and references.

Further details
Deadline for submissions: Sept. 1, 2017.

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

Neue Publikation: Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada

Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada

Herausgegeben von Marin Kuester, Claire Köhling, Sylvia Langwald und Albert Rau, Band 9 der Reihe Studies in Anglophone Literatures und Cultures (Serienherausgeber Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester) 

[de] Dieser Band stellt innovative und erfolgreiche Ansätze für kanadische Studien und kanadische Literatur vor, die auf beiden Seiten des Atlantischen Ozeans entwickelt wurden. Dazu gehören Best-Practice-Beispiele, in und für Universitäten und Gymnasien entwickelt, die häufig aus Kooperationsprojekten zwischen verschiedenen Ebenen der sekundären und tertiären Bildung entstanden sind. Die Themen der Beiträge sind so weit gestreut wie die Interessen der internationalen Kanada-Freunde: von Mordgeheimnissen bis hin zur Aufführung des kanadischen Dramas, über die kanadische und Québecer Sprache(n), Literatur, Musik, Politik und Geschichte bis zu „exotischen“ Themen wie Lebensmittel-Studien. [de/]

[en] This volume shows cases innovative and successful approaches to Canadian Studies and Canadian Literature developed on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. They include best-practice examples developed in and for universities and high schools, often evolved from cooperative projects between different levels of secondary and tertiary education. The topics of the contributions range as widely as the interests of the international community of Canadianists do: from murder mysteries to the performance of Canadian drama, from Canadian and Québécois language(s), literature(s), music, politics and history to “exotic” themes such as food studies. [en/]

Preis: 24,80 € bestellbar beim Verlag Wissner

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP for Panel at NeMLA 2018

„Representing ‘Frenchness’ in Anglophone TV Series, Cinema, Songs and Literature“

NEMLA 2018, April 12-15, 2018, Pittsburg, PA, USA

This panel proposes to examine the various ways in which French and Francophone identities from France, Quebec and other French-Speaking countries, are represented in Anglophone cultural productions such as feature-length films, TV series, and songs, but also in literature of all genres (novel, poetry, non-fiction). Throughout the centuries, stereotypes and symbols about French and Francophone cultures have developed and travelled around the Anglophone world (the United States, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) and shaped the way Anglophones on a global scale perceive Francophones. In advertisements, for instance, concepts such as fashion, luxury products, intellectualism and haute cuisine often emerge as commonly shared representations of ‘Frenchness.’ What images and symbols of ‘Frenchness’ do France and French-speaking people project to the Anglophone world today? Or, we could also ask ourselves how do Anglophones perceive and interpret ‘Frenchness’? […] In our global world, instant access to authentic French and Francophone audiovisual (pop) cultural productions such as songs, films, or TV series via the Internet is easy and mostly free to anyone around the world. Yet, ‘Frenchness’, as represented in Anglophone literary, visual or musical cultural productions sometimes contrasts with or at least differs from the reality of today’s French-speaking societies.

See the full CfP here.

Deadline for submissions: Sept. 30, 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies

Exploring Canada: Exploits & Encounters, Akureyri, Iceland, Wed 8 – Sat 11 August 2018

In collaboration with the Stefansson Arctic Institute, and the University of Akureyri, the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies invites submissions for papers or posters for the twelfth Nordic international, cross-disciplinary Canadian Studies conference, to be held in Akureyri, Iceland, in August 2018. The theme of the conference – ‘Exploring Canada’ may be taken literally or metaphorically and invites especially, but not exclusively, contributions in the following fields: history / political science / literature & the arts / aboriginal affairs / Arctic & other regional studies / human & cultural geography / biography

For submission details, please check their Call for Papers.

Deadline for submissions: Oct 31, 2017.