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Call for Papers

CfP: KANADA KONCRETE: Verbi-Voco-Visual Poetries in the Multimedia Age

The Canadian Literature Symposium, Department of English, University of Ottawa, May 4-6, 2018

Arguably, there have never been more opportunities for poetry to live ‘off the page.’ Over the last 20 years, the radical proliferation and expansion of online social media, media-sharing sites, web-based archives, blogs, vlogs, institutional web-pages and the like have made archiving, accessing, and distributing poetry easier than ever before. The multi-media possibilities of the web, the optic flexibility of digital books, the ability to record image and sound cheaply and share that material quickly and widely over a variety of platforms, have drastically undermined poets’ dependence on the page and print-based forms of distribution. One needn’t be a technological determinist to acknowledge that something has changed in the manner we encounter ‘poetry.’ To what extent, though, have these technological changes transformed the forms and functions of poetry as such? Have they, for instance, finally produced the necessary conditions for truly ‘verbi-voco-visual’ work, a one-time dream of the modernist avant-garde?  Have multimedia forms of poetry displaced more traditional forms and formats, or do they operate alongside print journals and books—mere addenda to an essentially unchanged institutionalized discourse? How has Canadian poetry, in particular, exploited (or perhaps ignored) the available material supports for innovations in form, format, and dissemination?  Kanada Koncrete will explore these questions over three days, May 4-6, 2018.

For the full CfP:

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sept. 25, 2017

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

2018-2019 Fellowship Competition, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is accepting applications for their 9-month residential fellowships offered for the 2018-2019 year.

Applicants from any country are welcome to apply (applicants from outside the United States must be able to obtain a J-1 visa). Fellows conduct research and write in their areas of expertise, while interacting with policymakers in Washington and Wilson Center staff. The Center accepts non-advocacy, policy-relevant, fellowship proposals that address key policy challenges facing the United States and the world. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2017. The Wilson Center consists of over 20 programs, each focusing on a specific region or topic that is critical to United States and/or international policy. These programs include among others the Canada Institute, Cold War International History Project, Digital Futures Project, Environmental Change and Security Program, Global Europe Program, Global Sustainability and Resilience Program, History and Public Policy Program, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, Latin American Program, Mexico Institute, Polar Initiative, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Urban Sustainability Laboratory, Women in Public Service Project.

For further information on Fellowship opportunities at the Wilson Center, please visit their Fellowship page.

Deadline for Applications: Oct. 1, 2017

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Weatherhead Center for International Affairs: William Lyon Mackenzie King Postdoctoral Fellow

Havard University, Massachussets, United States

The Canada Program at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs invites applications for the William Lyon Mackenzie King Postdoctoral Fellowships. Two fellows will be appointed for the 2018–2019 academic year, with the possibility of extending for one additional year—conditional on the approval of the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, WCFIA associated faculty, and the co-hosting academic department. The fellowships are open to scholars in all disciplines who are engaged in US-Canada comparative research and teaching, with preference given to individuals working within the social sciences and humanities. For postdoctoral candidates who will have completed the PhD within twelve months of the July 1, 2018, start date, verification of completion of the degree will be required prior to the appointment. Those in possession of a PhD for more than five years are ineligible.
Further information:

Application deadline: Oct. 20, 2017.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Organizers: Fieldwork: Excavations and Exchanges in Drama, Dance, Theatre, and Performance Studies

Call for Organizers of Working Groups, Curated Panels, Seminars, Workshops, and Praxis Events

Canadian Association for Theatre Research / L’association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale (CATR/ACRT), Isabel Bader Centre for Performing Arts, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Tuesday 29 May – Friday 1 June 2018

Citing the famed televised boxing „scene“ in 2012 between future Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Senator Patrick Brazeau in their groundbreaking book Performance Studies in Canada, Laura Levin and Marlis Schweitzer articulate the emerging relationships between theatre studies and performance studies in Canada not only as distinct from the US and the UK, but also as fields of contest with one another. Listing recent Canadian conferences and postsecondary programs that focus on performance studies topics, they assert that it is a „false dichotomy that positions theatre studies in opposition to performance studies,“ one that is „unproductive“ (15). Viewed in various ways, we might imagine these fields as invitations for conversation among „strangers,“ in the sense of Barry Freeman’s recent consideration of globalization on Canadian stages; as merging in Heather Davis-Fisch’s recent examination of „performance histories“ in Canadian Performance Histories and Historiographies; or as when Jill Carter describes „Indigenous templates“ „maintaining balance, arriving at consensus, avoiding conflict, and fulfilling responsibility for the good of all“ (2). In 2015 ‚The Other D: Locating Dance in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies‘ conference hosted North American and international scholars who questioned the place of dance within theatre and performance studies in Canada. In other words, the meeting and confluence of fields in our scholarship and art can be made into sites of empowerment and further understanding.

CATR2018 seeks discussion that is cognizant of breaking down fortifications that separate fields, methodologies, and perspectives related to theatre studies, performance studies, dance studies, and dramatic literature. And we ask: How can we excavate aspects of conversation, contestation, confluence, and exchange from the work we do in our fields?

A hybrid site of human activity for 9000 years, the land that is now Kingston has been stewarded by Wendat, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and Ojibwa (Mississauga) peoples. Located at the junction of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River on the resource-rich Canadian shield, upon European contact „Kingston“ became a strategic shipping port and military outpost, first for the French and then the British, adjacent to the United States. Garrison theatricals became an integral part of the town’s life and Fort Henry became one of the area’s most recognizable buildings following the War of 1812. The college that became Queen’s University was built in 1841.

We invite proposals for working groups, curated panels, seminars, roundtables, praxis workshops, and performances from scholars, artists, and scholar-practitioners. As always, CATR encourages all voices, including underrepresented or marginalized perspectives. We welcome a range of research subjects and approaches. Graduate students who have not yet presented at a major national conference are encouraged to submit. We encourage proposals focusing on the conference theme, but proposals that depart from the theme will also be considered. All accepted presenters and participants are required to join CATR. For more information on CATR, now in its 41st year, and to join or to renew your membership please visit

Please note: the calls below are for curated events only. A separate open call for papers will be circulated in early October.

For the full Call for Organizers here:

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sept. 30, 2017


aktuelle Stellenausschreibung

Am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald ist eine halbe Stelle als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in ausgeschrieben, die auch für Wissenschaftler/innen der Kanada-Studien interessant ist.

Die vollständige Ausschreibung steht Ihnen hier zum Download bereit.

Bewerbungsfrist ist der 15. August 2017.