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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Laurier Archives Travel Award

Applications are currently being accepted for the Joan Mitchell Travel Grant at the Laurier Archives, Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.  The travel grant will support a graduate student or established scholar who wishes to travel to the Laurier Archives to conduct research. 

Laurier Archives collects in three main areas: The history of the Lutheran Church in Canada; the environmental conservation movement in Canada; and Canadian music. The collection includes the records of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. It includes records of German, Finnish, Estonian and English congregations from across Eastern Canada going back to the early 19th century. In addition, the collection contains the correspondence of C.H. Little documenting his life as a Lutheran, teacher, minister and father during the first half of the 20th century in Waterloo, ON.

In our environment conservation collection, records of the Canadian Arctic Resources Committee document many of the major environmental issues facing Canada’s north. It contains series documeting pipelines, (including the McKenzie Valley Pipeline; the Alaska Highway Pipeline; the Foothills Pipeline); hydro-electric projects in the Hudson Bay area; interviews with Indigenous leaders about the effects of large scale dams; marine conservation, national parks; Northern communities and Indigenous peoples. The Ken Hewitt fonds document hydrological research in the Himalayas. Also check out the records of the Canadian Water Resources Association; the Canadian Environmental Law Association; the Canadian Biosphere Reserve Association; and geographer George Francis.

Finally, the Laurier Archives has acquired a number of new collections documeting Canadian music, including the papers of contralto Maureen Forrester, composer Alfred Kunz, and the new music society NUMUS.

The application deadline is: Dec. 1, 2017.

Aktuelles Neuerscheinungen

Neue Publikation

Emotions, Remembering and Feeling Better: Dealing with the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement in Canada

by Anne-Marie Reynaud

As the largest class action suit in Canadian history, the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (2007-2015) had a great impact on the lives of Aboriginal survivors across Canada. In a rare account exploring survivor perspectives, Anne-Marie Reynaud considers the settlement’s reconciliatory aspiration in conjunction with the local reality for the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nations in Quebec. Drawing from anthropological fieldwork, this carefully crafted book weaves survivor experiences of the financial compensations and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission together with current theorizing on emotions, memory, trauma and transitional justice.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lecture Series Canada 150 an der Universität Rostock

Aus Anlass des 150. Jubiläums der kanadischen Konföderation findet an der Universität Rostock, organisiert vom Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, eine „Canada 150“ Ringvorlesung satt. Die Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester sind jeweils freitags von 11.15-12.45 Uhr im Universitätshauptgebäude am Universitätsplatz, HS 218. Die 14-teilige Reihe umfasst Themen aus allen Forschungsbereichen der Kanada-Studien und bringt Experten aus dem In- und Ausland nach Rostock. Den Anfang macht Dagmara Drewniak (Poznan) am 20. Oktober mit einem Vortrag „Polish and Central European diasporic Literature in Canada“. Am 27. Oktober spricht Konrad Groß (Kiel) zum Thema “A Whiff of Canada: A Culinary Tour Through Canadian History and Literature”.

Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Appel à contributions: Collection Études Canadiennes

La collection « Études canadiennes » de l’éditeur académique international Peter Lang est à la recherche de manuscrits originaux qui analysent les multiples facettes de la réalité canadienne ou québécoise dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Elle accueille des travaux (monographies, ouvrages collectifs, actes de colloques …) en français et en anglais sur tous les thèmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales qui ont pour objet principal le Canada ou le Québec dans leur acception la plus large mais elle met également l’accent sur les travaux comparatistes. L’une des principales originalités de la collection est aussi de publier le fruit des nombreuses recherches menées à l’extérieur du Canada. Les auteurs intéressés à publier dans la collection sont invités à envoyer leur manuscrit terminé ou une présentation détaillée de leur projet en cours à ou directement au directeur de la collection, Serge Jaumain (


Aktuelles Call for Papers

CfP: 2018 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference

The Departments of English and Theatre, History and Classics, Politics, and Sociology of Acadia University invite proposals the 2018 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, to be held at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada on May 4-6, 2018.

For several decades now, scholars have been attuned to Atlantic Canada’s place in the Atlantic World, and this water-based framework can be extended downward into local economic, social, and cultural networks in the region. Rivers, straits, and bays were the transportation infrastructure of the region, well into the 20th Century. Did these networks and influences survive the triumph of land-based transportation?

Themes and ideas that this conference addresses include: Indigenous narratives; Naming and claiming space; Linguistic and cultural expression; Literary and visual arts; Social capital networks within and across regions; Political literacy and public opinion; Immigration and outmigration; Demographics; Gender and generations.

See the full CfP here.

The deadline for submission of proposals is Nov. 10, 2017.